有点像数控机床,这⾥解释了3D打印软件Gcode指令的功能,希望对⼤家有⽤。//已被实施的代码//-------------------// G0  -> G1//
胡歌资料G1  - 协调运动 X Y Z E// G2  - 顺时针旋转 ARC// G3  - 逆时针旋转 ARC// G4  - 暂停 S or P// G10 - 按照M207的设置退丝//
G11 - retract recover filament according to settings of M208// G28 - 所有轴归零// G29 - 带着z轴的探针,进⾏复杂的归零。(按照在Auto bed leveling中的配置)要在G28之后执⾏才有效// G30 - Single Z Probe, probes bed at current XY location.// G90 - 使⽤绝对坐标系// G91 - 使⽤相对坐标系// G92 - 将当然位置设为给定值(例如:G92 X0 Y0 Z0,即可把当前位置强制设置为零点)// M 代码// M0  - ⽆条件停⽌ - 等待⽤户按LCD⾯板上的按钮(只有当ULTRA_LCD被使能的时候)// M1  - 和M0相同// M17  - 使能(锁死)所有的步进电机// M18  - 取消使能(释放)所有的步进电机;与M84相同// M20  - 列出SD卡的内容,通过串⼝发回// M21  - 初始化SD 卡// M22  - 弹出SD卡// M23  - 选择SD卡⽂件(M23 filename.g)// M24  - 启动/恢复SD卡打印// M25  - 暂停SD卡打印// M26  -Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345)// M27  - 报告SD卡打印状态// M28  - Start SD write (M28 filename.g)// M29  - Stop SD write// M30  - 删除SD卡⽂件 (M30 filename.g)// M31  - Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial// M32  -Select file and start SD print (Can be used _while_ printing from SD card files)://        syntax "M32 /path/filename#", or佛教音乐歌曲大全
俄罗斯女electrohouse"M32 S !filename#"//        Call gcode file : "M32 P !filename#" and return to caller file after finishing (similar to #include).//      The '#' is necessary when calling from within sd files, as it stops buffer prereading// M42  - 通过指令M42 Px Sy来设置引脚x的值(0或1),省略参数Px的话,会默认为配置led引脚。// M80  - 开启电源供电// M81  - 关闭电源供电// M82  - 设定 E轴(挤丝量)为绝对模式 (默认)// M83  - 设定 E轴(挤丝量) 为相对模式 (G90)// M84  - Disable steppers until next move,//        or use S to specify an inactivity timeout, after which the steppers will be disabled.  S0 to disable the timeout.// M85  - Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S. To disable set zero (default)// M92  - Set axis_steps_per_unit - same syntax as G92//古力娜扎个人资料
M104 - 设置挤出头⽬标温度(开始加热到⽬标温度,但是不会等待,区别M109)// M105 - 读取当前温度// M106 - 开启风扇// M107 - 关闭风扇// M109 - Sxxx 等待挤出头加热到⽬标温度. 只有在加热的时候才会等待//        Rxxx 等待挤出头加热到⽬标温度. 加热和冷却时都会等待// M114 - 串⼝输出当前位置坐标// M115 - 串⼝输出功能性字符串(该数据位于language.h  宏MSG_M115_REPORT下定义)// M117 - 显⽰信息到LCD⾯板// M119 - 串⼝输出限位开关状态// M126 - Solenoid Air Valve Open (BariCUDA support by jmil)// M127 - Solenoid Air Valve Closed (BariCUDA vent to atmospheric pressure by jmil)// M128 - EtoP Open (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil)// M129 - EtoP Closed (BariCUDA EtoP = electricity to air pressure transducer by jmil)// M140 -
设置热床到默认温度// M150 - Set BlinkM Color Output R: Red<0-255> U(!): Green<0-255> B: Blue<0-255> over i2c, G for green does not work.// M190 - Sxxx 等待挤出头加热到⽬标温度. 只有在加热的时候才会等待//李小璐女儿百日宴
Rxxx 等待挤出头加热到⽬标温度. 加热和冷却时都会等待// M200 D- set filament diameter and set E axis units to cubic millimeters (use S0 to set back to millimeters).// M201 - 设定最⼤打印加速度,单位units/s^2 (M201 X1000 Y1000)// M202 - 设定最⼤空载加速度,单位units/s^2 (M202 X1000 Y1000) Marlin中没⽤!!// M203 - Set maximum feedrate that your machine can sustain (M203 X200 Y200 Z300 E10000) in mm/sec// M204 - Set default acceleration: S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) in mm/sec^2  also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer under-runs and M20 minimum feedrate// M205 -  ⾼级设置:  minimum travel speed S=while printing T=travel
only,  B=minimum segment time X= maximum xy jerk, Z=maximum Z jerk, E=maximum E jerk// M206 - 设定额外的归零偏移量// M207 - set retract length S[positive mm] F[feedrate mm/min] Z[additional zlift/hop], stays in mm regardless of M200 setting// M208 - set recover=unretract length S[positive mm surplus to the M207 S*] F[feedrate mm/sec]// M209 -
S<1=true/0=false> enable automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction.// M218 - set hotend offset (in mm): T X Y// M220 S- 设定当前三轴移动速度的百分⽐数值(例如:M220 S50,则打印速度会降低⼀半。与M221类似,改指令即刻⽣效,但是要等到缓冲区内的动作执⾏完才会看到效果)// M221 S- 设定当前挤丝速度的百分数⽐值// M226 P S- Wait until the specified pin reaches the state required//
M240 - 触发相机拍照// M250 - 设置LCD对⽐度 C (value 0..63)// M280 - 设置舵机绝对位置. P: 舵机序号, S: ⾓度 或 占空⽐毫秒
数// M300 - 播放蜂鸣器 S P// M301 - 设定PID的三个参数 P I 与 D// M302 - 允许制冷挤出头, or 设置最⼩挤出温度 S.// M303 -PID relay autotune S sets the target temperature. (default target temperature = 150C)// M304 - 设置热床 PID 参数 P I 与 D// M400 - Finish all moves// M401 - 放下Z轴探针(若存在)// M402 - 升起z轴探针(若存在)// M500 - 存储参数到EEPROM// M501 -从EEPROM读取参数 (if you need reset them after you changed them temporarily).// M502 - 恢复出⼚设置.  You still need to store them in EEPROM afterwards if you want to.// M503 - 串⼝输出当前配置 (内存中的,⽽不是EEPROM)// M540 - Use
S[0|1] to enable or disable the stop SD card print on endstop hit (requires
ABORT_ON_ENDSTOP_HIT_FEATURE_ENABLED)// M600 - Pause for filament change X[pos] Y[pos] Z[relative lift] E[initial retract] L[later retract distance for removal]// M665 - 配置 delta 参数// M666 - set delta endstop adjustment// M605 - Set dual x-carriage movement mode: S [ X R ]// M907 - Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes.// M908 - 直接控制数字变阻器.// M350 - 设定微步进模式.// M351 - 翻转 MS1 MS2 引脚的⽅向.// M928 - Start SD logging (M928 filename.g) -ended by M29// M999 - 异常停⽌后的重启