    My Mom's Job
    My mom has a really cool job! She is a doctor at the big hospital downtown. I'm so proud of her and I love telling my friends all about what she does.
    Every morning, my mom wakes up super early before the sun is even up. She has to get ready and eat breakfast and drink her coffee. She always makes me breakfast too if I'm awake. My favorite is when she makes pancakes! But most mornings it's just cereal or oatmeal.
    Then my mom puts on her special doctor clothes called scrubs. They're sort of like pajamas but made of a thin, crisp material. The color is kind of like greenish-blue. She looks
so official and important in her scrubs. She also wears a long white coat over top and it has her name stitched onto the pocket: Dr. Emily Robinson. Doesn't that sound fancy?
    After she's all dressed, she gives me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head and then she's out the door and off to the hospital. Sometimes if I'm really quick, I can run outside and wave to her as she's backing out of the driveway. She always toots the horn and waves back with a big smile on her face.
    At the hospital, my mom takes care of people who are really sick or injured. She's an emergency doctor, which means she works in the emergency room. That's the place you go if you break your arm or if you get really bad flu and can't stop throwing up. My mom sees all sorts of different people every single day.
    Some of the people just need stitches or to have an x-ray taken of a broken bone. But sometimes the people are so sick that they have to be admitted to the hospital to stay for a few days or weeks. My mom and the other doctors and nurses take really good care of those patients.
    I remember one time when I was about six years old, I fell off the monkey bars at school and broke my left arm. It was sticking out at a weird angle and I was crying so hard from the pain. The teachers called my mom at work and then she rushed over to the school to check on me. Even though I was really scared, I felt a little bit better when I saw my mom's face. She looked so calm and confident. She gave me a huge hug and then helped splint my arm so it wouldn't move around as much.
    In the emergency room, my mom finally got to look at the x-rays and see that my arm was broken in two places. I had to stay overnight at the hospital and get surgery the next morning to get a metal rod put in to hold the bones in place while they healed. My mom came to check on me about every hour and made sure I was okay. I'm not sure I could have gotten through that experience without her by my side.
    Even though it was pretty scary and I was in a lot of pain, I thought it was kind of neat to get to see the inside of a hospital and watch my mom in action for once, taking care of me just like she takes care of her other patients. I got a new appreciation for how hard she works and how much she helps people every single day.
    After her shift at the hospital is over, my mom comes home absolutely exhausted. Can you imagine being on your feet for 12 hours straight, running around constantly? She plops down on the couch and kicks off her shoes. I love to snuggle up next to her and put my head on her shoulder. She smells like iodine and hand sanitizer, but I don't even mind.
    Sometimes she has to stay a little bit late if there is a critical patient that needs her attention. But she always tries her best to be home by dinner time so we can eat together as a family. My dad is an amazing cook so the food is always delicious. Mom just needs a few minutes of peace and quiet before she digs in.
    Once she's re-energized with some food, my mom will help me with any homework I have. She is so smart and good at explaining things in a way that I can understand. We read together a lot too - books are her favorite! I think that's where she gets so much of her knowledge and wisdom.
    My mom works so hard during the week that she is usually pretty tired on the weekends. But she still finds time to take me to my soccer games or go to the park to play catch. She's
make me proud
my biggest fan and supporter in everything I do. I hope that when I grow up, I can be just like her - strong, intelligent, caring and hard-working. Not just anyone can handle being an emergency room doctor! It takes someone really special and amazing. I'm so lucky that my mom is that someone for so many people in our city. She saves lives every single day and I'm proud to be her daughter.