我的未来不是梦 mp3    英文回答:
    When I was a child, I had a dream of becoming a professional basketball player. I was always fascinated by the sport and spent countless hours practicing my skills. I would watch NBA games on TV and idolize players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. I would imagine myself on the court, making the winning shot and hearing the crowd cheer.
    I would play basketball with my friends every day after school. We would go to the local park and challenge each other to games. We would pretend to be our favorite players and try to imitate their moves. It was so much fun and I felt like I was living my dream.
    As I got older, I realized that becoming a professional basketball player was a difficult goal to achieve. The competition was fierce and there were so many talented players out there. I also had to focus on my studies and prepare for my future. I knew that I needed to have a backup plan in case my basketball dream didn't work out.