Unit 1 book1 3rd
Toward a Bright Future for All
I.New words
pledge  [pledʒ]   
n. 保证,誓言  vt. 保证,许诺;
keep his pledge
At this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future.
pose  vt.& vi.
1. 使摆姿势;以…身份出现;招摇;炫耀
n. 姿态;姿势;装腔作势;伪装
After the wedding we all posed for a photo.
The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests.
routine  [ruː'tiːn] 
n. [计] 程序;日常工作;例行公事
adj. 日常的;例行的
Arriving at the office at and staying there until has become my routine.
The problem was discovered during a routine check.
tain : hold   
attain v 获得(at 加强动作+tain→拿住了→获得)
attainable a 可达到的(attain+able→获得
attainment n 成就,造诣(attain获得+ment→获得的成就)
contain v 包含,包容(con全部+tain→全部拿住→包容)
obtain v 获得,达到
retain v 维持,保留
sustain v 支持;赡养
entertain v 招待;娱乐
(enter在中间+tain→在[工作]中间拿 )
entertainment  娱乐,款待
maintain v 维持;坚持
maintenance n 维护;坚持
comprehensive  adj. 综合的;广泛的;有理解力的
comprehensive evaluation  综合评价,综合评价法  comprehensive analysis    综合分析
fascinate ['fæsineit]  vt.
1. (用个人的魅力、独特的能力等等)迷住;使着迷;使陶醉,使神魂颠倒:
The actress's beauty fascinated everyone.
Snakes are said to fascinate small animals.
a fascinating trip
Pursue  [pə'sjuː]  vt. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠
He wanted to pursue a bachelor's degree after working for two years.
The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
pursuit  n.
overwhelm  [əʊvə'welm] 
vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮
Flood overwhelmed the city.  洪水淹没了那座城市。
I was overwhelmed by such a temptation.    我经受不住那样的诱惑。
be overwhelmed by 受不起, 被征服,震撼
be overwhelmed with 淹没于
My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.
People were overwhelmed with amazement . " He has done everything well , " they said . " He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak .”  分外好奇
available  adj. 可获得的;可购得的;可到的;有空的
We must utilize all available resources.
We have a single room available .
Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.
sample  英 [ˈsɑ:mpl]  美 [ˈsæmpl]   
春天里 mv
n. 样品;标本,榜样;(化验的)取样;
vt. 取…的样品,尤指用样品来检验;品尝;抽样调查
We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.
We're giving away 2000 free samples.  我们正免费发放2,000份样品。
assume  英 [ə'sjuːm]  美 [ə'sum] vt. 假定
I assume that every college student has access to the Internet.
virtual 英 [ˈvɜ:tʃuəl]  美 [ˈvɜ:rtʃuəl]
adj. [计] 虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认)
Up to four players can compete in a virtual world of role playing .
He claimed to be a virtual prisoner in his own home.
yield  [jiːld]  vt. 屈服;出产,产生;放弃
n. 产量;收益
We shall never yield to a conqueror.
Instead of high yield, however, they got water and air pollution.
Miss,mit= send,cast,表示“送,放出”
commit  v 委托;委任(com共同+mit→共同送→委任)
submit v 使屈服;提出(sub下面+mit→送下去→屈服)
permit    v 许可,允许(per始终+mit→始终放出来→许可)
omit  v 省去,略去(o出+mit→送出→省略)
admit v 许可入学等;承认(ad+mit→送来→许可进入)
II.Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts.
Part1 (para.1-3)  Opening part of the welcome speech
Part 2白白的歌词 (para.4-7) Making the best of what you have.
              Challenging yourself.
              Facing new experiences.
              Opportunities and responsibilities.
Part 3 (Para.8)   Concluding remarks of the welcome speech.
III. Detailed study of the text
1. As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university.
句型 1
2.Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. (Para. 1)
Your entering this university is an important success. This success is due to many years of your hard work, and many years of your parents’ and teachers’ hard work.
3.In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. (Para. 2)
Meaning: When I am welcoming you to this university, something I remember is my own high school graduation and the photo my mom took of my dad and me.