狮子王The Lion King中英剧本
从那天我们来到这世界♪From the day we arrive on the planet ♪
张开眼去拥抱阳光♪And blinking Step into the sun ♪
世界很大总有新的风景♪There's more to see than can ever be seen ♪
每一天总有新的挑战♪More to do than can ever be done ♪
生命旅程等你了解♪There's far too much to take in here ♪
未来的奥妙待你体会♪More to find than can ever be found ♪
当那旭日东升♪But the sun rolling high ♪
划过蔚蓝天空♪Through the sapphire sky ♪
天地万物随日夜变换♪Keeps great and small on the endless round ♪
这生命的循环♪It's the circle of life ♪
你我在其中♪And it moves us all ♪
失望与希望♪Through despair and hope ♪
爱与信仰♪Through faith and love ♪
终会有一天♪Till we find our place ♪
到你的方向♪On the path unwinding ♪
生命循环♪In the circle ♪
是生生不息♪The circle of life ♪
生命的循环♪It's the circle of life ♪
你我在其中♪And it moves us all ♪
失望与希望♪Through despair and hope ♪
爱与信仰♪Through faith and love ♪
黎明资料终会有一天♪Till we find our place ♪
到你的方向♪On the path unwinding ♪
生命循环♪In the circle ♪
是生生不息♪The circle of life ♪
你说是吧小东西is it, my little friend?
有的生来不愁吃喝While some are born
有的却活在阴暗的角落里others spend their lives in the dark
讨些残羹剩饭begging for scraps.
在我看来The way I
你和我you and I
其实是一样的are exactly the same.
我们都在寻出路We both want to find a way out.
国王驾到The king approaches!
这不是演习This is not a drill.
陛下要你严肃地谈谈His Majesty has requested an audience.
待会他进来的时候你必须起身向他行礼Upon his entrance, you will rise and genuflect. 沙祖
你害我的午餐跑掉了you've made me lose my lunch.
你最好向陛下解释清楚You will answer to Mufasa
早上为什么不去参加仪式for missing the ceremony this morning.
我不需要解释I answer to no one.
刀疤刀疤刀疤Scar? Scar. Scar.
好了够了别那样看着我No, no. Don't look at me like that.
你饿不饿沙祖Are you hungry, Zazu?
一起吃顿饭we could have a bite together!
你不能吃我这是违法的You can't eat me! It is forbidden
你不能吃荣耀王国的大臣to eat a member of the king's court!
不求你了停止Ow! No, please! Stop it!
国王屈尊来我这平头百姓了Well, look who's come down to mingle with the commoners. 我和莎拉碧没看到你参加辛巴的介绍仪式Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.
是今天吗Was that today?
我一定是忘掉了Must've slipped my mind.
当然我绝不是要藐视陛下Of course I meant no disrespect towards His Majesty
或是莎拉碧or Sarabi.
您是知道的As you know
我一向非常的敬重…I have tremendous respect for
王后the queen.
身为国王的弟弟As the king's brother
你应该站在第一位you should've been first in line.
我原本就是第一位I was first in line.
难道你忘了吗Or don't you remember?
要不是那位宝贝小王子插在我前面That is, until the precious prince arrived.
不要背对着我刀疤Don't turn your back on me, Scar.
不木法沙是你不要背对着我Oh, no, Mufasa, perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.你在挑衅我吗Is that a challenge?
我做梦也不敢挑衅你I wouldn't dream of challenging you
算你聪明你根本不是陛下的对手A wise decision. You are no match for His Royalness.
要说聪明我的确有狮子的智慧Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share.
可要论力量恐怕我这位大哥But when it comes to brute strength, I'm afraid my 会永远地稳坐王位will always rule.
不是永远刀疤Not always, Scar.
将来会由我的儿子继承王位One day, it'll be my son who rules.
辛巴会成为你的国王Simba will be your king.
愿国王万岁Then long live the king.
我该拿他怎么办What am I gonna do with him?
行了吧我们都知道Oh, come on. We both know
他早就该被赶出荣耀王国了he should've been expelled from the Pride Lands long ago. 他是我的亲弟弟沙祖He's my brother, Zazu.
这里是他的家This is his home.
只要我还是国王As long as I am king
这点就不会改变that will never change.
家家都有个不省心的Well, there's one in every family, sire.
我有个表亲以为自己是啄木鸟I had a cousin who thought he was a woodpecker.
总喜欢用头撞树He slammed his head into trees
我们的喙可没有那么结实and our beaks aren't built for it.
他动不动就脑震荡您走了He was concussed regularly. Oh, you've gone.
陛下要回去了吗Uh, sire, coming back!
老爸你醒了吗Dad, you awake?
老爸快起来Dad, wake up!
爸爸爸爸爸爸Dad, Dad, Dad!
你儿子醒了Your son's awake.
天亮前他算你儿子Before sunrise, he's your son.
快点爸爸该走了Come on, Dad, let's go.
你说今天会带我巡视王国的You said I could patrol with you today.
今天已经到啦你答应过的And today has started. You promised!
你起来了吗You up?
咱们开始吧Let's do this!
好开始吧Let's do this.
林希微首先干什么So, what's first?
下令大家去捕猎吗Give orders for the hunt?
还是赶走入侵者Chase away evil intruders?
老爸你走错方向了Dad! You're going the wrong way!
我不应该来这么高的地方I'm not supposed to go up here.
你看辛巴Look, Simba.
阳光照到的地方都是我们的国土Everything the light touches is our kingdom.
这一切都归你统治吗You rule all of that?
但是国王的统治But a king's time
就如同太阳有升有落rises and falls like the sun.
总有一天辛巴One day,
我会随着夕阳一同落下the sun will set on my
而你会随着朝阳升起成为新的国王and will rise with you as the new king.
所有这一切All of this
都会归我吗will belong to me?
这一切不归谁所有It belongs to no one
但是需要你来守护but will be yours to protect.
这是一项重大的责任A great responsibility.
阳光照到的地方Everything the light touches?
那些树Those trees?
还有那个水潭And the watering hole?
远处的山丘And that mountain?
那边…阳光照不到的地方呢And beyond those shadows?
你绝不可以去那个地方You must not go there, Simba.
国王不是想干什么都可以吗But I thought a king could do whatever he wants.
占领任何地方Take any territory.
有些统治者只想着占有和夺取While others search for what they
真正的国王思考如何做出贡献a true king searches for what he can give.
万物是在微妙的平衡中共存Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 身为国王你必须了解这种平衡As king, you need to understand
尊重所有的生命and respect all 因为 梁博
从爬行的蚂蚁from the crawling ant
到跳跃的羚羊to the leaping antelope.
可是爸爸我们不是吃羚羊吗But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?
是的辛巴Yes, Simba.
我来给你解释一下But let me explain.
我们死后When we die
尸体就会变成青草our bodies become
而羚羊是吃草的and the antelope eat
所以在生命的循环里and so we are all connected
我们是互相有关联的in the great circle of life.
早沙祖Morning, Zazu.
要做晨间报告吗Do you have the morning report?
是的陛下Yes, sire.
十只火烈鸟非要搞特立独行Ten flamingos are taking a stand.
两头长颈鹿抱着脖子亲热Two giraffe were caught necking.
蜜蜂悄悄议论花豹The buzz from is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot. 想不想学捕猎Ready for some fun?
小鸟们清晨四点就喳喳叫The birds are tweeting at 4:00 in the morning.
我说行啦知道了I'm like, "Birds, we get it."
尽量压低身子Stay low to the ground.
没问题I got this.
判断风向Check the wind
等待最好的时机扑上去and wait for the perfect moment to pounce.
狒狒们气得发狂我就说吗and now the baboons are going ape. Of course, as I say 贪心从来没好“豹”cheetahs never prosper.
我的至理名言That's what I say.
懂吗我再说一遍贪心从来…Do I'll say it again.
别闹Come on!
我在做报告呢It's the news!
你做得非常好That's very good!
帕克尼尼陛下有鬣狗非法越界Sire! Hyenas in the Pride Lands.
正在大肆捕猎They're on the hunt!
莎拉碧在哪里Where's Sarabi?
她正带头驱赶鬣狗She's leading the charge.
沙祖带辛巴回家Zazu, take Simba home.
老爸带我去我要帮忙Dad, let me come! I can help.
不行儿子No, son.
你和其他小狮子待在一起You stay with the other cubs.
我已经不小了I am not a cub.
快点吧Come on.
我们回家Let's go home.
到家了Here we are.
你快过去小伙伴玩去Now you go along and play with the other cubs.
想要猎杀成功If you wish to
你最好藏在下风处you might want to stay downwind.
我会捕猎刀疤叔叔I know how to hunt, Uncle Scar.
幸好咱们的天敌不是甲虫Well, let's hope we're never attacked by a beetle.
回自己的窝里待着辛巴Go back to your den, Simba.
我不照顾小宝宝I don't babysit.
我将来要成为这里的国王I'm gonna be the king of Pride Rock.
我爸带我看了整个王国My dad showed me the whole kingdom.
我将会统治一切Said I'm going to rule it all.
是那样吗Is that so?
你想想Think about it.
我要是国王就得给你下达命令When I'm king, I'll have to give you orders.
指挥你做事Tell you what to do.
这多奇怪啊How weird is that?
真难以想象You've no idea.
你爸带你看过整个王国了吗So, your dad showed you the whole kingdom?
他带你看过北边的阴暗地带吗Did he show you the shadows beyond the northern borders? 没有他说我绝对不能去那里No. He said I can't go there. Ever.
狮子合唱团你爸爸说的完全正确And he's absolutely right.
大象墓地太危险了An elephant graveyard is no place
小王子不能去for a young prince.
那里真有大象的墓地吗An elephant graveyard? Whoa.
我说的太多了Oh, dear. I've said too much.迈克尔杰克逊演唱会 下载