    Exams Are No Fun, but We Can Laugh at Them!
    Hi everyone! My name is Tommy and I'm in fifth grade. Today I want to talk to you all about exams. I know, I know - just hearing that word makes a lot of you groan and feel stressed out. Exams are no fun at all! They make me feel worried and nervous too. But today, I'm going to share some tips with you on how we can laugh at exams instead of being scared of them. Yes, you heard me right - laugh at exams! It might sound crazy, but I really think it can help us feel better.
    First of all, let's think about what an exam really is. It's just a bunch of questions that teachers use to see what we've learned, right? But it's not the end of the world if we don't get every single question right. I've gotten some bad grades on tests before, and I'm still here! Th
e world didn't end, my parents didn't disown me, and my friends still like me. An exam is just one tiny thing, and it doesn't define who we are as people.
    In fact, if you think about it, some of the questions on exams are kind of silly. Like when they ask us to write down the definition of a really easy word that we all already know. Or when the math questions have lots of unnecessary information that doesn't even matter for solving the problem. Isn't that kind of funny? We should laugh at those silly questions instead of getting all worked up over them!
    Another reason we should laugh at exams is because of how hard we all try to prepare for them. We study and study, make flash cards, quiz each other, you name it. And then on the day of the test, we get so nervous that we can barely remember our own names, never mind what we studied! How crazy is that? All that work, and our brains just decide to take a vacation on exam day. When you really think about it, it's hilarious how much time and effort we put in, only to psyche ourselves out in the end.
    Speaking of preparing too hard, let me tell you a funny story about my friend Sarah. She
is one of the biggest overachievers I know when it comes to studying. For our last spelling test, she spent weeks going over the word list, using them in sentences, having her parents quiz her every night, the whole nine yards. The day of the test, she was so freaked out that she accidentally wrote down "definuteky" instead of "definitely" on one of the words. She studied so hard for that one word and still messed it up! We all had a good laugh about it afterward.
    That's the thing - once an exam is over, we can look back and laugh at the silly mistakes we made and how worked up we got over nothing. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect, but nobody is perfect! Even brilliant scientists, writers, and leaders make mistakes sometimes. So why should we expect to get 100% on every test? As long as we do our best to prepare, a few errors really aren't the end of the world.
    Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't study or try hard on exams. Of course we should still put in some effort. But there's no need to go overboard and drive ourselves crazy with stress. At the end of the day, an exam is just a way for teachers to know what we need more help with. It's a chance to learn, not a life-or-death situation!
    So here's my advice to you all: Next time you have a big exam coming up, spend some time studying, but don't kill yourself over it. Then on exam day, take a few deep breaths, make a few silly faces in the mirror to crack yourself up, and go in feeling loose and relaxed. During the test, if you start feeling anxious, think about something funny that happened recently and let yourself chuckle a little under your breath. And if you get stuck on a question, just move on instead of freaking out. Keep your cool, and know that it'll all be over soon.
    After the exam, don't beat yourself up if you made silly mistakes. Mistakes were meant to be laughed at, not cried over! Share the funny stories with your friends, like how you put down "Massachusetts" as the capital of France or something equally goofy. We could probably all use a good laugh after a tough exam day.
    The point is, we put way too much pressure and way too much importance on exams sometimes. They're really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Our brains are still developing, and we're going to make mistakes - that's part of the learning process.
So instead of getting all worked up with anxiety, let's learn to laugh at exams and at ourselves. A little humor and positivity can go a long way towards helping us all get through this stressful thing called school!