I killed Sirius Black!  我杀了小天狼星·布莱克
He's back.  他回来了
The police are continuing with   警方仍在调查
into the cause of the millennium bridge disaster.  伦敦千禧桥坍塌的原因
Traffic has been halted as police search for survivors.  为搜救生还者  交通被迫中断
The surrounding area remains closed.  附近地区均已戒严
The mayor has urged londoners to   市长希望伦敦市民保持冷静
马尔福夫人与儿子离开法庭  声名狼藉
新房客  阿兹卡班的
"Harry Potter."  哈利·波特
Who's Harry Potter?  哈利·波特是谁
Oh, no one.  没谁
Bit of a tosser, really.  某个二货吧
Funny, that paper of yours.  你的报纸很好玩
Couple nights ago  我发誓
I could've sworn I saw a picture move.  几天前  我看那图片动了
- Really? - Thought I was going around the twist.  -是吗  -我估计是我神经错乱了
- Hey, I - Eleven. That's when I get off.  -我想问...  -11点  我下班
You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter.  给我讲讲那个二货哈利·波特爆奶门全图
You've been reckless this summer, Harry.  今年夏天你有点鲁莽  哈利
I like riding around on trains.  我喜欢坐火车到处转转
Takes my mind off things.  那能让我的头脑清静
宝贝 对不起
Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it?  样子挺吓人吧
The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself.  背后的故事也挺刺激
But now is not the time to tell it.  不过以后再给你讲
Take my arm.  抓住我的胳膊
Do as I say.  照我说的做红娘子片尾曲>爱情买卖dj
I just apparated, didn't i?  我刚刚幻影移形了吗
Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add.  没错  而且我得说  你适应得很好
Most people vomit the first time.  大多数人第一次幻影移形都会吐的
I can't imagine why.  怎么可能吐
Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton.  欢迎来到迷人的巴德莱·巴伯顿村
Harry, I assume, right about now, you're wondering why I brought you here.  哈利  你一定在想我为什么带你来这
Am I right?  对吗
Actually, sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.  说实话  这些年我已经习惯一头雾水了
Wands out, Harry.  掏出魔杖  哈利
Horace?  霍拉斯
Horace?  霍拉斯
Horace?  救世之星
Merlin's beard!  梅林的胡子
No need to disfigure me, Albus.  没必要拆穿我啦  阿不思
Well, I must say you make a very convincing armchair, Horace.  你这扶手椅装得相当成功  霍拉斯
It's all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally.  外套是就地取材  我身材本来就有料
What gave me away?  我哪露馅了
Dragon's blood.  龙血
- Oh. - Oh, yes, introductions.  -怪不得  -对了  来给你介绍下
Harry, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague   哈利  这是我的老朋友  也是老同事
Horace Slughorn.  霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩
Well, you know who this is.  你肯定认识他吧
Harry Potter.  哈利·波特
What's with all the theatrics, Horace?  弄成这样是干什么  霍拉斯
You weren't, by any chance, waiting for someone else, were you?  你该不会是在等别人吧
Someone else? I'm sure I don't know what you mean.  别人  你在说什么啊
All right. The death eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year.  好吧 这一年来食死徒一直想招揽我
Do you know what that's like?  你知道那是什么感觉吗
You can only say no so many times,  我不能总拒绝他们
So I never stay anywhere more than a week.  只好每星期都换个地方住
Muggles who own this are in the Canary Islands.  住这的麻瓜去了加那利岛
Well, I think we should put it back in order for them, don't you mind?  咱们最好把东西恢复
That was fun.  真好玩
- Do you mind if I use the loo? - No, of course.  -我能用下洗手间吗  -当然
Don't think I don't know why you're here, Albus.  别以为我不知道你来干嘛  阿不思
The answer's still no.  我就是不去
火花高耀太Absolutely and unequivocally, no.  无论如何  毫不含糊  不去
You're very like your father.  你长得很像你父亲
Except for the eyes. you   除了眼睛  你眼睛更像你...
My mother's eyes. Yeah.  像我妈妈  我知道
Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother.  莉莉  可爱的莉莉  你妈妈非常聪明
Even more impressive when one considers she was muggle-born.  加上她是麻瓜出身  就更厉害了
失恋33天 歌曲One of my best friends is muggle-born.  我有个好朋友就是麻瓜出身
Best in our year.  我们这届最棒的
Please don't think I'm prejudiced. No, no.  千万别觉得我有偏见
Your mother was one of my absolute favorites.  你妈妈是我最喜欢的学生
Look, there she is. Right at the front.  那个就是她  最前边的
All mine. Each and every one.  这些人都是我的学生
Ex-students, I mean.  以前的学生
You recognize Barnabas Cuffe, editor of the Daily Prophet.  那是巴拿巴斯·古费  预言家日报主编
Always takes my owl  我想表达下自己的观点
should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day.  就给他送个信  准能登报
Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies.  格韦诺格·琼斯  霍利黑德队队长
Free tickets whenever I want them.  随时可以给我免费的票
Of course, I haven't been to a match in some time.  当然  我好久没去看过了
Ah, yes.  啊  这张
Regulus Black.  雷古拉斯·布莱克
You no doubt know of his older brother Sirius. died a few weeks ago.  你肯定知道他弟弟小天狼星几周前死了吧
I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius.  我教过布莱克一家  除了小天狼星
It's a shame. Talented boy.  令人惋惜啊  他确实很有天赋
I got Regulus when he came along of course.  雷古拉斯我收下了