Cambridge English, Key English Test – Listening. Sample Test.
There are five parts to the test.  You will hear each piece twice.
We will now stop for a moment.
Please ask any questions now because you must NOT speak during the test.
Now, look at the instructions for Part One.
Pause 05"
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Pause 02"
Look at question 1.
Pause 05"
1 Where will Claire meet Alex?
M: Hi Claire. Are you in the city centre?
F: Hi Alex. Yes, I’m just having a sandwich in the café. How about you?
M: I’m at the museum, looking at a really great art exhibition. Why don’t you come and meet me here?
F: OK, but just for an hour. I’ve got to go to the hairdresser’s at 2.
[56 words]
Pause 05"
Now listen again.
R epeat
P ause 05"
2What time should the man telephone again?
M: Can I speak to Fred Warner, please?
F: He’s in a meeting now.  I’ll ask him to call you at quarter past ten when he comes out. M: I’m seeing a customer then.  I can phone at twelve o’clock.
F: He’ll be in another meeting then.  Call at half past before he goes for lunch.
M: OK.
[58 words] Pause 05"
Now listen again.
R epeat
Pause 05"
3When are they going to have the party?
M: Shall we have a party this month?  A Friday night is best.  How about July the eighteenth?
F: I have to work late that day.  The eleventh will be better.
M: We've got theatre tickets for then.  Are we doing anything on the twenty-fifth? F: That's fine.  Let's make it then.  The eleventh is too soon anyway.
[54 words] Pause 05"
Now listen again.
R epeat
P ause 05"
4 What was the weather like on the picnic?
M: Did you have a good picnic yesterday? It was so sunny and hot!
F: Yes, but we almost didn’t go because the television weatherman was talking about rain.
M: So did you take umbrellas with you?
what are words mp3
F: Yes, but of course we didn’t use them. It’s good we didn’t go today - there’s such a strong wind!
[53 words] Pause 05"
Now listen again.
R epeat
P ause 05"
5 How much are the shorts?
M: Excuse me, are these shorts in the sale?
F: Yes, sir.  Everything on that shelf is five pounds.
M: I'll take this shirt too.
F: That's fifteen pounds, so with the shorts that will be twenty pounds.
[34 words] Pause 05"
Now listen again.
R epeat
P ause 05"
That is the end of Part One.
Pause 10"
Now look at Part Two.
Pause 05"
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word, or a number, or a date, or a time. Look at questions 6 – 10 now. You have
10 seconds.
Pause 10"
You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students about summer jobs.
M: Several students from this college went to work for Sunshine Holidays last year and enjoyed it.  So I’m going to give you some information about working in their summer camps this year.
The camps start on the fifteenth of June so you must be free from then until
August the twentieth.  Most students then spend September travelling around and having a holiday before they come home.
The camps are for children who are between ten and fifteen years old and to
work there you have to be nineteen.  So that’s OK for most of you.
You don’t need to be good at sports or languages but they only want people
who can drive.  That’s because you’ll take the chil dren out on trips by car.
Each week you’ll get sixty-five pounds, so you could save over five hundred
pounds during your time there.
If you’re interested, you need to write a letter and send it with a photo to
Sunshine Holidays.  So, does anyone have any questions…?
(166 words) Pause 05"
Now listen again.
Pause 05"
That is the end of Part Two.
Pause 10"
Now look at Part Three.
Pause 05"
For each question, choose the correct answer. Look at questions 11 - 15 now. You have twenty seconds.
Pause 20"
You will hear Robert talking to his friend, Laura, about a trip to Dublin.
M: Hi Laura. Some of us are going for a weekend in Dublin this year. Are you free at the beginning of next month?
F: Yes, I’d love to come.
M: Great!
F: Who else is going?
M: I asked my cousins, but they’re playing in a tennis competition –so there’ll be four of us from my office, and you.
F: Where are we staying?
M: I tried to book a guest-house. It was full, but visitors can rent rooms in the un iversity during the holidays. We’ll do that –it’s cheaper than a hotel.
F: Excellent. Are you taking your new camera?
M: Yes, some maps of the city too. But you'll need a coat! It often rains.
F: OK!
M: Have you been before?
F: Yes! The centre’s busy - the shops are always full of people! My friends and I loved all the beautiful buildings - I really enjoyed learning about their history. M: Yeah!
F: So, are you excited about the trip?
M: Yeah but it’s a pity the music festival won’t be on. When I’m in Dublin I always have lots of fish –it’s fantastic. There’s a new art exhibition - you might like it, but I’m not interested.
F: Yeah, maybe!
(188 words) Pause 05"
Now listen again.
Pause 05"
That is the end of Part Three.
Pause 10"
Now look at Part Four.
Pause 05"
For each question, choose the correct answer.
Pause 05”
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about why she bought a
motorbike. Why did she buy it?
M: So, you’ve got a motorbike, Sally?
F: Yeah, what do you think?
M: Cool!
F: Thanks! I paid quite a lot for it, but I'll be able to get to college in ten minutes now. Remember how I was always late last year?
M: And you were always having to* repair your old bicycle, weren't you?
F Yeah. It was just too slow, really.
(90 words) Pause 05"
Now listen again.
Pause 05"
17 You will hear two friends talking about going to university. What subject
is the man going to study?
F: So do you think you'll enjoy university?
M: Yes, especially the trips! I loved science at school, but I won’t need it much. I thought about studying history but couldn’t find a course I really liked. We’re
learning about mountains and rivers in the first term, which’ll be great. And
I’m looking forward to* finding out about cities and how they’ve developed*
over time.
(63 words) Pause 05"
Now listen again.
Pause 05"
18 You will hear two friends talking about a photograph. What’s the
photograph of?
M: What a great photo!
F: Thanks! They were all moving around so quickly - running and jumping