When I think of you, my heart aches with longing. 每当我想起你,我的心就会因为思念而痛苦不堪。
Every moment without you feels like an eternity, and I find myself counting down the seconds until we can be together again. 每一刻没有你的陪伴都让我感觉像是漫长的永恒,我会不停地数着秒数,直到我们可以再次相聚。
Your absence leaves a void in my life that no one else can fill, and I am constantly reminded of how much you mean to me. 你的缺席在我的生活中留下了一个无法弥补的空洞,我时刻意识到你对我的重要性。
I find myself replaying our memories over and over again, savoring every moment we shared and wishing I could relive them all over again. 我会一遍又一遍地回放我们的回忆,品尝着我们一起分享的每一个瞬间,期望能重新经历一遍。
Your voice, your smile, your touch – they all linger in my mind, haunting me with their absenc
e and making me yearn for your presence even more. 你的声音、你的微笑、你的触摸 – 它们都在我的脑海中挥之不去,让我为它们的缺席而心生渴望,更加地渴望你的出现。当我想起你时笑了
Every song, every movie, every place we visited together reminds me of you, and I can't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing you're not here with me. 每一首歌,每一部电影,每一个我们一起去过的地方都让我想起你,我忍不住感到一阵悲伤,因为我知道你不在我身边。
I find myself constantly checking my phone, hoping to see a message or a call from you, just to feel connected to you in some way. 我时常会不停地查看手机,希望能收到你的消息或电话,只是为了某种方式与你建立联系。
The distance between us feels like a vast ocean, separating us physically but never diminishing the depth of my love for you. 我们之间的距离就像是一片无垠的海洋,把我们在物理上分开,但却永远不会减少我对你的爱。
I find myself yearning for the moment when we can be reunited, when I can hold you in my
arms again and feel whole once more. 我渴望着我们再次相聚的时刻,渴望着我可以再次拥抱着你,重新感受完整。