本试卷共10页,满分120 分。考试用时100分钟。
Sponsor Teen Ink's future magazines for any specific school or region that is important to you and bring your message to a large audience of students, parents and teachers. We will print your name on the cover of each issue every month.
Call (617)964-6800 for details and cost.
How school sponsorship works:
•You select the schools—as many as you want—to receive future Teen Ink magazines.
•Your company's name will appear on the cover of every monthly issue for the schools you sponsor.
•Your total cost for a full year is only $195 per school for 30 copies a month—that's 300 copies per school year.
Advantages for your organization:
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• Your message reaches    a large audience of students, parents and teachers, which tells them you care about teens, their voices and their education.
•We contact the schools explaining your sponsorship and your support of teens in the community.
等待的人• We ship the magazines directly to the schools. There is no extra work or expense for you.
•You will be working with an organization that has 14-year experience with teens, schools and educators.
Advantages for the students you sponsor:
•Teens are connected with their peers nationwide at a place that is specifically theirs. Students have the opportunity to submit their work for publishing in our magazine, book series and website.
•Students gain important reading, writing and communication skills necessary for success in school and the workplace.
1. What will motivate a company to sponsor Teen Ink?
A. High profit.
B. Zero cost.
C. Public reputation.
D. Specific magazines.
2. What benefit can the sponsored students get?
A. More attention from the public.
B. Greater access to big companies.
C. A good price for the magazines.
D. A chance to publish their works.
3. Who is the text intended for?
A. Experienced teachers.
B. Potential sponsors.
C. Brilliant students.
D. Devoted parents.
Most teenagers kill time playing video games, or surfing TikTok. Not William Gadoury, a 14-year-old from Matha, Quebec. William Gadoury has been crazy about the Mayans for most of his childhood, ever since his grandparents bought
him books about the civilization. What started as a hobby at age 12 snowballed into serious research, and he theorized that the locations of Mayan cities might correspond to stars in Mayan constellations(星座).
Using ancient books, Gadoury analyzed 22 Mayan constellation maps and covered the positions onto Google Earth images of the Yucatan Peninsula, which to this day is home to large local populations and some best-preserved architecture from Mayan culture. He would track the constellations from Google Earth using special sheets, covering them onto the position of Mayan cities on a paper map. The teen was able to show that 117 Mayan cities matched up with the position of the stars, with the brightest stars representing bigger cities.
But when Gadoury was working on the 23rd Mayan constellation, he found a conflict: three stars, but only two ancient cities on Google Earth. The third star pointed to a location on the Mexico-Belize border. However, the area was covered with thick jungle, leaving Gadoury stuck.
Luckily, he asked NASA for images from their RADARSAT-2 satellite. Indeed, there was a square, man-made-looking structure in the heavy forest. Gadoury then learned a fire had swept across the region, thinning out the grass cover. He found images from the agency, and eventually concluded that there was indeed a city there.
Gadoury's findings eventually took him into the jungle in 2022 to search on foot, along with scientist Francisco Bell. The team discovered a farming village deep in the Mexican jungle, w hich showed the “backbone” of the Maya's long-term success, which was down to their ability to work the land and support large cities.
4. What is Gadoury's finding mainly about?
A. The villages in the Mexican jungle.
B. The images from NASA satellites.
C. The origins of Mayan culture.
D. The locations of Mayan cities.
5. How did Gadoury carry out his research according to Paragraph 2?
A. By tracking the best-preserved building on maps.
B. By analyzing 117 Mayan cities in ancient books.
C. By checking star maps against satellite images.
D. By updating the Google Earth on the Internet.
6. What made it difficult for Gadoury to find the third city of the 23rd Mayan stars?
A. A thick forest.
B. A forest fire.
C. Fund shortage.
D. Bad weather.
7. Which of the following best describes Gadoury?
A. Cheerful.
B. Intelligent.
C. Ambitious.
D. Sympathetic.
Imagine a new smartphone product. It works the same as any other smartphone, but when dropped, those cracks that appear after an annoying fall slowly begin to fade away, and the phone magically repairs itself、A team of researchers led by chemistry professor Takuzo Aida have found a way to create self-repairing plastics that can be used in smartphones, cars and other products. But their new plastics won't only be used to create unbreakable products, but also help the fight against growing wastes harming the planet.
91% of plastic is non-recyclable and filling Earth with waste. The increasing plastic in landfills is a growing concern due to its negative environmental impact. In 2019 about only9% of plastics were recycled globally, leading Japanese scientists to seek to find plastic that can start its own formation or self-repair.
The self-repairing plastics are made by adding a tiny amount of a specialized substance into ordinary plastic to hold the monomers(单体) together by hydrogen bonds(氢键). When the new plastic is broken down by heat, instead of
burning to waste, the hydrogen bonds mix and allow for the formation of special shaped monomers to create a foundation for more monomers to layer on and rebuild itself. The team found that their self-healing plastic was able to automatically repair at room temperature over an hour to regain its durability. The team's work suggests great prospects for the future of plastic. “The technique could lead to the development of a made-to-last plastic that does not need to be recycled,” lead professor Aida said at the conference, “and can one day be in products from smartphones to cars and even buildings.”
8. What is the special feature of the new plastics?
忘情酒A. Hard to break.
B. Cheap to produce.
C. Good to health.
D. Easy to recycle.
9. What drove scientists to search for the new plastics?
A. Global warming.
B. Industrial needs.
C. Economic crisis.
D. Green awareness.
10. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the new plastic?
A. Its social effect.
B. Its main function.
C. Its working principle.
D. Its economic value.
11. What is Aida's attitude towards the new plastic?
A. Doubtful.
B. Favorable.
C. Disapproving.
D. Unconcerned.
Radiocarbon dating has revealed two fake(伪造的) paintings in France—probably the first time the technique has been used in a police investigation. The paintings were supposedly works from around the early twentieth century. But a team led by scientist Lucile Beck at the University of Paris-
Saclay dated them to sometime within the past 70 years.
The use of radiocarbon dating is gaining popularity, thanks to advances that require smaller samples than ever before. Removing tinier samples from artwork is becoming more palatable to museums and owners of paintings. If