第一部分    阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Carol: I started playing the cello(大提琴)when I was about eight or nine.两种悲剧歌词 It was great playing the cello because I was in youth orchestras and we went abroad to do tours. But anyway, when I got to university, I stopped playing. Well, there just wasn’t time and there w
ere so many other things to do. Luckily, I took it up after my 25th birthday and joined a band.
Daniel: When I was little, I thought I'd end up learning the guitar like my father, but then I decided that I wanted to have my own instrument, so I chose the trumpet(小号). Im in the school jazz band and I'd like to be a musician when I grow up, but my dad says it’s difficult to make a living from music. But I don't want to be a lawyer like him. It’s so boring.
Carmen: Nobody likes living near someone like me because when I practice, I make a lot of noise! But you have to keep practicing, don't you? Otherwise it gets more and more difficult. The trouble is, in the summer, when it’s hot, I have to open the windows, so the whole street gets to hear it if I'm not careful. I love playing the drums and I play in a fantastic band.
Vince: I’ve played the guitar for as long as I can remember, but when I was trying to make it as a musician after school, I used to play in the Underground in London to make a bit of extra money. I kept on playing, but I ran a restaurant to make a living. When I get
any spare time I still play. I’ve got a few friends who like music too and we have formed a band.
1. Why did Carol once give up playing the cello?
A. She couldn’t go abroad to play.                    B. She turned to other instruments.
张博个人资料C. She found it boring to play it all day.                D. She couldn’t spare any time to play it.
2. What do we know about Daniel?
A. He plays the trumpet in the school band.            B. He is good at playing the guitar.
音乐让我说C. His father pushes him to be a lawyer.                D. His father gives him a lot of help.
3. What is the trouble that Carmen is facing?
A. She cannot play well in public.
B. Playing the drums bothers others.
相亲相爱一家人歌谱C. The street is so noisy in the summer.
D. It’s hard to keep practicing in the summer.
4. Why did Vince start restaurant business?
A. To make a living.                                B. To form a band.
C. To make friends.                                D. To share music.
Winslow Homer was a famous American painter. Since Art History class in college, I had always admired his works and I was lucky to see a large exhibition of his works when I was in my early 30s.It was at this event that I bought a print of his painting, “Snap the Whip”. It always hung in my classroom until I retired from teaching.
I thought it truly captured the freedom and fun of childhood. In the painting, a group of young boys are playing a game arm in arm on grass ground in front of a farm house. The
y are jumping and laughing wildly with great joy. One of the boys is falling down to the ground. They are not even wearing shoes!
During my last year of teaching, there was a young woman in her first year of teaching right next door to me and we got to be good friends. She had been an art student before taking up education. Her eyes were drawn immediately to this print when she entered my room. So on my last day of teaching, after the students had left, I took the painting off the wall and walked next door and gave it to her.
She was really surprised, but very glad to have it. I was delighted that she liked it and all the students she would have would treasure it as much as I had. We found the perfect place for it on one of her walls and hung it together. I was happy that she brought back this wonderful memory for me.
5. Why did the author admire the painting “Snap the Whip” so much?
A. He had a deep love for children and students.
B. It was bought from a famous American painter.
C. It had also drawn the attention of the young woman.
D. He appreciated the freedom and fun in the painting.
6. What is the painting about?
A. The nature of children.                        B. Homeless children.
C. Hard-working farmers.                        D. The pleasure of working.
7. What does the underlined word “captured” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. Caught.                B. Controlled.            C. Recognized.        D. Influenced.
8. How did the author feel when seeing the painting hung in the woman’s room?
A. Regretful.            B. Painful.            C. Pleased.            D. Proud.
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