The Girls in Their Summer Dresses
    To begin with, I want to say this novel is too interesting for me to read. When I first read this, I consider that it wasn’t having the plot. The novel is too boring which only surrounding with two person’s talk. But when I read it once more, I had changed my idea. Here are some my ideas about the plots in the novel as follows.
    Firstly, the author introduces the necessary background information of the novel. When “November”, “Sunday morning”. Who “Michael”, “France”. Where “Fifth Avenue”, Shining in the sun, warm”. The well-dressed people were walking slowly in couples.
beautiful girls歌词
    Secondly, we should pay more attention to the characters in the novel especially Michael. He is a man who is bored with life and appreciates different kind of women strongly. When he hangs around with France, he cannot help but look at them and want them. Because of this, the crisis between the couple had been grown up. We can see these contradictions from France’s actions. When her husband saw girls, she only had a nice complexion at first. But then, she went fast, said words flatly, unhappily, defiantly and harshly at last. These series of
behavior also lead to falling action and the plot moves towards its resolution. Because so many girls can attach her husband’s eyes and her husband admit that he likes beautiful girls. France was disappointed with her husband finally.
    In a sense, I suppose that this novel is irony, Michael lived with his wife for many years but not saw his wife carefully instead he paid more attention on other girl. Only when France left did Michael suddenly realized that how beautiful his wife is. The result makes me surprise.