Section A From Chinese to English每天第一件事
1. While people may refer to the Internet for up-to-the-minute news, (⽹络完全替代报纸是不可能的).
2. (过去认为不可能的事) has now become a reality.
3. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted (想出了⼀个好的答案).
4. I can't afford to rent a house like that, (更不⽤说买了).
5. Hurry up, or (我们到那⼉时票都卖完了).
十分爱插曲6.The more careful you are, (你写作中可能犯的错误就越少).
7. Not until he finished writing his report (他开始订⽕车票,准备出⾏).lunafly
8. Parents (往往起到重要的作⽤)i n their child’s personal development.
9.The government should (把减少失业放在⾸要位置) in time of financial crises.
朱贝贝10. When the teacher asked Joe (他是如何解开这道数学难题), he smiled and handed her
a book.
11. Had I studied educational psychology, (我昨天就知道怎样吸引学⽣注意⼒了)
12. The spring promotion proved successful (因为本年度销量增加了10%)
13. Because he is not aware of (养成良好习惯的重要性), John didn’t listen to his parents at all.
14. Every day the dog sat at the gate, (等着主⼈回家).
15. (既然我们是在管理这个项⽬),we have to check every detail of your reply.
16. (就利润⽽⾔),this corporation ranks the first in 2012.
17.The activist say nobody can (剥夺孩⼦们受教育的权利).
18.The fact that he changed the idea (使教授很⽣⽓).
19. Mary was born and brought up in America, but she speaks Chinese very fluently
20. ___________________(起源于汉朝),Shadow-play(⽪影戏)became popular among ordinary people in Tang Dynasty.
21.Trade between West and East moved through Central Asia along the famed Silk Road,bringing
22.The Grand Canal flows southward (纵贯四省)of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
23. BYD is now famous for its “plug-in” electric hybrid cars, which, __________________(如其名称所⽰),can be recharged by plugging them into electricity sockets.
24.If you are to study for (学⼠学位),you have to take standardized examinations on a couple of subjects.
25. Only when I started working in an international trade, did I realize . (掌握⼀门外语有多么重要)
26. The word ZheJiang (crooked river) was the old name of the Qiantang River, which
passes__________________________________ . (穿过省会杭州)
27. Ancient Waterfront Towns are mainly distributed _____________________ (在中国东南部).
28. Technical English differs from everyday English because of the specialized contexts in which it is used and because of the specialized interests of ____________________. (科学家和⼯程师) 29. Technological advances in everything from
product design software to digital video cameras are breaking down the cost barriers that once
__________________________ . (将业余选⼿与职业选⼿分开)
30. Railway Ministry personnel presented that this network construction is a part of ________________________ . (全国铁路电信改造⼯程)
Section B From English to Chinese
1. In industrialized countries, people are highly dependent on petroleum fuel. Economists, conservationists, and political leaders constantly warn us about this dependence.
2. We take our modern convenience so much for granted. It would be difficult to imagine ourselves to return to an earlier way of life.
3. Without gas and electricity in particular, a person’s daily ro utine would be considerably different. Each winter morning, it would be necessary to build a fire in the fireplace. In the summer, it would be necessary to build the bedding in from the porch. Water for shaving or for washing dishes would have to be heated. All of this would take a lot of time.
4. A person would travel to school or work by bicycle, by horse or on foot. It would be convenient for those who live near the school or work place. On dark days, lamps that bum animal oil would provide light. Lunches would be cold.
On a whole, life would be simpler, because people would try to do less. It would be impossible to go to five different places in one day. Life would be harder too. 5. People would suffer more from and cold. Food preparation would take more work.
1. In industrialized countries, people are highly dependent on petroleum fuel.
2. We take our modern convenience so much for granted.
3. Without gas and electricity, in particular, a person’s daily routine would be considerably different.
4. A person would travel to school or work by bicycle, by horse or on foot.
5. People would suffer more from and cold.
As I’ve said many times, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No gifts. A good meal. Often a four-day weekend. 6. But what I like best about the holiday is that it gives us time to actually pause and think about what we’re thankful for. And I have much this past year. A good relationship. (Got married.) Good health. (I have a new knee!) Good times. (A vacation in Argentina.)
Not that I can’t, and don’t, take it all for granted on occasion. It took a mongrel dog thousands of miles away to make me aware of my good fortune. And she did it with just a wag of her tail.
While in Argentina on vacation, we stayed on a villa(别墅)outside of Cordoba. Its name: Dos Lunas. It sits at the end of a dirt road that seems to never end.
7. When we finally pulled onto the villa, a dog appeared out of nowhere, eager to greet us before we even got out of the car.
Her name was Branca. She had wandered onto the place a couple of years ago, hungry, homeless, in need of a good bath and a good meal. To their credit, the hosts took her in. 8.And no fool was she, she decided to stay. In return for room and board, she now works as the mascot(吉祥物).A perfect fit for everyone involved.
Branca and I bonded immediately. For four days, she went where I went. 9. She sat under my table at lunch, she ran alongside us as we rode horses up through the hillside. I suspected it didn’t hurt any that I fed her from the table, that I scratched her ear as I sat and read. At night, she slept curled up on a chair, not far from our room. It was her chair. All the guests quickly learned that.
Her tail swept the ground whenever I happened to ask if everything is OK. 10. She was beyond thankful to be right where she was.
And so were we. Happy Thanksgiving.
6. But what I like best about the holiday is that it gives us time to actually pause and think about what we’re thankful for.
潘晓婷老公是谁7. When we finally pulled onto the villa, a dog appeared out of nowhere, eager to greet us before we even got out of the car.
8. And no fool was she, she decided to stay.
9. She sat under my table at lunch, she ran alongside us as we rode horses up through the hillside.
10. She was beyond thankful to be right where she was.
11 There is nothing new about people cutting down trees. In ancient times, Greece, Italy and
England were covered with forests. But now almost nothing were left.
Today, trees are being cut down more rapidly. A major cause of present destruction is the worldwide demand for wood.12 In industrial countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture and houses. There is not enough wood in these countries, therefore they have begun taking wood from the forest of Asia, Africa and other countries.
Wood is also in great demand in developing countries. 13 In many area, people depend on wood to cook their food. As the population grows, the need for wood grows. But when too many trees are cut down, forests are destroyed. In reality , there is usually no chance to grow back. In this way, many million of acres of forests are destroyed every year.
14 The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to lived there. It also has other effects far way. For example, trees help to absorb heavy rains. When the trees are cut down, the rain pours all at once into the river.
15 But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet. Together with increasing pollution, it could cause temperature to raise, and the climate will change around the world. No one would know exactly what effects the world would have on our life. For many people the effects would probably be destructive.
11 There is nothing new about people cutting down trees.
12 In industrial countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture and houses.
13 In many area, people depend on wood to cook their food.
14 The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to lived there.
15 But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet.
When Asked how far engineers had come towards creating artificial intelligence(AI),Stephen W.Hawking replied:16.Once humans develop artificial intelligence,it would take off on its own.It will redesign itself at an ever increasing rate.Humans,who are limited by slow biological evolution,couldn’t compete with them.We would be replaced.”
In my view,the late Cambridge professor is wrong because there are strong grounds for believing that computers will never copy all human cognitive abilities.17.AI has historically failed to copy human mentality,and it will continue to fail.Three fundamental problems explain why.
First,computers lack true understanding.A US philosopher John Searle proposes how a computer program can appear to understand Chinese stories by responding to questions,but fail to truly understand anything of the interaction.
Second,computers lack consciousness.Some researchers hold 18.if a robot experiences a conscious sensation as it interacts with the world,consciousness will exist in everything everywhere:in the cup of tea I am drinking,in the seat that I am sitting on.But does everything
in this world have souls or minds?If we reject this idea,we must reject machine consciousness.Lastly,computers lack mathematical insight.Can the human mind be completely realized by mere
In my role as an AI expert on the International Committee for Robot Arms Control,I am particularly concerned by the potential development of robotic weapons systems.19.These systems can engage themselves in military action without human instruction.This is because current AI is not similar to human intelligence.When fighting against each
other,poorly designed autonomous systems have the potential to make the situations worse rapidly.Such systems can exhibit true artificial stupidity.
It is possible to agree that 20.AI may pose an existential threat to humanity,but it will never become more intelligent than us.
16. Once humans develop artificial intelligence,it would take off on its own.
17.AI has historically failed to copy human mentality,and it will continue to fail.
18.if a robot experiences a conscious sensation as it interacts with the world,consciousness will exist in everything everywhere
19.These systems can engage themselves in military action without human instruction
20.AI may pose an existential threat to humanity,but it will never become more intelligent than us.
Their words seemed to confirm what growing up as a woman and a person of color already taught me: that I belonged in margins and spaces, valid only as a minor character in their lives and stories.
21.Their words confirmed what I had heard my whole life: that I was “other,” that I didn’t belong, that I was not good enough, simply because that I wasn’t like them.and that feeling, I realize now, was, and is, shame, a shame for the things that made me different, a shame for the culture from which I came from. 22. And to me, the most disappointing thing was that I felt it at all. Because the same society that taught some people they were heroes taught me I existed only in the background of their stories and waiting for them to rescue me.
And for a long time, I had been brainwashed into believing that my existence was limited to the boundaries of another person’s approval. I had been tricked into thinking that I was beautiful only if someone else believed it, regardless of my own opinion.
Yes, I have been lied to. We all have. 23. And it was in this realization that I felt a different shame—a
shame for the world I grew up in. And the shame for how that world treats anyone else who is different.
24.I’m not the first person to have grown up this way. This is what it is to grow up as a person of color in a white-dominated world. This is the world I grew up in, but not the world I
want to leave behind.
I want to live i a world where people of all races and gender identifies are seen as what they are always been: human beings.
25.And this is the world that I will continue to work toward.
21. Their words confirmed what I had heard my whole life
______________________________________________________________________ 22.And to me, the most disappointing thing was that I felt it at all.
______________________________________________________________________ 23.And it was in this realization that I felt a different shame
______________________________________________________________________ 24. I’m not the first person to have grown up this way.
______________________________________________________________________ 25. And this is the world that I will continue to work toward.