How to be a Good Salesperson When You Aren't a Natural Salesperson
How to be a Good Salesperson When You Aren't a Natural Salesperson
There's nothing that irks me more, at the moment, than people who give you bad advice. I'm not talking doctors I'm talking about those truly vapid little dolls that work in department stores.
I am not a dainty woman. Thanks to my mother's Slavic heritage, I'm tall in stature, broad of shoulder, wide in hip and if I'd been born about 300 years earlier, there wouldn't be a worry if the family ox was having a bad day and couldn't manage the plow.    Don't get me wrong, if the situation calls for it, I can be as feminine as any woman. But don't expect me to go the ruffles and lace route. You wouldn't put something pink and frilly on a the neighbor's so please keep those girlie little scraps in fact, don't even suggest them.
你怎么忍心放开我的手>jaduAs I stood there stiffly in front of a dressing room mirror wearing a god-awful concoc
winky诗tion of "catholic school girl gone bad," the salesgirl ooohed and aaaahed telling me how adorable it looked. Did she want to make a sale THAT badly? There was no way I was going out into the world dressed
The fact that I hadn't even ASKED for her opinion had obviously escaped her.
One of the many careers I've had involved the sale and design of granite and marble stonework for interior use. I never planned on having such it just happened accidentally. I started with a small company as their office person and as they expanded, so did my duties. One of these was running down the stairs to their new showroom every time the door went ding, ding!
My photographic memory and thirst for any form of knowledge, soon had them replacing me in the office and putting me permanently in the showroom to work with potential customers. I am not a natural salesperson. However, if I love and believe well then I'm convinced it can pretty much sell itself.
I was pretty good at least it seemed so. Before long I had clients asking personally for my help, interior decorators and architects referring their customers with directions to see nobody else but me and businesses asking my boss to borrow me for the education of their own sales staff. I loved it! Every minute of it! So many beautiful homes to work with, the owners so excited about their new project and best of all not a dime of it was coming out of my own pocket. Who wouldn't love that type of job?
There are definitely some do's and don'ts to being a when you aren't a natural salesperson. Here are a few things that I've learned that helped me to be the best salesperson that I
1. Know your product - You live in the use it. Educate yourself on every facet from creation to use. My customers were forever asking me the country of origin for their materials. Knowing their new fireplace originated from Greece or Turkey thrilled them completely. There was one gentleman that actually
wanted to know all about the difference between igneous and metamorphic stone. A day after making the sale, he called the company and asked for the owner. "That salesperson of yours is good! " he exclaimed to my boss, "I'm a geology professor and she knows more than I do on the subject!" The u never know what will make a sale. I don't care if you sell hamburgers or cars, a customer is always impressed by a salesperson that cares enough to know everything they can about their product
歌曲推荐2. Know your competition - Likewise, take the time to know who your direct competitor is in the market. Being aware of the pros and cons of your product and the competitor's is important in your sales. Beware falling into the "my competition sucks and here's why" trap. You NEVER want to make a sale based on the flaws of your competitor's product. You come out sounding jealous, petty and churlish. The best way to circumnavigate this issue is to make sure you say something nice about but then point out in a conversational tone how despite this niceness, your product is a better value in the long run. If at all possible, have
samples to show your client.
The bane of my existence working in the granite industry was Dupont Corian. I spent months perusing their web site, reading blogs from customer and representatives, spitting mad over some fallacy that they were printing about natural stone. At an open house, I came face to face with a Corian advocate. To my delight, she had brought an armload of cutting boards made out the material and when I asked for several, she chortled with delight that she was converting me to the dark side. I then took them home and beat the snot out of them. I was fair own kitchen was formica, so that was test surface one. Test surface two was a granite cutting board that I had brought from work. Test surfaces three through five were various colors and grades of Corian. After a few months of treating them wo of the three Corian surfaces were beat to hell. The third to my surprise fared ven though it was white. The granite remained unfazed. My landlord was a bit pissed about but oh well. With the samples in my showroom however, I could actually show customers a
nd no, I didn't exclude the Corian that had survived rather well. It was only fair to show them honest results.
3. Give realistic expectations - While what you are selling might be the next greatest thing to sliced bread, it's not going to unless of course you are a pharmaceutical representative actually selling a cancer cure. Your customer has every right to be made aware of anything that might impact from availability to difficulty of installation or even further down the road, daily use and long term value. I'm a firm believer that an educated customer is the best customer. Why? Because you want them flapping their gums all over town, to all their friends and neighbors, about what they now know. You want to turn each and every one of them into your own personal pyramid scheme and send them out into the world selling for YOU. The best way to do this is to pile a bunch of knowledge it gives them something to talk about and makes them feel intelligent. They didn't just buy a bunch hey bought an igneous stone from India that is somewhat porous but with the application of a good sealant will last them many
七里香伴奏years with minimal fuss and ultimately add to the value of their home.郑爽事件怎么回事