voice 是可数名词,指人发出的声音。如:
I didn’t recognize John’s voice on the telephone. 在电话里我没听出约翰的声音。
We could hear the children’s voices in the garden. 我们能听见花园里孩子们的声音。
sound 词意最广泛,它包括各种性质的声响,不论大声还是小声,音乐或噪音,有意义的还是无意义的声音均可,多作可数名词。如:
A joyful sound came from the distance. 远处传来欢快的声音。
The door was open, and the sound came from the kitchen. 门开着,声音是从厨房传来的。
noise 泛指一切在的、杂乱的或令人讨厌的杂声和吵闹声,既指单一的刺耳、尖锐、磨擦的声响,也可指混合在一起不协调的声响,不论是由人或物所发出的,可以是可数的,也可以是不可数的。如:
Loud noise can make people ill. 大的噪音能使人生病。
Don’t make such a loud noise. 别弄出这么大的声响。
necessary主要用于两种句型:①It’s necessary for sb. to do sth. 某人有必要做某事
②It’s necessary that… 有必要……
注意:that从句中谓语用should + 动词原型,should 可省略。
另外:不能使用sb. is necessary to do 结构,因为通常是“某事或做某事有必要”,而非人有必要。
误:He is necessary to return home this afternoon.
正:It’s necessary for him to return home this afternoon.
Key:①It’s necessary for him to improve his method of study。
everything is sound
/It’s necessary that the should impr ove his method of study。
②If necessary,we’ll employ more men for the harvest.
①Not all of them go in for sports. 他们并不都喜欢运动。
相当于:All of them don’t go in for sports.
或:Some of them go in for s ports,but others don’t.
②I don’t like both of the novels. 这两部小说我并不都喜欢。
相当于:I like only of the novels.
③You can’t get this kind of vegetable s everywhere. 这种疏菜你并不是在哪里都能买到。
相当于:You can only get this kind of vegetables somewhere.
如果表示全部否定则应用:neither(两者)/none(多者)/no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere.
①None of them go /goes in for sports. 他们都不喜欢运动。
②I like neither of the novels. 这两部小说我都不喜欢。
③You can get this kind of vegetables nowhere. 在哪里你也买不到这种疏菜。