1999年1月12日收到 汝州市 467535
张长虹 周玉梅
道,随煤气进入风机,由于冷凝液密度(1.12~1.24g/l )远大于煤气介质密度(0.451g/l ),风机超载造成电机过负荷。通过对机体特别是机前排液管、阀门、水封进行清理、更换,确保排液畅通,并规定冬季中、夜班加强交班蒸汽吹扫,定期排放冷凝液,使故障得以解决。
控制回路出现故障原因比较复杂。经过试验分析,造成启动失败的原因一是35kV 变电站直流电源能量低(碱性电池老化需更换);二是CT8型操动机构空试正常,带负荷合闸失败,工作不可靠。校对失压和过流脱扣器,检查辅助开关接线端子,发现掉合闸公用部分扣板由于反复操作腐蚀磨损过大容易形成脱扣,导致启动———掉闸。改进措施是,
在重新制作扣板时,将2.5mm 厚的扣板形状不变厚度改为4mm ,增加接触断面。铆接装配后,空投合格,带负荷试验一次成功。2号备用机组操动机构也按此法处理效果很好。
加剧,电机和风机测振点的振动幅值在0.08~0.20mm 之间波动,润滑油管大幅度摆动,进出口煤气管道及前后操作平台都出现超常振动,对焦炉生产和焦化产品回收构成严重威胁。应用故障逻辑树法及时查清了原因,异常振动得以消除。
05mm 以内,符合精度要求,联轴器无破损。
⑤脱开联轴器,检查电机,抽芯无异常。空试电机振动稍大,调整机座垫片厚度,使电机振幅保持在0.05mm 以下。但风机联动试车时机组振动依然较大。
古筝名曲欣赏③断头的铆钉由风机制造厂更换,在动平衡试验机上对转子重新做平衡,用去重法使转子重心对转动轴线剩余偏移量达到3μm ,不平衡量控制到270g ・cm 以下。④经以上处理后的转子,现场装配后,机组振动故障得以消除。
本 期 主 要 文 摘
小流量组装式离心压缩机的研究/王慧秀 李国贵 孙玉山/沈阳鼓风机厂
叙词 组装式压缩机 设计 研究
过渡接口对贯流风机气动特性测试结果影响的分析/游斌 黄宸武 罗嘉陶/顺德顺威电器有限公司风机研究所
叙词 横流式通风机 测试 分析
叙词 锅炉用引风机 选型 优化
离心通风机叶轮进口的相对涡流/马素霞 阎庆绂/太原理工大学
叙词 叶轮 进口部分 涡流 分析
叙词 罗茨鼓风机 叶轮 加工
离心压缩机制造全局信息集成及其实用化/张维华 穆成真 刘晓瑞/北方电脑应用开发公司
叙词 离心式压缩机 计算机辅助制造
叙词 风机 动平衡 试验装置 测试
CE NT AC离心压缩机的安装调试/黄建利 薛彩峰/咸阳长庆石油助剂厂
本文以3CⅡ90M×3型离心压缩机为例,详细介绍了CE NT AC离心压缩机的安装调试过程。结果取得较好的运行效果。
叙词 离心式压缩机 调试 正
通风机装置的自动监测系统/倪长敏/徐州矿务集团生技部 杨薇可/四川电力试验研究院
叙词 矿井通风机 检测 监控 方法
叙词 通风机 改造 价值工程
煤气鼓风机典型故障原因分析及其改进措施/张长虹 周玉梅/河南汝州煤焦化集团公司
叙词 离心式鼓风机 故障 分析
提高离心式通风机的经济运行效益/彭担任/中国矿业大学 程普军 马福长 陈广会/山东省岱庄煤矿
举例介绍了K4-73N o28型离心通风机在两个煤矿的使用现状,对它们分析提出了进行技术改造、提高
叙词 通风机 运行 经济性
多余 杨宗纬
叙词 轴流式通风机 动叶片 喘振 改造
Main Abstracts I n This Issue
兽兽门事件R esearch For Assembly Centrifugal Compressor With Mini-F low/W angH ui xiu et al
The method of pneumatic design for assembling centrifugal com press or with miniflow has been set forth.The practical problem in technique&test which was waiting for s olving is raised.The reli2 able basis was provided for developing new products in the realm.
K ey Words Assembling Compressor Design Research Analysis of T ransition I nterface A ffecting T est R esult of Aerodynamic Perform ance for Through-flow F an/ You Bin et al
T est equipment,test result and analysis for through folw fan aerodynamic performance are introduced.Then clear that transition interface effect on fan aerodyamic performance.
K ey Words Cro ssflow Fan Test Analysis
Optimized P attern for300MW/600MW Boiler I nduced Draft F an/Yang Ch ao gang
According to running features of boiler induced draft fan, around main object of high reliability and large capacity,many se2 lected m odels of induced draft fan and a lot of factors which affect it to select m odel are analyzed and com pared in this paper.The select2 ed method of induced draft fan which is reas onable,correct&suite for chinese condition are obtaind by the use of com posite target judging method.Fixed reference on selecting fan type and adjusting method are provided for manu facturer&customer.
K ey Words Boiler induced draft fan Selecting pattern Op2 timization
R elative V ortex at impeller I nlet of Centrifugal F an/ MaSu xia et al
Produce&Change low of relative v ortex at im peller inlet of centrifugal fan are discussed.Internal relations of relative v ortex, fluid pre-rev olving&im peller internal folw are analyzed.The mi2 an factor
s which affect the change low of relative v ortex are initially inquired into.
K ey Words Impeller Inlet section Vortex Analysis Dividing Method of Three B lade Impeller Processing for R oots B low er/Yu an H ong de
The w ork process accurate dividing of three blade im peller re2 alized by the use of positioning in the processing of three blade im2 peller for R oots blower are described.The effective way of process2 ing three blade im peller by using existing equipment is provided for manu facturer.黑木明纱 赤西仁
K ey Words Roots blower Impeller Processing
I nform ation I ntegration of the whole Manu facturing& Its Practical U tilization for Centrifugal Compressor/ Zh angWei hu a et al
S pecific w ork of in formaion integration of the whole&opera2 tion each other am ong data bases are em phatically described.
K ey Words Centrifugal Compressor Compute aided Manufacture
Development of T est U nit for F an Dynamic B alance/XuCong yu
T aking fan im peller,rotating shaft、base and com plete m otor as a whole,installing on specific test unit on which dynamic balance test is carried out.This is a direct&effective method which elimi2 nates additional unbalance caused by installation error of im peller& coupling.Balance accuracy of fan system is raised.
K ey Words Fan Dynamic balance Test unit Detection
I nstalling&Debugging for CENTAC Centrifugal Com2 pressor/H u angJian li
T aking T ype3CⅡ90M×3Centrifugal com press or as an ex2 am ple,the paper introduced in detail the process of installing&de2 bugging CE NT AC centrifugal com press or.The result is that the bet2 ter running effect is obtained.
K ey Words Centrifugal compressor Debugging Alignment Auto-Monitoring System of F an U nit/NiCh ang min et al
明天会更好伴奏The constitution,w orking principle,technical parameter&ex2 am ple of application of auto m onitoring system for mine fan unit are introduced.
K ey Words M ine fan Detection Monitor Method Application of V alue E ngineering in F an T ransfor
m a2 tion/LiC ai hui
The M ethod of trans forming fan by using value engineering is put forward.Its actual value&existing problem are pointed out,and then believe that the method is effective way which can reduce cost &raise the main performance of products.
K ey Words Fan Transformation Value engineering Typical T rouble R eason Analysis and Improve Mea2 surement for G as B low er/Zh angCh ang hong et al
C omm on troubles of type D300-42gas blower are discussed. Analysis method of typical trouble reas on is put forward.G ood effect is obtained after im provement.
K ey Words Centrifugal blower Trouble Analysis
I ncrease E conomic Running B enefits of Centrifugal F an/PengDan ren et al
Present situation for the use of type K4-73-02N o02B Cen2 trifugal fan in tw o coal mines in introduce by exam ple.Opinions& method of technical T rans formation&Increasing economic running benefits are separately put forward.Recommendations of design for large fan unit in coal mine construction from now on are raised.
K ey Words Centrifugal fan Running Economy Surging Mech anism&Precautionary Measures of R o2 tor Control Type Axial F an/Ma Xin li
Surging mechanism of rotor blade control type axial fan is ana2 lyzed in detail and precautionary measures are put forward.It is available for reference to design,selecting m odel&trans formation of rotor blade control type axial fan.
K ey Words Axial fan Rotary blade Surge Transformaion