Unit 5 Music
Period 1 Listening and Speaking
1. Listen to the sounds of the instruments and classify their kinds.
2. Listen and understand what the speakers’ preferences are and the reasons;
3. Talk about our own preferences and give reasons by using some sentences like this: “What kind of music do you like ? and why?” “Because it makes/gives me /touches ”.
4. Learn some plosives and incomplete plosives and their rules.
5. Take part in some volunteer activities and play a role according to our musical talents.
1. Listen and understand what the speakers’ preferences are and the reasons;
2. Talk about our own preferences and give reasons by using some sentences like this: “What kind of music do you like ? and why?” “Because it makes/gives me /touches ”.
3. Learn some plosives and incomplete plosives and their rules.
Step 1 Lead in
Look at the pictures on P50 and answer the following questions
Q1: What are the people doing in the pictures below?

Q2: What kind of music they are?(Then play the MP3s one by one)
Step 2 Listening
Task 1: A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students about music. Listen to the interviews. Draw lines between the words to make complete sentences. Some words will not be used.
Task 2: The reporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave him. Listen to the interviews again and complete the sentences with the words you hear. (listen again)
      Paraphrase: When you want to explain something difficult to somebody, it is helpful to use easier words with the same meaning. This will help you make it easier to understand.
Step 3 Talking--Interview
Interview each other about music. A acts the reporter, B the interviewee. 
types of music:
country music                classical music                 
hip-hop                    Chinese traditional music       
pop music                rap                          rock'n roll
  Step 4 Listen to a volunteer announcement
  Task 1: Listen to an announcement about a school music festival. Tick the kinds of volunteers the festival needs.
        people to give music lessons            choir members
people to run food stands            people to sell festival tickets
people to sell music CDs            people to set up equipment
musical performers
Task 2: Listen to the announcement again and answer the questions
1. What kind of songs will Grace Davis sing at the festival ?

2. Who can try out as a performer ?

3. What can those who think they do not have musical talent do ?

4. How can students volunteer to take part ?
Step 5 Talking--Role play
Student A is Debbie, student B is John. They are talking about being a volunteer of the festival.
Debbie: Where have you been ? You missed the announcement about the music festival.
John: I was at the doctor’s office. Music festival ?
Debbie: Yes, it’s going to be next month on the school sports field. John, you can play the piano. How about playing it at the festival ?
what are words mp3John: Well, I’d rather play the violin. I can play Liang Zhu.
Debbie: Wow! Sounds good. What about you, Debbie ?
John: Actually, I don’t have much musical ability. I’d prefer just to help out with the crowds.
Debbie: You can sell tickets or work at a food stand.
John: So can I assume(认为,想) that the aim of the festival is to raise money ?
Debbie: Yes. All of the money will go to charity.
John: Well, if it’s for a good cause, everyone should take part !
Step 6 Talking -- What would you do
1. would you like to sing or play a musical instrument? How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned ?

2. Whom would you invite ? What other activities could you do at the music festival ?
Step 7 Listen and Pronounce
1. Read the “Blowin’ in the Wind” by Bob Dylan.
2. the rules of plosives and incomplete plosives
爆破音:发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍, 然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。英语中有6个爆破音, 即/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/
不完全爆破音:当发爆破音时, 气流不必冲破阻碍, 而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍并稍作停顿(也就是说, 做出要发出这个爆破音的准备, 但不要发出声来), 这样的发音过程叫。
1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时, 前者发不完全爆破音, 后者则要完全地、彻底地进行爆破。例如:
(1)He has a ba(d) col(d) today.
(2)You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children.
(3)Gla(d) to meet you.
2. 爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/ 在/tʃ/, /dʒ/, /w/, /t/的前面时不完全爆破。例如:
(1)Have you read the book about tha(t) child?