  Playing the piano is boring
  Stage of life is colorful, everyone on the stage to show yet different, have their own characteristics, there is music to express emotion, to have the right powerful calligraphy with swipes painter standing in my life ...... ── music is on stage.
  When it comes to love, everyone talked about, I am no exception, my hobbies are playing the piano. My music has a strange feeling when I play the piano, all the troubles have vanished, a surge of joy waves of passion from my heart, in my mind, it makes me deeply intoxicated, the brain continues to change with the strength of the music emerges out of a variety of situations. When I went to elementary school arts center downtown registration, they feel only the music will bring me joy, anger, sadness and joy.
  When you first touch the piano, I can not wait with a teacher up. Although the beginning of the very, very difficult, but I also did not give up halfway down the stick, when I had finished Etude Music Association Grading ready to start learning a first-class track, I was very happy, but also made up my mind we must learn the piano, let this wonderful music to accompany me through the good times.
  Now I was ready to participate in the three piano Music Association exam, everyone says I'm a soft spot for music, so I have to make more aroused real actions to show that all this argument. Music Association Grading Test In this time I prepared four tracks: Etudes, plus volts Dance, C major, first movement Sonatina and horse racing. I put four bullets song was passionate, imaginative, with the spirit. I am convinced that he will succeed to get the prize, you will be holding the certificate home.
  Piano, it will be doomed to spend your life with me, since I forged a friendship with the music, I would regard this as a musical struggle hard.
发情感的音乐,有端正有力的书法,有挥笔而立的画家……而在我的人生舞台上是──音乐。my boo
张崇基  说到爱好,人人都津津乐道,我也不例外,我的爱好是弹钢琴。我对音乐有一种说不出的感觉,每当我弹起钢琴时,所有的烦恼都烟消云散,一股快乐的海浪般的激情从心底涌上我的心头,它让我深深地陶醉了,脑中不断随这音乐强弱的变化浮现出各种情形。当我到市中心小学艺术中心报名时,便觉得只有音乐才会给我带来喜、怒、哀、乐。
  cast pearls before swine
  During the Warring States Period, there was a musician named Gongming Yi, who played musical instruments very well.
  There were a great number of people fond of listening to him play, and respected him very much.
  One day, Gongming Yi saw a cow when he was having fun in the countryside.
beautiful 歌词>rick springfield
元彬主演的电视剧  He thought, "Everybody compliments my music. Why don't I play some music for this cow?"
  He played a piece of elegant quaint music for the cow, but the cow just kept grazing the grass with its head down.
  He played another piece of joyful music, but the cow still kept its head down to graze the grass and totally ignored him.
  Gongming Yi was so disappointed and started to question his ability.
  公明仪拿出自己的全部本领, 结果牛还是不理他。公明仪非常失望,开始怀疑自己的琴技。
  A passerby said to him,"It's not because your ability is bad. It is because the cow can not understand music at all."