1. There has been a very serious decline in the numbers of shallow-water fish as a result of overfishing. People still want to eat fish, so the fishing industry must look at other sources, especially the deep waters of the Atlantic.    1
Conservation measures will have to be put in place if these deep-sea fish are to survive. Research on five such species shows that numbers have declined by between 87 percent and 98 percent.    2    Many species could well disappear completely if the present trend continues. These are species that have been swimming in our oceans for hundreds of millions of years.
The problem is emphasized by the fact that the decline in numbers happened in less than twenty years. Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years.    3    The average size of such fish also declined, with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size. This is of particular concern, as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.
4    The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding (快速繁殖) fish like sardine and herring. It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.
The damage done by overfishing goes beyond the sea environment. Millions of people make a living in the fishing industry.    5    Measures must be taken to not only conserve ecosystems, but also sustain livelihoods and ensure food security. A.Billions of people rely on fish for protein.如果我真的爱过你
B.Many people now choose not to eat deep-sea fish.
C.Unfortunately, their reproduction rate is very low.
D.This puts them in the category of “critically endangered”.
E.None of these facts has been taken into account by the fishing industry. F.Overfishing is a major cause of decline in populations of ocean wildlife.
陈翔演的电视剧G.This has resulted in a sharp decline in the numbers of many of the species caught.
2. Elephant lover Sun Xiao wrote a children’s book S amburu, I’m Back, which is a way for Sun to explain knowledge about the elephants themselves. The book was published last year and became bestsellers.    1    Most of them were mothers, saying that their children cried and were moved by the emotional bond between the baby elephants and their mother.
Sun says he has loved animals since childhood.    2    He watched, shocked, as an adult elephant from a circus stood stock still, seemingly ignoring the pain,as its keeper beat it again and again with a stick after they had finished their performance. From then on, Sun made up his mind to help the poor animals.
3    Besides, he tried to raise public awareness about the urgent need to protect them from the poachers (偷猎者). He adopted all kinds of methods, such as posting hundreds of articles he wrote on social websites, sharing photos he took of elephants and writing children’s storybooks featuring elephants.
Sun is a witness to the story told in his book Samburu, I ‘m Back. He was, at the time, in Kenya working for Save the Elephants, a UK- registered charity based in Nairobi. In Kenya, he and his peers found two baby elephants heading toward the dangerous area where their mother was killed.    4    Finally, they had to use a tranquilizer (镇静剂) gun and transport them to an elephant shelter.
Sun stayed in Kenya with the STE for three months to watch elephants closely for his research.    5    He says that a good elephant watcher can remember the names of hundreds of elephants and will recognize each of them on sight. As long as they know which is which, they are able to understand the interactions and relations between different groups.
A.Sun has devoted himself to help elephants.
B.Sun even created a blind elephant in the story.
C.They tried to change their course but failed many times.
D.Every day he would go to the wild to observe the elephants.
E.His connection with elephants started on a late night in 2011.
F.It’s a long-term project and a lifelong career he will never quit.
G.Sun has received a great deal of positive feedback from his readers.
3. The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat that has got a foxlike head and ears with large wings. Therefore,    1    .
2    . They hang themselves by their toes when at rest ,and travel in great crowds when out flying. As often, the group will live in one spot for years. Sometimes hundreds of them sleep in a single tree.
Flying foxes have babies once a year.    3    . At first the mother has to carry the baby on her breast
台北探雨wherever she goes. Later she leaves it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat.
4    .  The baby falls down to the ground and call for help. Then the older ones flew down and try to pick it up. If they fail to do so,
5    . Often hundreds of dead baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of a tree.
A.The flying fox gives birth to only one at a time
B.Sometimes a baby bat is in danger
C.it is called a flying fox
D.They will be eaten by the man
E.Flying foxes live and go out all together
F.Flying foxes are stupid
G.the baby will die
4. Like all mammals, whales need to sleep in order to survive. But they are also air breathers, meaning that they cannot sleep in the water all the time. There are around 90 different types of whale, which can hold their breath for about an hour, depending on the species. However, they usually travel up to the surface to breathe every 15
minutes.    1
Some scientists have found that whales cannot become fully unconscious or they would drown. To deal with living in the water full-time while having to breathe air, these air-breathers have evolved into voluntary ones, as a way to prevent accidentally breathing in water at inopportune moments.    2    Therefore, they have to be awake and alert at all times to prevent themselves from drowning.
Whales have some of the largest brains on the planet.    3    They can actively decide which part of their brains to use at a given time. This particular way of sleeping can be seen most clearly in captive (圈养的) whales. When whales are sleeping, they can be seen keeping one eye closed while the other remains open.
4    Some species, like sperm whales, enter a deeper sleep where they hang in groups, vertically, not too far below the surface for just over an hour. Other species, such as the humpback whales, ha
ve been observed resting motionless at the surface of the water for only 30 minutes.
5    And, killer whales, which are very socially complex, never swim too far from the other members of their pod, sleeping in close groups. A.So how exactly do they get any sleep?
吴建豪演过的电视剧B.They continue to swim slowly and regularly.
其实都没有 杨宗纬C.They won’t lose their body temperature by staying still.
D.It’s an interesting dilemma for wholly ocean air breathers.
E.This sleeping technique varies slightly among species, however.
F.Whales consciously control their blowholes with powerful muscles.
G.Sperm whales in particular have the biggest brain of any living mammal.
5. Searching for a new cat to add to your family? If your home already has a cat, you may wonder how your cat will welcome a new partner.    1    Continue reading for tips on how to do that.
Your existing cat’s needs come first.    2    Does your cat prefer female cats over male cats? If he/ sh
e enjoys the company of female cats, adopting a female cat can help. If you adopt a young kitten as a companion for your older cat, it can work well as kittens get along with a cat of any age.
Shower your existing cat with extra attention. Cats can be territorial when it comes to their space; the same can be true for their owners as well.    3    Giving your cat more hugs and care during the introduction of a new cat can help ease his/ her bad feeling. This also helps your cat accept and trust the new one more quickly.
4    When you bring your new cat home, it’s best to keep the cats in different rooms. This way they won’t try to defend their territory. Each should have their own space with bowls and cat furnitu re so he/ she don’t feel the need to compete. And do spend time with the new cat as he/ she can also be stressed in a new environment.
Introduce the new cat slowly. Your cats will have the chance to get used to each other’s smell through the door. When the y seem interested in meeting, you can bring one into the other’s territory.    5    If you notice either of the cats getting uncomfortable, separate them.
A.Separate the cats initially.
B.Make sure your cat feels at home.
C.Do this at least a few days after the new cat arrives.
D.Think about your existing cat’s personality and habits.
E.Your cat can get envious of a newcomer easily if feeling ignored.
F.Give both cats a special treat when they first meet to encourage peace.
G.There is a process to make the change less stressful for both you and the cats.
6. As the family of 16 Asian elephants started moving north, no one knew where they were heading, or why. At first, no one thought much about it. Elephants sometimes
disappear beyond Xishuangbann a National Nature Reserve in southwestern China’s Yunnan Province, but they always return.
1    . During 16 months the elephants walked 300 miles north to Kunming, the provincial capital of Yunnan Province. Along the way, they robbed the crops and blocked the traffic, causing about a half million dollars in damage, and there was the risk of an elephant attacking a curious onlooker.
2    . The simple answer would be to calm the giant mammals and transport them back to the reserve.
But that would be risky for this group, especially for the three baby elephants. Instead, officials mobilized (动员) an emergency task force to keep everyone, elephants and humans alike, safe. Drones tracked the elephants’ every move. Electric fences, road barriers, and new pathways helped them move toward safer routes. Tons of corm, pineapples, and bananas were used to trick them away from towns.    3    .
Some might argue that doing so much to keep a family of elephants safe was wasteful. But conserving our natural and human heritage is about encouraging good in the world.    4    , just as we need health and peace. They’re essential parts of the world where our lives take place, and they help us make sense of our own stories. They provide the context for our existence.    5    .
A.They have become global celebrities
B.They’re our past, present, and future
C.We need wildlife and ancient artifacts
D.Things, however, are different this time
E.Thousands of people volunteered to join the force
F.They presented a problem for government officials
G.These measures involved lots of manpower and resources
7. Why Are Tigers Orange?
The colors of an animal serve lots of different purposes — for instance, to help them hide into surroundings and escape from being noticed by preys (猎物). For tigers, their ability to be invisible will just decide whether they catch dinner or go hungry.    1    As for humans, orange is a color used for items that need to stand out, like traffic lights and safety vests. That’s because we have what’s called trichromatic color vision, which differentiate three types of color: blue, green and red.    2    But most other mammals, including dogs, horses and deer, have dichromatic (二的) color vision for only two colors: blue and green. Humans who get information only of blue and green are considered color-blind, and can’t distinguish between red and green colors.    3