中国好声音 下载如今,网络音乐社交走进了大众的日常生活。本研究通过分析网易云音乐、抖音、酷狗直播等三个例子,创新探究不同网络音乐社交模式中的社交机制,并综合思考网络音乐社交对华语流行音乐的影响。其中,网易云音乐,从情感共鸣、趣味格调、音乐传承等三个维度,构建起“音乐-社交-音乐”的社交机制;抖音,通过用户对内容进行接力创作,藉由交互设计功能即时表态,最后引发全民参与的社交狂欢,搭建起“从点到面、由小至大、逐级扩散”的社交机制;酷狗直播,天然具有“秀场”的特点,“粉丝文化”是其社交机制的核心,从礼物打赏,到现场演出,都是粉丝文化的外在表现。
Today, social music networking has entered the daily life of the public. This research analyzes three examples of NetEase cloud music, Douyin, Kugou live broadcast, etc., innovates and explores the social mechanism of different online music social models, and comprehensively considers the impact of social music networking on Chinese popular music. Among them, NetEase Cloud Music has built a social mechanism of "music-social-music" from three dimensions: emotional resonance, fun style, and music inheritance; Douyin, through the relay creation of content by users, with real-time interactive design functions Statement, and finally triggered a social carnival with the participation of all people, and built a social mechanism of "from point to face, from small to large, and gradually spread"; Kugou live broadcast naturally has the characteristics of "show field", "fan culture" is its The core of the social mechanism, from gift rewards to live performances, are all external manifestations of fan culture.
At first, the basic function of music media was to store and play music. Later, people's demand for di
gital music gradually increased, and the public began to be no longer satisfied with listening to music. With the advent of the social music networking era, traditional music consumption methods have begun to look new. Today's online music social products basically integrate entertainment functions such as "listen", "visual", "sing", "act" and "social". Among them, "social" itself directly becomes the process of people consuming music. In the era of social music networking, Chinese pop music has found a place to "socialize" and found a way out for its own development. On the online music social platform, due to the younger user groups, the accuracy of algorithm recommendations, and the concentration of capital investment, online music social networking has played a certain role in promoting Chinese pop music, such as making Chinese pop classics popular again, letting music Industry practitioners have found a new way of monetizing the music business, allowing more singers to enter the audience. But at the same time, it also destroyed the ecological
environment of Chinese popular music. For example, a large number of rough-made music works began to be put on the market, and the successive music copyright issues have not been resolved. The "flow musicians" and "flow works" frequently Emergence, misbehavior and value imbalances happen frequently, and these issues deserve deep thought.
Keywords: Network music socialization, Music socialization, Chinese pop music, Music socialization
mode, Music social mechanism, Pop music industry
摘要...........................................................................................................................................................I II 目录..................................................................................................................................................... I V
1绪论 (1)
非诚勿扰赵菁1.1研究背景 (1)
1.2研究问题 (3)
1.3概念界定 (3)
1.4文献综述 (5)
1.5创新之处 (7)
1.6研究方法 (8)
1.7网络音乐社交的三种模式 (8)
2网络音乐评论社交模式探究——以网易云音乐为例 (10)
2.1共鸣:乐评互动与动态展示 (12)
2.2格调:个性推荐与歌单定制 (19)
2.3传承:主创入驻与翻唱演绎 (23)
3网络音乐短视频社交模式探究——以抖音为例 (27)
3.1能指狂欢:音乐中的接力创作 (28)
3.2即时表态:指尖上的人机交互 (32)
3.3界限突破:全民性的话题参与 (36)
4网络音乐直播社交模式探究——以酷狗直播为例 (39)
4.1多样的认同:主播人设与粉丝追随 (41)
4.2声音的告白:实时互动与礼物打赏 (45)
4.3真实的演出:音乐综艺与年度盛典 (50)
5网络音乐社交对华语流行音乐的影响研究 (53)
5.1网络音乐社交对华语流行音乐影响的成因探析 (53)
5.2网络音乐社交对华语流行音乐的正面影响 (59)
5.3网络音乐社交的自我审视与误区反思 (69)
6结语 (82)
参考文献 (87)
在校期间发表论文清单 (95)
致谢 (96)
首先,相关概念的提出与发展,揭开了网络音乐社交的序幕。2004年,美国的聚友网(MySpace)尝试将音乐融入社交网络,并推出My space music,其定位是一个“以音乐为重心的社交网络服务网站”。紧接着,“音乐社交”的理念应运