    My Life Now and Then
    ![A kid playing video games][]
    Hey there! I'm Timmy, a 5th grade kid just living my life. Things are pretty cool nowadays with all the awesome video games, YouTubers to watch, and new gadgets coming out. But I sometimes wonder what life was like a long time ago before all this modern stuff existed. Let me tell you about the differences I've noticed between today and the old days!![An old fashioned classroom][]
    School today is really different compared to how my parents and grandparents learned. We have these super thin laptop computers that can connect to the internet. All our textbooks
and homework are online now. Back then, they had to lug around heavy books in their backpacks and write everything out by hand with pencils and paper! No thanks, that sounds like way too much work.
    The classrooms also look totally different these days. We have giant TVs on the walls that teachers can use for educational videos and games. My grandma said they just had chalkboards and the teacher would have to write out all the lessons and notes by hand. I can't even imagine how boring that must have been!![Kids playing video games together][]
    Video games are my absolute favorite thing in the world right now. All the graphics are so realistic and there are a bajillion different fun games you can play online with friends. My dad told me that when he was a kid, the only video games were those old 8-bit pixel games you played on TVs. Everything was just blocks and bleepy sounds, not even close to how awesome games are nowadays. He's probably just salty because he wasn't good at them though!
    Speaking of online, literally everything is on the internet now. I can watch any TV show, r
ead any book, or listen to any song I want just by opening up a website or app. My parents have shown me old VHS tapes, CD's, and books they had as kids and it's crazy how inconvenient everything was back then. You actually had to go to a store and buy physical copies of movies, shows, and albums! What a hassle.![Cell phones vs old telephone][]
    Cell phones have also changed so much throughout the years. My mom had one of those giant brick phones as a teenager that could only make calls. How lame! Now we have these slick smartphones that are like having a computer in your pocket. You can surf the web, watch videos, take pics, and stay connected to your friends anywhere. I feel bad for kids in the past who had to actually use house phones attached to walls by cords. No texting, no smartphone games, no I wouldn't have survived as a kid back then!![Modern house vs old house][]
    Technology isn't the only thing that's better these days either. Our houses and neighborhoods are so much nicer and safer compared to a long time ago. All the houses I've seen from when my grandparents were kids look super old and tiny. No AC, no modern
appliances, and definitely no massive flat screen TVs! Now we live in these big houses with so many rooms, updated kitchens, and even home theaters. The neighborhoods are also way better with nice parks, community centers, and low crime rates. From what I've heard, a lot of areas were pretty sketchy and run down back then.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is that kids these days have it made compared to how my parents and grandparents grew up. We really don't realize just how good we have it with all the latest technology making our lives so much easier and more fun. Part of me is kinda glad I didn't grow up in those ancient an you imagine not having your favorite video games, websites, or even a simple thing like good AC?! What an absolute nightmare that would have been. I'll just enjoy my modern kid life to the fullest!
    My Life Now and Back Then
everything is sound    Hi there! My name is Sarah and I'm a 5th grader. Today I want to tell you all about how th
ings are different for me now compared to when I was little. It's crazy how much has changed! Let me show you with some pictures.
    [Insert illustration of a baby]
    This was me when I was just a tiny baby. Can you believe how small I was? Back then, I couldn't do much at all. I just slept, cried, ate, and made messes in my diaper. My mom and dad had to take care of me all the time. They fed me bottles of milk or mushy baby food. Yuck! I'm so glad I can eat real food now like pizza, burgers, and ice cream. Those are my favorites!
    [Insert illustration of a toddler]
    Here I am as a toddler, aren't I cute? Back in those days, I was just learning how to walk, talk, and do basic things. My parents had to help me get dressed, go potty, and play with my toys. I loved playing make-believe and having a imagination! But now I'm older and can get myself ready, go to the bathroom alone, and even read books. Playing pretend is still fun sometimes though.