年  级:高三                  课时数:3                          辅导科目:英语                       
课    题
Intensive Reading 7. Hobbies and Entertainment
讲义信息: 本次讲义的主题是: Hobbies and Entertainment阅读为中心 ,以词汇和语法练习为支架。使了解国内外关于Hobbies and Entertainment的信息,并且熟悉相关词汇。
主要内容有5部分 1. 关于本次课主要话题的词汇
                    2. 阅读(所选文章围绕本次课主题,题型包括高考阅读全部考查方式)
                    3. 翻译(考查前面所涉及词汇,句型的运用)
                    4. 语法综合练习
Step1:Greetings & Free Talk
  1、Talk about the week in school. What news / story / book / movie have u got?
  2、Is there sth important\special\interesting happening this week?
Step2:Assignments checking
The assigned exercises on the previous handout.
Step4Intensive Reading 
Section A: Words
1accompany  vt..陪伴,陪同;为……伴奏(或伴唱)  vi..伴奏,伴唱
2act  vt.扮演(角)  n.行为;动作;条例  vi.行动;做事;表演
3admission  n.准许进入;入场费;录用
4agreeable  adj.令人愉快的,惬意的
5amateur  n.业余爱好者  adj.业余爱好的
6applause  n.鼓掌(声),欢呼,喝彩
    applaud  vt.  ……鼓掌  Vl.鼓掌
7appointment  n.约会
8appreclate  vt.为……表示感激,重视,赏识,欣赏  nappreciation  感激,重 视,赏识,欣赏
9award  vt  授予(奖品等)  n.奖,奖 品,奖状
10ball  n  (盛大、正式的)舞会
11ballet  n.芭蕾舞
12. camp  n.营,野营  vi.野营,宿营
13. concert  n  音乐会 
14. contestant  n  参赛者
15creativity  n.创造力,创造
16cultivate  vt.耕作,培植,培养
17derive  vi.起源于  vt,引申出,推知;取得,获得
18drama  n.剧本,戏剧
19. energetic  adj.精力充沛的
20. engage  vt.&vi.从事,参加
21entertain  vt.给……娱乐,使快乐
    entertainer  n.(娱乐节目)表演者
    entertaining  adj.使人,愉快的
北方有佳人歌词    entertainment  n  娱乐
22. exit  n.出口,退场
23favourite  adj.  最喜爱的
24. fee  n  (会费、入场费等)费,酬金,小费
25glue  n.胶水
26. host  n.主人;(节目)主持人
27. island  n.岛
28. limited  acij.有限的
29. make-up artist  n.化妆师
30mystery  n.神秘的事物
3 1oppose  'j.反对,
32participant  n.参力口者
33. pregnant  adj.怀孕的
34presence  n. 在场,出席
35. program(me)  n.节目,节目单;方案;程序  vt.为……安排节目(或制定计划);为(计算机等)编制程序
36. professional  adj.专业的  n.专业人士
37. recreate  vi.消遣,娱乐,游戏
38. studio  n.演播室
39. stereo  adj,立体声的
40文章与姚笛vlewer  n.电视观众
Section B: Phrases
1act as  担任,充当
2advertise for  ……做广告
3amusement park  游乐园
4award ceremony  颁奖典礼
5burst into applause  爆发出一阵掌声
6booking office  售票处
7be engaged in  忙于
8be devoted to  致力于
9be stuck in  被困在
10. cheer up  高兴起来,振作起来
11. entertain…with  ……使……高兴
12. leading actor  主演,主角
13. move into a new era  进入新时代
14.   比起……来更喜欢
15on show  在展览,在展出
16. professional footballer  职业足球队员
17. take up  开始从事,把……继续下去
18. stimulate the imagination  激发想象力
19. take pleasure in  ……为乐,喜欢
20. video game  电子游戏
Section C: Reading
I. Directions: Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. explored    B. energetic    C. acting        D. released      E. cheered
F. series      G. beyond        H. amateur  I. careers       J. mature
ANGELA Chang ( 张韶涵) ,  born  in January 19,  1982,  is a Taiwanese pop singer and actress.  She became popular after starring as Tian Yuxi in the TV   1    "My MVP Valentine". She is now back on the music scene after starring in another hit TV drama "Romantic Princess". Her latest album Ang 5. 0 was   2    on December 14.  The pop princess is now more    3    and has a brand new look.  She has cut the long hair that defined her image for over five years.  Now with neatly short hair, Chang looks more   4    .She dresses more elegantly as well.
Yet the changes go 5 her image on the cover of the CD. Chang 6   different styles of music, from sweet pop melodies to light rock. Jay Chou also wrote an R&B song for her. However, one thing remains unchanged about Chang: She knows what she wants and goes straight after it. "I don't want to be a shooting star," said Chang.  "I want a stellar (恒星般的) career. "
In the year 2008, she was working hard at her two booming 7 ; singing and 8  In fact, her schedule was so packed that she even missed the rare chance to co-star with Hong Kong actor Stephen Chow ( 周星驰) in the new film Dragon Ball. Anyway, although Chang was busy, she still made time to come to the Beijing Olympics to visit Beijing and 9 for her star, world-famous hurdler Liu Xiang.
II. Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
  Are You a Drama Lover
A brave engineer tries to free his brother from death row.  Survivors of a plane crash try to stay on a mysterious island.  A teenage girl    2  a great relationship with her single mother. If you love TV drama, you will   3  some of the most popular American shows and  4    yourself.
Prison Break
Michael Scofield's brother was  5  of killing the brother of the vice-president.  But Michael
doesn't believe he's  6    He decides that one way or another he will break his brother out of prison. Fox River, the prison where his brother awaits his death, is one of the most difficult places in the world to escape from. Fortunately, Michael Scofield was one of the engineers that designed it.
Despite a few setbacks ( 挫折) , Michael Scofield, his brother, and a group of other prisoners  7    from Fox River in season one. Season two picks up right where the first left off. Michael and his companions are trying their best to avoid being arrested.  Will Scofield be able to avoid the police until he can   8    his brother's innocence?
The Gilmore Girls
It is never easy growing up in a broken home, but the Gilmore girls manage just fine. Lorelai Gilmore became pregnant when she was 16. And 9 her parent's wishes, she decided to keep the child. Sixteen years later, Lorelai has a great  10   with her daughter, Rory. However, the close connection between a single mother and a teenage daughter is often tested throughout the TV dramas. How will the two Gilmore girls get along, especially with Lorelai's parents always interfering (干涉) in their lives?
Most shows would end with a plane crash rather than begin with one. However, "Lost" began in just this way. A plane full of strangers goes down over a 11   island. There are 48 survivors who must  12 their differences and the challenges of 13 What's more, they have to face the 14 of " the others" , a strange group of people that have been on the island longer than them. Unlike other shows about people 15 on an Island, the island in "Lost" is truly a character of its own.  What mystery will it show us next?
1.A.    live    B.    living    C.    alive    D.    lively
2.A.    establishes    B.    sets    C.    builds    D.    links
3.A.    thank    B.    like    C.    appreciate    D.    see
4.A.    watch    B.    help    C.    hurt    D.    relax
5.A.    charged    B.    accused    C.    relieved    D.    warned
6.A.    guilty    B.    innocent    C.    wrong    D.    crime
7.A.    freed    B.    prevented    C.    saved    D.    escaped
8.  A. announce    B.    prove    C.    know    D.    learn,
9.  A.  for    B.    beyond    C.    following    D.    against
10.A.  link    B.    connection    C.    relationship    D.    association
11.A.  wonderful    B.    famous    C.    mysterious    D.    secret
12.A.  overcome    B.    get out    C.    overlook    D.    overuse
13.A.  survivors    B.    survival    C.    loneliness    D.    living
14.A.  fright    B.    threat    C.    warning    D.    trouble
辛晓琪 领悟
15.A.  travelling    B.    visiting    C.    kept    D.    trapped
A.    1-5    FDJBG    6-9    AICE
B.    1-5    CACDB    6-10    ADBDC    11-15    CABBD
III. Directions: Read the following two passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.
(A )
Most hobbies are to some extent constructive, but whether they are practical is of secondary significance. The really key point about hobbies is that they provide interest and recreation for leisure hours. They are the oases (绿洲 ) in the drab desert of routine for people who, day after day, are engaged in doing work which forms but a small part of the finished product. And they are so used to the work they do that it no longer holds either mystery or excitement. Such people show their real abilities as soon as they reach home. The man or woman whose spare time is devoted to copper-tooling or needle-work finds peculiar satisfaction in every detail. The buying of material and tools is a satisfying matter. Although progress is seldom rapid, every hour or half-hour devoted to a hobby is more closely packed with contentment and a true sense of achievement than a whole week occupied with routine drudgery (苦活) .
It is, therefore, not surprising that there should be this contrast between a hobby and regular work, especially when the latter is dull; even when it is interesting it is still the means by which wages are earned, and must be done for that purpose alone. A hobby, on the other hand, is undertaken for our own sake, and it satisfies the deep desire, experienced by most people, to create something beautiful. Very few people are able to see the product of their wage-earning activities as a whole, or to have something to do with it at every stage of its development. Modern industry is too complicated to allow that. Consequently the creative person works by day, but saves his genius for an absorbing hobby which he can turn to when he leaves his factory bench or office desk in the evening.
1.    The important point about hobbies is that they    .
A.  must be interesting    B.  are constructive
C.  provide recreation and leisure    D.  have to be useful
2.    Even when regular work is interesting,  it is different from a hobby as the former is done
A. for a living    B.  for money only
C. at a rapid pace    D.  with routine and regularity
3.    The basic contrast between work and hobby is that a hobby    .
A. satisfies man's desire to create    B.  is neglected by most people
C. is something beautiful    D.  has a definite purpose
4.    Modern industry is too complicated to allow people    .
A. to see their product finished    B. to see the result of their work as a whole
C. to have anything to do with work    D.  to work by oneself
Have you ever collected stamps? And are you interested in stamps of various countries? If you have recently started collecting stamps, or you are thinking about starting, you may be wondering if the hobby is expensive.
Actually the answer is an absolute positive one: you can enjoy it even if you only have little money. Not all collections consist mainly of unused stamps that you buy in the post office. Used stamps are worth saving, too. They have value and they may cost you nothing. In fact, many stamp collectors save only used stamps!
The first place to search for stamps, then, is your own mailbox. You can ask people who write to you to use commemorative (纪念性的) stamps on their mail. Also, if you write away for offers that require a self-addressed stamped envelope, you can put commemoratives on your return envelopes, knowing that they will come back to you later.
Neighbors, friends, and relatives are another good source of stamps. A majority of people are only too happy to save the stamps on their mail for someone who will appreciate them. You may even know someone who works in an office that gets a lot of mail. Many businesses get a lot of foreign mails and regularly throw away stamps that may have interest or value to a collector. And don't forget to ask parents if they have any old letters which may still have stamps on the envelopes.
Now that you have stamps on paper, what do you do with them? The most common way to get stamps off paper is to soak them in water, and then dry them on paper. To understand more about soaking stamps, it is best to find a handbook on stamp collecting at the library.
Stamp clubs are another place to get stamps. A club may offer stamps as prizes, or have inexpensive stamps you can offer to buy. If you don't have a stamp club around you, try to start one with a few others. All it takes are four or five other stamp collectors who are interested in getting together to learn about and trade stamps and ideas.
Obtaining a pen pal (笔友) in another country is a good way to get stamps from that country. His or her extra stamps may seem really common in that country, but over here they are much scarcer.
5.  Which of the following is true?
A.  Collecting stamps is most people's hobby.
B.    Collecting stamps is a hobby for rich people only.
C.    Used stamps are all worth collecting.
D.    Collecting used stamps can save your money.
6.    The writer suggests that you should    .
A.    ask your friends to send stamps to you as often as possible
B.    ask your parents to buy some old stamps for you
C.    tell your pen pals to write to you as often as possible
D.    get used stamps from all kinds of people you know
7.    To soak used stamps in water is the best way to    .
A.  get rid of the print    B.  make the stamps clean
C.  get stamps off paper    D.  increase the value of stamps
8.  If you are a member of a stamp club, you can    .
A. become rich by collecting stamps    B.  have a meeting every day
C.  get more stamps without anything    D.  exchange stamps with the other members
IV. Directions:  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
Television — the most persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth — is moving into a new era, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.
The word "television" , derived from its Greek (tele: distant) and Latin (visio: sight) roots, can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance. It works in this way: through a sophisticated system of electronics, television provides the capability of converting an image ( focused on a special photoconductive plate within a camera) into electronic impulses (脉冲) , which can be sent through a wire or cable. These impulses, when fed into a receiver (television set) , can then be electronically restructured into that same image.
Television is more than just an electronic system, however. It is a means of expression as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.
The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through broad-based airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is non-broadcast television, which provides for the needs of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.
Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for many years in a form which hasn't changed much. It has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major suppliers of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have actually shaped not only television but our perception of it as well.  We have come to look upon the picture tube as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this medium as the passive viewer.
1.According to the first paragraph,  modern television is an electronic revolution,  which is a combination of       
2.What does television mean according to its Greek and Latin roots?
3.    Which two functions of television are mentioned in the third paragraph?
4.    In the author's view, the role of human beings in broadcast television is    .
V. Directions: Read the passage and choose the most suitable heading from A—F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.
A.    Playing brings you happiness and joy
B.    Playing can alter your way of thinking
C.    Playing can relieve pressure
D.    Playing entitles one to have rich imagination and creativity
E.    Playing is important in people's whole life
F.    Playing relaxes people
Playing is very important for humans from birth to death. Playing is not meant just for children. It is a form of freedom and connection that can tap into your creativity, and can allow you the chance to find your inner child, and the inner child of others. I have collected the top five benefits of playing here.
Playing can stimulate you to think differently. It can go against all the rules and change the same old boring way of doing things. Walt Disney was devoted to playing, and his willingness to oppose the common wisdom changed the world of entertainment. The next time you're stuck in a fixed and boring way of life, pull out a box of colored pencils, modeling clay, glue and scissors, and invite your inner child out, and break free. You'll be amazed that the way you're thinking shifts to new worlds of discovery
Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What do you think the world would be like if every human spends time each day in playing? I bet just asking you this question has brought a smile to
your face.
Playing creates laughter, joy, entertainment and a feeling of inner peace. Starting today, try to get 30 minutes each day to engage in some form of playing, and watch your joy factor rise. Playing is known to reduce stress. Studies show that as humans, playing is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and basic to human existence. With regular playing, our problem solving and adaptive abilities will be in much better shape to handle this complex world. And we're much more likely to choose healthy answers to challenging situations as they arise. It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress, and add a feeling of relaxation to our daily life.
Playing can stimulate imagination, curiosity and creativity. Research shows that playing is both a hands-on and minds-on learning process. It produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning to life through story-making and playing out various possible situations.
C.    1 -4    CAAB    5-8    DDCD
D.    1.  television and computer technologies
2.Sight from a distance.
3.A means of expression and a tool for communication.
4.the passive viewer
E.    1-5    EBAFD
Section D: Translation
1.暑假期间,男孩们常常忙于玩电子游戏。( engage )
2.一想到即将到来的休假,员工们都为之精神一振。( cheer up)
3.在一个天气宜人的周日,学生们为放松心情外出露营。( agreeable )
4.在北京奥运会期间,我的朋友们积极参加志愿者活动。( participate )
5.全世界爱好和平的人民都强烈反对暴力和战争。( oppose )
6.在音乐会上,她母亲亲自用钢琴给她伴奏,赢得了观众的掌声。( accompany )
1.Usually boys are engaged in playing video games during the summer holidays.
2.The employees cheered up at the thought of the coming vacation.
3.The students went camping to relax themselves on an agreeable Sunday.
4.During the Beijing Olympic Games, my friends participated in volunteer work actively.
5.All the peace-loving people around the world strongly oppose violence and war.
6.Her mother Herself/personally accompanied her on the piano at the concert, which won applause from the audience.
Section E: 语法训练
1.  — Don't take it too seriously.  That must be a mistake.
— No, it    be a mistake.
A.  mustn't    B.  needn't    C.  can't    D.  wouldn't
2.    Jack    yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.
A.  mustn't have arrived    B.  should have arrived
C.  can't have arrived    D.  needn't have arrived
3.    Sorry I'm late.  I    have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.
A.  might    B.  should    C.  can    D.  will
4.    I can't find the recorder in the staff room.  It    by somebody.
A.  may have been taken away    B.  may leave
C.  may take away    D.  must have taken away
5.    I wonder how he    that to the teacher.
A.  dare to say    B.  dare say    C.  not dare say    D.  dared say
6.    I should have been there, but I    not find the time.
A.  would    B.  could    C.  might娱乐星闻    D.  should
7.    I thought you    like something to read, so I have brought you some books.
A.  may    B.  might    C.  could    D.  must
8.    Mr.  Bush is on time for everything.  How      it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?
A.  can    B.  should    C.  may    D.  must
9.  — When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.
—    They    be ready by 12: 00.
A.  can    B.  should    C.  might    D.  need
10.    The new regulation    take effect on May 1st.
A.  shall    B.  used to    C.  might    D.  have to
11.    When the old man was alive, he      sit for hours at the door.
A.  would    B.  could    C.  must    D.  might
12.    It's nearly 7 o'clock.  Jack    be here at any moment.
A.  must    B.  need    C.  should    D.  can
13.    You    me, but since you have, I'll do what I can for you.
A.  didn't need to tell    B.  couldn't have told
C.  wouldn't have told    D.  needn't have told
14.    Bob pushed the door again and again, but it    open.
A.  would    B.  wouldn't    C.  can't    D. won't
15.    — Need you go now?
—    Yes, I    .
A.  should    B.  need    C.  will    D.  must
16.    He was strong enough, so he    carry the luggage himself.
A.  might    B.  can
C.  was able to  ,    D.  had to
17.    You    Tony at the meeting this morning because he left France last night.
A. mustn't have seen    B.  can't have seen
C. shouldn't have seen    D.  wouldn't have seen
18.    — Do you think James will apologize to Mary?
—    I don't know.  But I think he    .
A.  should    B.  would    C.  ought    D.  will
19.    Haven't we told you already that you    have 20 dollars if you have fixed our TV set?
A. would    B.  shall    C.  should    D.  could
20.    — Your phone number again? I    quite catch it .
—    It's 9568442.
A.  didn't    B.  couldn't    C.  don't    D.  can't
21.    My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.  Who    have taken it?
A.  should    B.  must    C.  could    D.  would
22.    It has been announced candidates      remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.
A.  can    B.  will    C.  may    D.  shall
23.    The plane was damaged but the pilot    bring it safely to land.
A.  could    B.  can
C. had to    D. was able to
24.    — Can I have some chocolate, Mom? I'm hungry.
—    You    be hungry.  You have just had dinner.
A.  mustn't    B.  won't    C.  can't    D.  needn't
25.    She    a good salary in an office job instead of staying at home, but she decided not to work for the sake of her children.
A.  must make    B.  should have made
C.  could have made    D.  would make
26.    — It's too dark inside the room.      the boy near the switch turn on the light?
—    Yes, with pleasure.
A.  Must    B.  Should    C.  Will    D.  Shall
27.    — My little daughter is coughing worse than ever.
—    She    to the hospital yesterday.
A.  had to be taken    B.  should have taken
C.  must have been taken    D.  ought to have been taken
28.    — The lecturer is a tall thin man.
—    Then it    be Dr.  Brown, who is short and fat.
A.  may    B.  can't    C.  mustn't    D.  should
29.    I promise you I'll do my best for her.  She    get the present she has been longing for.
A.  should    B.  can    C.  may    D.  shall
30.    — Need I tell Mr.  Li about it?
—    No, you    .  It's strictly between you and me.
A.  needn't    B.  mustn't
C.  shouldn't    D.  couldn't
31.    My sister met him at Shanghai Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon,  so he      your lecture.
A.  couldn't have attended    B.  needn't have attended
C.  mustn't have attended    D.  shouldn't have attended
32.    — Are you going outing for the weekend?
—    I haven't decided yet.  I    go, but it depends on the weather.
A.  must    B.  need    C.  may    D.  will
33.    She      listen to records, alone in her room for hours.  We just won't interrupt her, for we know this is her usual way to stay in peace.
A.  might    B.  must    C.  will    D.  should
34.    Jim      his strict father, for he had failed in the examination once again.
A.  didn't dare to see    B.  not dare see
C.  didn't dare seeing    D.  dare not to see
35.    When we got to the cinema, the film hasn't started yet, so we    .
A.  needn't hurry    B.  didn't need hurry
C.  needn't to hurry    D.  needn't have hurried
36.    Bob was good at swimming, so he      swim to the shore when the speedboat turned over.
A.  must    B.  was able to
C.  should    D.  might
37.    If the local government took more effective measures,  the spread of the disease    avoided.
A.  could have been    B.  would have been
C.  should have been    D.  can have been
38.    The light is out in her room; she    to bed.
A.  must have gone    B.  had gone
C.  must be going    D.  must go
39.    I    you a valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money.
A.  would like to give    B.  liked to give
C.  have liked to give    D.  would have liked to give
40.    — My daughter will go to America to further her education.
— Great!    she enjoy her life in American.
A.  Wish    B.  May
C. Shall    D. Hope
    1 - 5    CCAAD  6-10    BBABA    11-15    ACDBD    16-20    CBABA
21-25    CDDCC  26-30    DDBDB    31-35    ACCAD    36-40    BAADB
Step9:  Summary and Problem-solving 
What have you learned from this period?
What problems or questions do you want to be solved next period?
Step10:  Homework
1. 复习本次课上所讲的重要考点,整理笔记。
Section A.  Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a proper modal verb.
If you wish to enrich your life, you 1.  _____ develop a hobby.  A hobby 2.    be something in life that keeps you entertained, happy and make your life interesting and enjoyable. It 3       be anything, such as your passion for Bowling, listening to your favourite music, a game of cards with friends, growing flowers in the backyard, raising pets or cooking dishes, etc.
Here are some other hints :
It's  never  too  late to  take an  interest in a hobby. The only  requisite  is  that  you 4.      find it interesting.
Go to a bookstore and browse the books on all subjects that you think 5.      interest you. This a good way to pick up a hobby.
Search for like-minded people, clubs and activities.  The Internet is a great place to do this. 
Don't hesitate to shoot off an e-mail when you find a site where you find something you 6.    like to have a try.
If you have a lot of knowledge in your favourite hobby, approach schools and colleges to encourage the youngsters to start a club.  Offer your services to educate them on this.  
Set  aside  some  time  to  pursue  your  interests.  This  will  make  you  look  forward  in anticipation and keep your spirits alive.
Social service 7.    bring a lot of satisfaction and sense of achievement. See if there is a club near you where you 8.      offer to do some service.  Better still, start a club.  You 9.       not get a good response initially, but never give up.
Try to find friends on the net whom you can correspond with about your favourite interests. But always be careful. You 10.      be sure that the person you are dealing with do not make a commitment or financial transaction.
Section B. Translation
2.我宁愿每天步行去上学而不愿挤公交车。( would)
3.总统招待贵宾们看精彩的芭蕾舞。( entertain)
4.未经同意在商业广告中使用某人的形象是违法的。( advertisement)
5.作为一名业余歌手,能受邀参加这场盛大的颁奖典礼是一种荣耀。( ceremony)
Section C. Writing
Write an English composition in about 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
Read world-
安娜 古恩famous
                                        masterpieces    Surfthenet
                                                                    8%          45%
Play basketball
Play basketball
A. 1. had better    2.  should    3.  could/can    4.  should    5.  might/may  6.  would  7.  can 
8.  are able to  9.  might    10.  must
B.    1.  — Must I finish revising the play this week?
— No, you needn't.  It will be OK as long as you finish it within a month.
2.I would rather go to school on foot every day than take a crowded bus.
3.The President entertained the guests of honor with wonderful ballet.
4.It is illegal to use someone's image in commercial advertisements without permission.
5.As an amateur singer, it is an honor to be invited to the grand award ceremony. D.
C.    Recently, a survey on students' hobbies has been carried out in a high school. The result shows that 47% students enjoy playing basketball, around 45%  students are keen on surfing the net, while only 8%  students are fond of reading world-famous masterpieces in their spare time.
It is true that nowadays more and more students are fond of sports and surfing the net. What does it reflect? It shows that fewer and fewer students intend to take up hobbies such as reading, arts or music. So, in my opinion, more hobbies about arts should be cultivated, because these kinds of hobbies can improve our awareness of different cultures and help us understand the world better. In addition, humanity hobbies can also improve our sense of value and enrich our mind.
In a word, high school students should be encouraged and guided to develop the hobby of reading, especially the hobby of reading some masterpieces, which will surely benefit us a lot in our future life.