Balabala Little Devil
Xiaolan returned to the world, came to Ling's house and knocked on the door, Mrs. Ling opened the door and said: "Xiaolan, you are back, these two sisters are looking forward to your return every day!" Xiaolan smiled. Mrs. Ling continued, "They will definitely die happy. At this time, Ling Meiqi and Ling Meixue came back, and when they saw Xiaolan, they threw themselves into Xiaolan's arms and said, "Sister Xiaolan, we want to kill you." ”
小提琴之王Mrs. Ling said, "Don't bring your little blue sister to your new room yet. Ling Meiqi and Ling Meixue listened to their mother's words and immediately dragged Xiaolan to their new room. Xiao Lan was surprised as soon as he entered the door, "How is this room like a magic fairy castle?" Xiaolan said. Our two sisters missed the Magic Castle so much that they dressed up the room to look like the Magic Castle. By the way, Little Sister Lan, do you have any tasks for coming to the human world this time? Meggie said.
"The Ancient Nara is about to resurrect the Queen and call me to the human world to protect you and find the God of Light." Xiaolan said a little tiredly. "Who is the God of Light?
" Miyuki asked. "I'm so tired today I'll tell you next time!"
囚鸟 彭羚小蓝回到人间,来到凌家敲了敲门,凌太太打开门说:“小蓝你回来了,这俩妹天天盼着你回来呢!”小蓝笑了笑。凌太太接着说:“她俩肯定会高兴死的。”这时,凌美琪和凌美雪回来,一看到小蓝,扑到小蓝的怀里说“小蓝,我们想死你了。”days of summer>fivehundredmiles