Prince Charles’s Speech at the Hong Kong Sovereignty Handover Ceremony
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is with great pleasure and a humble heart that I stand before you on this historic day. Today, we witness the peaceful transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong, from the United Kingdom to the People’s Republic of China. This is a momentous event that will be remembered for generations to come.
I am honored to be representing Her Majesty the Queen on this occasion and to witness the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Hong Kong. As we bid farewell to this vibrant city, we must celebrate its achievements and acknowledge its challenges.
The British Empire’s presence in Hong Kong dates back to 1841, when it was established as a colony following the First Opium War. Over the years, Hong Kong has grown into a bu
stling metropolis and an economic powerhouse. It has become a symbol of the marriage between East and West, a melting pot of cultures, and a beacon of hope for millions.
humble meThe handover of Hong Kong sovereignty to China marks the end of a long journey. It is a journey that was often challenging but ultimately successful. The unique blend of Chinese tradition and British culture that we see today was the product of hard work, compromise, and mutual respect.
I feel compelled to acknowledge the resilience and adaptability of the Hong Kong people, who have weathered many storms and emerged victorious. The success of Hong Kong has been built on the foundation of hard work, innovation, and a desire to succeed. The British and Chinese cultures that have mingled here have created a unique environment that has shaped the world we live in today.
As we look to the future, there will undoubtedly be challenges. But with great challenges come great opportunities. We must remain optimistic and work together to create a better tomorrow. Hong Kong has a bright future ahead of it, and I have no doubt that it will continu
e to flourish under Chinese rule.
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Hong Kong, who have welcomed me with open arms and made me feel at home. I have been overwhelmed by the hospitality and generosity of the Hong Kong people. I am proud to have been a part of this city’s rich history, and I look forward to witnessing its bright future.
In closing, I would like to commend the leaders of both the United Kingdom and China for their efforts in ensuring a smooth transition of Hong Kong sovereignty. This is a remarkable achievement that all of us can be proud of.
Thank you, and may God bless Hong Kong and its people.