A Good-luck Dumpling
When I was in my middle agesomething terrible happened to me.As I was away from(1) for almost a yearmy wife and children were extremely worried.And my motheralready in her eightieswas on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
On the eve of the Spring FestivalI was finally allowed to return home.Mother looked at meher eyes filled with(2).But soon she said "Let's start making dumplings for the Festival."
And then an idea(3) her "Let's put in a coin and make a good-luck dumpling.Whoever eats it will be blessed (有福的)."
While making the good-luck dumplingmy mother secretly made an(4) on it.She pretended nothing had happenedbut the trick didn't escape my(5).
After Mother boiled the dumplings all by herselfshe put the good-luck dumpling on top of the others in a bowl on purpose and pushed the bowl to me.Feeling lovedI stared at her in(6) eyes.
I had thought it would give her a lovely surprise if she ate the good-luck dumpling.Taking the opportunity when she went to the kitchenI put the dumpling into her bowl.Obviouslywhen Mother returnedshe didn't(7) it and went on eating with her eyes on me all the time. "Ouch!" suddenly she cried out.The coin had hurt her teeth.
"OhGranny is blessed"my wife(8) .
"I...how come" Mother was(9).Just at that momentthe coin fell out of her mouth.
So I joined my wife and children "Granny is blessed!Mother is blessed!"
Mother burst into laughterand then tearsas my wife and I(10) with her all her sadness and joy.
1.   A. home梁静茹 忐忑    B. office    C. factory    D. market
2.   A. calm    B. curiosity    C. horror    D. disbelief
3.   A. interested    B. struck    C. impressed    D. changed
4.   A. try    B. decision    C. mark    D. note
5.   A. hands    B. eyes    C. lips    D. mind
6.   A. anxious    B. grateful    C. sorrowful    D. sincere
7.   A. take    B. permit    C. accept    D. notice
8.   A. argued    B. warned    C. cheered    D. suggested
9.  长岛的雪 A. confused    B. inspired    C. touched    D. attracted
10.   A. discussed    B. shared    C. remembered    D. found
Section A
Festivals (1) be an important part of society.They reflect people's wishesbeliefsfaithsand attitudes towards life.They are occasions (2) allow us to relax and enjoy lifeand forget about our work for a little while.They help us understand where we came fromwho we areand (3) to appreciate.And if you study festivals carefullyyou may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.
Section B
I'm part of an android football team.About once a year we (1) allow to get together to play a game of football.I'm as big as a human.In fact主人来电话I look like one too.On the football team I'm in charge of shooting (2) I must run very fast.My computer chips help me to move and think like a human.For example手机铃声之家I have learned to send signals (3) my teammates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal.
山谷里的思念原唱Section C
The colour was rushing to his cheeksand his eyes were wide open (1) shine with joyand in the centre of each eyeright in the very centrein the black pupila little spark of wild excitement (2) dance slowly.Then the old man took a deep breathand suddenlywith no warning whatsoeveran explosion seemed to take place inside him.He threw up his arms and yelled 'Yippeeeeeeee!' And at the same timehis long (3) bone body rose up out of the bed and his bowl of soup went flying into the face of Grandma Josephineand in one fantastic leapthis old fellow of ninety-six and a halfwho (10) be in bed these last twenty years李湘老公是谁,jumped on to the floor and started doing a dance of victory in his pajamas.
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