you raise me up mp3
    My English Composition from Looking at a Picture
    Hi! My name is Tommy and I'm in 3rd grade. Today for English class, my teacher Mrs. Park told us to look at a picture and write a composition about it. The picture she showed us was really cool!
    In the picture, there was this huge treehouse! It looked like the biggest treehouse I've ever seen. The treehouse was built high up in the branches of a giant oak tree. The tree's trunk was super thick and sturdy looking, with lots of big branches sticking out. The treehouse itself had lots of different rooms and levels all connected together with ramps, ladders, and walkways.
    On the bottom level, there was a room with windows and it looked like a little house up in the tree! Above that room, there were multiple platforms with railings all around them. Some of the platforms had roofs over them for shade. On the very top, there was a lookout tower area with a big window you could see out of in every direction.
    The whole treehouse was made of wood and looked really neat and rustic, but also sturdy and well-built. There were plants growing on parts of it too, like vines climbing up the sides. It looked like such a fun place to hang out and play! I could picture having a treehouse like that in my backyard.
    If I had a treehouse that cool, here's what I would do in it. First of all, I would make the bottom room my headquarters where I could hang out, read comics, and play video games. The middle platforms would be perfect for having Nerf gun battles and running around. And the top lookout tower would be an awesome spot for looking out with binoculars and having top secret club meetings with my friends.
    We could also use the treehouse for fun camps and sleepovers. We'd bring sleeping bag
s and camp out on the platforms, telling spooky stories around a pretend campfire. During the day, we could play games like capture the flag and hide and seek all through the different rooms and levels. For snacks, we'd have a pulley system to raise food and drinks up from the ground!
    Another thing I would love to do is decorate the treehouse awesomely. We could put up team flags and paint the walls with cool designs and graffiti. I'd also want bean bag chairs, lava lamps, and Christmas lights everywhere to make it a awesome hangout spot. Maybe we could even get a TV up there and game systems! A treehouse like that would be my dream clubhouse.
    I shared what I wrote with my friend Jake, and he had some good add-on ideas too. He thought we could build a zip-line that went from the top of the treehouse to another tree! Or maybe even a spiraling slide that went all the way down to the ground. He also wanted to set up a snack shack on one of the platforms where we could sell lemonade and candy to people down below. Making money from our awesome treehouse would be so fun!
    Well, that's my English composition all about the amazingly cool treehouse in the picture. A treehouse like that would be the ultimate hangout for me and my friends. We could play in it daily and have the best adventures ever! Treehouses are just so much fun in general. You get to be up high in a tree but also have a awesome little house to chill in. What could be better?
    I hope I did a good job on this assignment. Mrs. Park said to use a lot of descriptive details and creative ideas, so I tried my best! Writing in English is still kind of hard for me, but I'm working on it. Describing the treehouse was lots of fun because I just pictured how awesome it would be to really have one like that. Maybe someday when I'm older, I'll actually build myself the coolest treehouse ever! A kid can dream, right? Let me know if you have any other rad treehouse ideas to add!
    My Chinese Book Had a Super Cool Picture!
    Hey guys! I'm gonna tell you about this awesome picture I saw in my Chinese language arts book. It was so fun and exciting, I just have to describe it all to you!
    The picture showed a huge city with tons of tall buildings all squeezed together. The buildings looked like giants standing side-by-side. Some of them were a bright, shiny silver color that gleamed in the sunlight. Others were different shades of blue, red, yellow and green. The city looked like a bunch of different colored crayons all smushed into one box!