A few weeks ago,I accidentally dropped a plate and it broke into a billion pieces! I'd had it for about 40 years. This morning, we had a parcel ______ (11) (deliver)to my son. He opened it and______ (12) (proud) handed a new plate to me, which he had bought with his own savings, saying that he knew ______ (13) upset I was and wanted to surprise me!
On 15 May,2021,China became the second country______ (14) (land) a spacecraft on Mars. The rover, Zhurong, ______ (15) (carry) to Mars on board the Tianwen 1 spacecraft,
which was launched in July 2020. Equipped with cameras and a radar, Zhurong's task was to search for signs of life. It ______ (16) (work) on Mars surface for over ten months and is in good shape.
COP26, known as “Conferences of the Parties”, was the latest in a series of 17 (meeting) bringing together governments to protect the environment. Its main goal was to take measures______ (18) climate change-long-term changes in world weather patterns that are linked to human activities including farming, industry and transport. Gases such as carbon dioxide, ______ (19) are produced by these activities, trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and cause temperatures to rise, ______ (20) (lead) to extreme floods, heatwaves and storms.
Today, there are groups of native people around the world that still live a traditional lifestyle. Some live in remote parts of South America, ______ (11) way of life is in danger of disappearing. The Korubo are native people who live in the Amazon rainforest. They make their own tools, grow their own crops, and hunt and fish. Their main weapons are clubs and poison-tipped arrows, used ______ (12) both hunting and protecting their territory against ______ (13) (outsider).
A white telephone booth(电话亭),known as the Phone of the Wind,______ (14) (sit) in a garden on top of a hill. Though ______ (15) (disconnect),the phone serves a surprising purpose: helping people speak out what they feel embarrassed to say in front of others.
______ (16) (think) about the idea for a long time, Sasaki finally built the booth. “My thoughts can't be relayed over a regular phone line, so I want them ______ (17) (carry) on the wind. I hope others can also express their feelings in the same way.”
Some Qin bamboo texts were discovered in a tomb in Hubei Province that contain many rules regarding ______ (18) people were supposed to live and behave. Experts say these texts could prove the government in the third century BC handed out cruel punishments to people who ______ (19) (break) these rules. For instance, officials punished people who stole money by tattooing (刺青)their face. There are also other ancient laws in the texts. One of them is that when questioning a suspect, an official was ______ (20).(strict) forbidden from using physical force.beyond北京演唱会
Xu Mengtao, the flag-bearer for the Chinese delegation at the closing ceremony of 2022 Winter Olympics, has got multiple world championships. But her road (11) _________ glory was not smooth, since it was accompanied by many injuries. It was her passion for
sports, her persistence and determination that helped her continue and she finally (12) _________ (win) the gold medal at her fourth Olympics. Her success goes beyond sports as it motivates both athletes and ordinary people in (13) _________ (they) pursuit of dreams.
Based on AR and VR, the metaverse aims to bring people closer together in an online setting, enabling them to be connected in ways they couldn't be before. Imagine (14) _________ (attend) a meeting from the comfort of your couch, where you don't dress up, but your avatar does. You're seated at a virtual table with other people (15) _________ reactions and body language can be judged just as well as they would be in real life. A metaverse could very likely bring these (16) ________ (imagine) to reality, and soon.
Everyone has a sense of humor, but it's pretty evident that not everybody has a good sen
se of it. Psychologists are divided on (17) _________ humor is inborn or learnable. However, there is one thing that (18) ________ (accept) universally so far—the sense of humor is uniquely human. It is associated with laughter and laughter is associated with happiness and courage. These are qualities (19) ________ (share) with other forms of life. But if happiness is one of the goals (20) ________ (chase) in life, then it is the sense of humor that provides the key.
    Do you take music and art classes? These classes, which are part of a group of classes often (11) ______(know) as arts education, allow students to learn new things in a creative way. Many people believe arts education (12) ______(play) an important part in the lives of students. However, when schools need to save money, music and art programs (13) ______ (cut) in most cases. This is because  some people believe they matter less than other classes. Different opinions about music and art can affect the futur
e of arts education, so it’s important to understand these points of view.
    The name of Sorrento, a coastal town in Italy, had been put deep in my soul for a long time, mainly through hearing various (14) ______ (performance) of the song “Come back to Sorrento”. After consideration, I finally (15) ______ (pay) a visit to Sorrento during the summer vacation. The town was considerably popular for American weddings and traditional food. One evening, while (16) ______(wander) on the street, I was attracted by a house. A proud citizen told me that was the restaurant (17) ______Sophia Loren, the famous actress, once  dined. Perhaps what impressed me most about Sorrento was their lemons. The fruit provided the raw materials for lemon soaps on sale everywhere.