一、 选择题
1. Five passengers were _____ in the traffic accident and they have all been taken to the nearest hospital.
      A.injured      B.damaged    C.destroyed  D.ruined
2. I don’t like ______________the teacher shouts at the Children so  unlkindly.
A. the way  B. in the way that  C. in the way  D. the way which
3. When bargain for a product, you should be confident but not_________
A. firm                  B. polite              C. enthusiastic          D. aggressive
4. I earn 50 dollars a week, _______ she earns 80 dollars.
A. as          B. when            C. while        D. since
5. There is growing ________ for the safety of children travelling on school buses, especially those on high-speed highways.
A. attention            B. concern            C. introduction        D. knowledge
6. You are too dirty. Don’t get _________ to me.
A. close      B. closing      C. closed      D. closely
7. Tere are a few books on the shelf. But only one of them is _______
A.worth to be read      B.worth being read 
C.well worth reading    D. worth read
8. The new car there ______ to my sister.
    A. belongs      B. is belonging    C. is belonged      D. was belonged
9. This field _____ fifty metres _______, which is ______ another one next to it.
A. is measured; long; twice as large as        B. measures; in length; twice the size of
C. is measured; of length; twice larger than    D. measures; in length; the size twice of
10. The committee _________ fifteen members.
A. consist of    B. makes up of  C. compose of    D. is composed of
【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个委员会由十五个成员组成。在一般现在时中,主语The committee单数,谓语动词用单数,排除A委员会组成之间是被动关系,用被动语态,排除BC,故选D
only you mp3
11. We have reached a point ______ a change is needed.
A. when    B. with which  C. why  D. where       
12. --- Have you decided whether to go to Tom’s party tomorrow?
--- Not yet, and I am thinking how I can ________ it.
A. get off            B. get away            C. get out of          D. get back
13. ______ of the land in that district _______ covered with trees and grass.
A. Two fifths ; is        B. Two fifth ; are      C. Two fifth ; is       D. Two fifths ; are
14. We'll take names and phone numbers __________; then later on we can get more details.
A. for a start    B. from start    C. at an end    D.  in the end
15. We arranged to meet at 8:00, but she never ______.
A. turned down      B. turned off        C. turned over          D. turned up
二、 新的题型
16. ____16____
It takes faith to live by principles, especially when you see people close to you get ahead in life by lying, cheating, indulging, manipulating, and serving only themselves. ___17___
Take the principle of honesty. If you’re a big liar, you may be able to get by for a while, even for a few years. But you’d be hard-pressed to find a liar who achieved success over the long haul. As Cecil B. DeMille observed about his classic movie The Ten Commandments, “It is impossible for us to break the law.” ___18___
Unlike all the other centers we’ve looked at, principles will never fail you. They will never talk behind your back. They don’t get up and move. They don’t suffer career-ending injuries. They don’t play favorites based on skin color1 , gender, wealth, or body features. A principle-centered life is simply the most stable, immovable, unshakable foundation you can build upon, and we all need one of those.
To grasp why principles always work, just imagine living a life based on their opposites ---a life of dishonesty, loafing, indulgence, ingratitude, selfishness, and hate. ___19___
Ironically, putting principles first is the key to doing better in all the other centers. If you live the principles of service, respect, and love, for instance, you’re likely to pick up more friends and be a more stable boyfriend or girlfriend. Putting principles first is also the key to
becoming a person of character.
___20___In whatever situation you find yourself, ask, “What is the principle in play here?” For every problem, search for the principle that will solve it.
If you’re feeling worn out and beaten up by life, perhaps you should try the principle of balance. If you find no one trusts you, the principle of honesty might just be the cure you need.
A. Decide today to make principles your life-center, or paradigm.
B. What you don’t see, however, is that breaking principles always catch up to them in the end.