罗百吉的歌难忘那张灿烂的脸(Unforgettable that brilliant face)
In 2008, Shaanxi province finished the essay
Title Presentation
Please choose one of the following two composition questions to write a composition.
Requirements: (1) have real feelings, the specific language fluent, to creative expression. (2) free style, no less than 600 words. (3) involving names, names, place names, all with English capital letters A, B, C, D,...... Substitute for. (4) do not copy or copy.
(1) semi topic composition (complete topic composition)
Read the following text and write as required.
It is a kind face, let me feel the warmth of life; it is a tired face, let me understand the hardships of life; it is a strange face, let me see the colorful life; it is a We've seen countless faces in our lives.
Please write a composition on the subject of "unforgettable face".
(2) propositional writing
Read the following text and write as required.
This world is not a rich man's world, nor is it a right man's
world, this world is a heart of the world.
Please write a composition on the topic of "being a conscientious person".
Unforgettable that brilliant face
It is a winter morning, dark and cold. I stood in the station, waiting for the first bus on time. Around the dip in the thick of the night, not far from the crossroads illuminated some street, and four street. All lonely far away in the dark extended, cold buildings stand proudly in the road, this morning to add a hint of chill.
Suddenly, a wild roar came from the end of the street, instantly broke just cold atmosphere. After a few seconds, a dark silhouette from the dark gradually.
It is a ubiquitous country women face Bordeaux, bright eyes. There are several shallow wrinkles on the young face. After long exposed to the weather shows a fire, do not invade the vicissitudes of life. A slightly fat body, wrapped up outside and embroidered jacket, tightly with the newspaper. Her feet yellow vest quickly on a bike, the body will swing around, every turn, the car will be tired to ringing so, the posture in peacetime, there is always a bit ridiculous. She was kicking. While the accent sang Shaanxi, although don't understand roar, but emotional, full of ups and downs.
There is her in such a busy city, perhaps not in the lattice Ke "I thought. She seems to feel my gaze away before, in looking
back to me again and bright smile.
I froze.
That is how simple and vivid expression! In this city, perhaps there are countless such women, they may for the daily work in the run around, maybe at home is old and sick parents, is a study of children, there is also the burden of life to Life has given her a heavy lock, but she must dance with her fetters
There are a lot of suffering in life, she quietly endure, but suffering is not down her love of life, so strong and
hard-working woman. Has been trying to integrate into the city, to life, to love to smile.
I remember that brilliant smile, the industrious, simple and optimistic devotee, gave me the most profound enlightenment
Full reason: This is a delicate little novel. Appearance, action, manner and other multi angle description, let the character image Yueranzhishang, at the end of the white heart reflects the profound understanding and understanding of life candidates. Serious and careful observation of society, deep and detailed thinking, coupled with simple and pure feelings, vivid and fluent language, is the magic weapon of this composition
Be a conscientious person (1)
happy brithdayFrom morning to evening, but I do not know when to rise Chaoyang,
when the sunset falls.
日不落歌词The preface
In life, often hear such a sound, "tired, ah, life is really meaningless" is that true? In fact, otherwise, as long as a conscientious person, will feel the good life.
Be a man of heart in the four seasons. Spring and summer Lily Hair, fall leaves and winter snow. Yes, in the colorful spring, tender grass oil, Lvshengsheng, bud open not open, how rich ah don't heady a quality suggestive of poetry or painting,? In the numerous shadow summer flowers are brilliant, with birds singing, don't intoxicating? In the autumn day, amorous leaves fly, durian, like dancing butterflies, red maple leaf covered with golden hill, lining, but isn't it amazing? In the dream of the winter, the snow like fairy ballet, lively flying down from the air, the land of snow, like in a fairy tale world,
Don't look? Do people, will experience a more beautiful.
Be a conscientious man in books. Not just reading, but seriously, read carefully, tend to gain more in Tagore and the white dove warmth, feel the life and honest; in the Qinhuai River the oars, read the old father figure; in the light the cold keg, feel the mother love selfless and great in the turbid; emptying of the sea, to the sea to the old perception of unyielding struggle; and his "laugh out to us, it is rich and proud; Peng" Du Fu "with tens, Great Jubilee the world famous all the land" feelings; Go
ng Zizheng "the rose is not heartless, more into music" Be a conscientious person, you will feel a lot
of truth.王思聪 豆得儿
Be a sensible person in your diet. You'll get more enjoyment when you look at the food in your life. In the vast pampas plateau, barbecue has become preferred when people get together; in the fairy tale of the kingdom of northern Europe, a variety of seafood has been active in the table of people; in the prosperity of the Americas, convenient fast food has been recognized by the world; in the romantic French, the aroma has let the foie gras snail Eater - drool Different regions of the diet show different cultures. Be a conscientious person, you will feel a lot of pleasure.
To be a conscientious person, to taste the beauty of nature; to be a conscientious person; to comprehend the beauty of knowledge; to be a conscientious person; to feel the peculiar of
Let's be a sensible person and feel the beauty of life.
Full reason: the acuteness of thinking, the clarity of arrangement, the classic of selection and the be
auty of language make this article an excellent composition in the examination room. Particularly impressive is the examinee knowledge heritage, enhance the momentum of the article, the article in the "four seasons in the mind, the books of the people, in the diet of the people" covers many aspects of life, thought-provoking, to give people inspiration.
Be a conscientious person (2)