    Someone I'm Proud Of
    When I think about someone who I'm really proud of, my mind instantly goes to my big sister Jenny. She's the most amazing person I know, and I look up to her so much. Even though we bicker and argue like typical siblings, deep down I admire her more than anyone else in the world.
    Jenny is four years older than me, so she's already graduated from high school. I still remember how excited and nervous I felt when she started high school - it seemed like such a huge deal at the time! She handled that transition so well though. Not only did she get good grades, but she was involved in so many activities too.
    She played on the soccer team all four years and even made it to the state championship her senior year. I went to as many of her games as I could, cheering her on from the stands. It was awesome watching her dribble down the field and score goals. My sister has always been super athletic and coordinated.
make me proud    In addition to soccer, Jenny also did volunteer work throughout high school. She spent weekends at the local animal shelter, helping to take care of the pets and find them homes. I went with her a few times and it was really cool to see how much she cared about those animals. Her passion for protecting them definitely rubbed off on me.
    Another thing I admire about my sister is how hard she worked to get into a good college. She stayed up late most nights studying and working on applications. All that effort paid off though - she got accepted into her dream school with a huge scholarship! I was so proud when she told us the good news. We all went out for a celebratory dinner that night.
    Now Jenny is in her second year of college, majoring in biology. She's maintained an insanely high GPA while also being involved in several clubs and volunteer groups on camp
us. I have no idea how she finds the time and energy to do it all, but she does. My sister is incredibly driven and disciplined when it comes to her goals.
    What I respect most though is how kind and caring Jenny is, despite how busy she keeps herself. She still finds time to call home and check in on me pretty often. Whenever I'm struggling with something, she's the first person I go to for advice. Her words of wisdom have helped me through so many tough situations over the years.
    I'll never forget the summer before she left for college. I was going through a really hard time with friend drama and self-confidence issues. Jenny must have sensed how down I felt because she went out of her way to spend more one-on-one time with me those few months. She took me on little sister dates, talked me through my insecurities, and constantly reminded me how loved and special I am. Those small acts of kindness meant the world to me.
    That's just one example of the incredibly caring person my sister is. No matter how busy or stressed she gets, she always prioritizes the people in her life who need her. It's one of t
he qualities I admire most about Jenny and hope to emulate myself someday.
    There are so many other amazing things about my big sister that I could go on and on about. She's intelligent, athletic, hard-working, and beautiful inside and out. But most importantly, she's been the best role model a younger sibling could ask for. Watching Jenny grow into the person she is today has shown me what's possible when you dedicate yourself to your passions and live with integrity.
    I feel so fortunate to have such an incredible example to look up to and learn from. Jenny makes me want to become a better version of myself - a kinder friend, a harder worker, a more driven student. She motivates me to stretch my limits and see how much I can accomplish if I put my mind to it.
    My sister may not realize it, but she's the person who inspires me most in this world. I'm in awe of her countless accomplishments and all the obstacles she's overcome with grace. But I'm most proud of the beautiful human being Jenny is at her core - caring, ethical, resilient. Those are the qualities that truly matter and the ones I hope to one day embody a
s well.
    For everything she's achieved and for the amazing role model she continues to be, my big sister Jenny is someone I will always look up to and be immensely proud of. She's living proof that with determination and heart, you can make your dreams a reality. I feel so blessed to have such an extraordinary person helping guide me through these formative years of my life. Hopefully one day I can make her just as proud of me as I am of her.
    Someone I'm Proud Of
    You know, there are a lot of really awesome people in this world who have done incredible things. People who have changed the course of history, made groundbreaking scientific discoveries, or stood up for important causes. But for me, the person I'm most proud of is a little closer to home - my dad.
    My dad isn't famous or anything. He doesn't have his face on the cover of magazines or
his name in history books. But to me, he's a total superhero. The thing that makes me proudest of my dad is how hard he works to provide for our family and give my brother and me the best life possible.