    The Most Memorable Person in My Life
    Have you ever met someone who left such a big impression on you that you'll never forget them? Well, for me, that someone is my grandpa. He's the most memorable person in my whole life! Let me tell you all about him.
    My grandpa's name is Jack, and he's 75 years old. He lives on a farm out in the countryside with my grandma Betty. Their farm is so much fun to visit! They have cows, chickens, pigs, and even a couple of horses. Whenever I go there for summer vacation or holidays, I get to help out by feeding the animals and collecting the eggs from the chicken coop. It's a lot of work, but I don't mind because my grandpa makes it an adventure.
    He's always telling these crazy stories from when he was a kid growing up on that same farm. Like the time he accidentally let all the cows out of the barn and they went running loose all over the fields! Or when he tried to ride the horses bare-back and got thrown off into a mud puddle. Grandpa has a way of making even the most boring chores feel exciting with his tales.
    But my favorite thing about Grandpa is his great sense of humor. He's always cracking jokes and playing little tricks to get us laughing. Like he'll pretend to put a salt shaker in his tea instead of sugar, or he'll mix up words in a sentence to make it sound silly. Once, he even wore one of Grandma's aprons over his clothes while he was cooking us pancakes for breakfast! Theway he scrunches up his face when he's telling a joke makes me bust out laughing every time.
爱在记忆中你 mp3    Spending time with Grandpa means lots of good old-fashioned fun too. He taught me how to whistle using blades of grass, and how to skip rocks across the pond. We go on long walks through the fields and forests around the farm, looking for cool bugs or animal f
ootprints to follow. He knows the name of every tree, flower and critter we come across. I'm amazed by how much he knows about nature!
    In the evenings, we'll build a campfire in the backyard and roast marshmallows. Then Grandpa gets out his old guitar and we'll all sing silly songs and do hand clapping games together. He has this really scratchy singing voice that makes me smile from ear to ear. Grandpa's farm is my favorite place to be.
    But it's not just the fun and games that make Grandpa so special. He's also really wise and caring. Whenever I'm upset about something, he always knows the right things to say to make me feel better. Like when I was nervous about starting at a new school last year, he reminded me "Being a little scared is just your mind's way of telling you something is worth doing." Grandpa taught me you shouldn't let fear hold you back from opportunities.
    When I feel sad or insecure, he's quick to give me a warm hug and reassuring words. "You're one-of-a-kind, just like a snowflake," he'll say. "Don't ever change for anybody else." With Grandpa's love and support, I know I can overcome any challenge.
    Not only is he caring towards me, but Grandpa is kind to everyone he meets. He always has a friendly smile and makes a point of learning people's names. I've seen him shovel the elderly neighbor's driveway when it snows, or bring over extra vegetables from his garden. Whenever we go into town, he strikes up conversations with the cashiers and servers, asking about their families and lives. Grandpa genuinely cares about people.
    I admire how hard-working and determined my grandpa is too. Even at 75, he's up at the crack of dawn every morning to take care of the farm chores. Rain or shine, blistering heat or freezing cold, he's out there getting the job done without complaining. Grandpa taught me you have to put in effort to get things accomplished, but as long as you keep trying, you'll get there eventually.
    "Anything worth doing is worth doing right," he always reminds me. So whether it's cleaning out the chicken coop or plowing the fields, Grandpa takes pride in his work and does it thoroughly. His crops and vegetable garden are always among the best around because he puts in the sweat and labor.  Watching grandpa's strong work ethic inspires me to give my best effort on everything I do too.
    More than anything though, Grandpa has shown me the importance of living life to the fullest. At his age, you'd think he'd want to take it easy. But not Grandpa! He wakes up every morning thankful for a new day and determined to fill it with as much joy and meaning as possible. Grandpa makes the most of every moment.
    Whether he's tending to his farm chores or just relaxing on the front porch swing, Grandpa is always fully present. He'll stop and really listen when you're speaking, making you feel like the only person in the world. When we're doing activities together, he's engaged and having fun right along with me, never watching the clock. Grandpa has taught me that the secret to happiness is living in the here and now, and appreciating the simple things in life.