Previously on The Big   《生活大爆炸》前情提要
My father thinks the reason I can't make a relationship work  我父亲觉得我的每段感情之所以不成功
is because I'm spoiled.  是因为我是被宠坏的屁孩
All right, how much, exactly, does he pay for?  好吧  那他到底帮你解决多少账单
Okay, I'll tell you,  我会告诉你们
but please don't judge me.  但请不要鄙视我
He pays for my car, my rent, and my credit cards.  我的车  我的房租和信用卡的账单都是他付的
I'm trying, but I'm judging.  我在努力忍住  但我已经鄙视你了
Maybe your dad's right.  或许你爸说得对
Yeah, women do like a man that can support himself.  对啊  女人的确喜欢能养活自己的男人
I have come to an important decision.  我做出了重要决定
I will not be accepting your money anymore.  我不会再拿你的钱
That's wonderful.  太好了
Yes, that is wonderful.  是的  非常好
You will no longer be able to accuse me of being spoiled.  你不能再指责我被宠坏了
I'm so proud of you.  我真为你骄傲
Dad, I'm trying to tell you off,  爸  我是想臭骂你一顿
and you're ruining it with your delight and relief.  你的欣喜与宽慰毁了我的计划
and you're ruining it with your delight and relief.  时至今日
Interesting.  有意思
Okay.  好的
How bad is it?  多糟糕
Let me put it this way--  我这么说吧
do you own a barrel and suspenders?  你有三尺白绫跟板凳吗
Are you serious?  你是说认真的吗
I'm not wearing this visor to play women's golf.  我戴这个遮光帽可不是为了打女子高尔夫
会计审计员等都会戴来遮挡早期白炽灯光线  绿遮光帽是19世纪晚期到20世纪中期
Oh, let me guess.  我猜猜
You guys are drafting your fantasy accounting firms.  你们在玩梦幻会计公司
根据每周他们的比赛结果来决定谁选出最佳队伍  最常见的是梦幻足球  参赛者从不同队伍选出球员
We're helping Raj figure out his finances.  我们在帮忙拉杰整理财务状况
Well, he has a job. How bad can it be?  他有工作收入  情况能有多差
Well, his rent and car lease are exceedingly high.  他的房租与汽车租贷费用极其高
You couple that with his penchant for dining out   再加上他喜欢上馆子吃饭与购物
Wait, wait, not shopping for clothes, right?  等等  购物不是指买衣服对吧
Because look.  看他这打扮...
He also has a remarkable amount of credit card debt.  而且他的信用卡债务数额惊人
I thought your dad paid your cards.  不是你爹帮你付的信用卡账单吗
I have a card for emergencies that I pay for myself.  我有一张自己付款的紧急备用卡
What emergency happened at the L.A. Zoo?  在洛城动物园发生了什么紧急事故
That's a penguin I sponsor.  我认养了一只企鹅
They're losing their homes to global warming,  它们因为全球暖化而失去了家园
and my car gets, like, seven miles a gallon,  而我的车每三公里耗一升油
so I felt bad.  我挺过意不去
What is Pink Cheeks?  这粉嫩双颊[屁股]是啥
It's intimate waxing. Quit looking at that!  是私密处除毛  那张不许看
Maybe you should find someone  或许你该个人
to help you get your finances under control.  来帮忙让你财务状况回到正轨
Like a business manager?  比如理财经理吗
No, absolutely not.  不  当然不行
You can't afford to hire someone  你请不起一名
who'll forbid you from spending your money on foolish expenses.  会禁止你花钱在白痴开销上的人
That is a foolish expense, and I forbid it.  因为那也是白痴开销  而我禁止你这么做
What if there's someone who just likes controlling  那如果有一个单纯只是喜欢控制别人
other people and stealing joy from their lives?  而且乐于将别人生活中的欢乐偷走的人呢
He sounds like a sociopath.  他听起来像个反社会变态啊
We don't know, his mother never had him tested.  我们也不确定  他妈妈没带他去检查过这个
You're talking about me. Very funny.  你们说的是我  真好笑
Although I would enjoy drawing up a budget  虽然我的确是会享受安排好预算
and forcing Raj to adhere to it  然后逼拉杰坚持计划
without an ounce of compassion.  而且丝毫不带任何同情心
Wait, wait, who's gonna break it to the penguin?  等等  那谁去跟企鹅说金援要断了
Okay, Sheldon.  行啊  谢尔顿
Yeah, I'm putting you in charge of my finances.  我的财务就交给你管吧
I will not spend another penny that you don't authorize.  我再也不会花任何一分未经你批准的钱
Very well.  非常好
Hey, Comic-Con tickets go on sale this Friday.  漫展的票这周五开卖
You can't buy one.  你不许买
Oh, better luck next time, Pink Cheeks.  祝你下次好运啦  粉嫩双颊
You're actually going to Comic-Con?  你真的要去漫展吗
Well, Leonard wants me to do more stuff like that with him,  莱纳德希望我多陪他做这方面的事
so I thought maybe this year I'd tag along.  我就想要不今年陪他去
Well, that's sweet. I bet you'll have fun.  真好  我猜你一定会玩得很开心
So, do you want to come?  那你要一起来吗
No, thanks.  谢邀  不用了
I already live in a place all the nerds come to.  我已经住在一个所有阿宅都会来的家了
Please? I went to your boring thing last month.  求你啦  我上个月也陪你参加无聊活动了啊
My aunt's funeral?  你是说我阿姨的葬礼吗
Come on, even you checked your e-mail during the eulogy.  干嘛啊  你自己也在听悼词时看邮箱了
Well, I'm not going,  我才不要去
but I do think it's nice you want to.  但我觉得你想去挺好的
It's not that I want to go,  不是我想去好吗
I just think it'll make Leonard happy.  我只是想哄莱纳德高兴
And if I have to watch him squeeze into an Ewok costume,  如果哄他就得看他挤进伊渥克服