Vol.38No.3Jun .2019Professor SHAO Ming ’s experience in treating liver disease with Yinchen Yulu decoction
CAI Zhaohui ,SHAO Ming
(Affiliated hospital of nanjing university of Traditional Chinese medicine ,Nanjing 210029,China )
Abstract :Yinchen Yulu decoction comes from FEI Boxiong's the meaning of medical alcohol.It consists of eleven flavored drugs such as Yinchen ,Yuzhu ,Dendrobium ,Trichosanthin ,Pueraria ,Hawthorn ,Poria ,and so on.All kinds of medicines are used together to play the role of nourishing yin and clearing the damp and strengthening the spleen and stomach.This article discusses the clinical experience of Professor SHAO Ming's application of Yinchen Yulu decoction in the treatment of autoimmune liver disease through clinical typical medical records.Although the symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cholangitis are different ,they all have signs of yin deficiency and wet.All of these can be treated with Yinchen Yulu decoction ,so as to obtain the therapeutic effect of treating different diseases together ,and expanded the thinking and scope of traditional Chinese medicine treat
ment of autoimmune liver disease.
Key words :Yinchen Yulu decoction ;autoimmune hepatitis ;primary biliary cholangitis ;professor SHAO Ming active fraction and component[J].中国天然药物,2011,9(3):
附属医院杜元灏主任、王耀光主任、天津中医药大学第二附属医院杜武勋主任、李沛霖主任、天津市中医药研究院附属医院樊瑞红主任、梅妍主任和天津市南开医院高晟主任作为评审专家出席此次会议,共计30余人参加了此次鉴定会议。经过成果鉴定会专家评审,两项成果总体评价达国际领先水平。两项成果来源于国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题《冠心病痰瘀互结证病证关系及其生物学基础研究》、国家自然基金项目青年科学基金项目《基于NF-κB 信号转导通路探讨丹蒌方冠心病痰瘀互结证的机制研究》、乐仁堂药业合作的横向课题《通脉养心丸临床生物学基础及网络药理学研究》。经过天津中医药大学中医证候研究团队100余位师生6年多的共同努力,以及上海中医药大学附属龙华医院、河南中医药大学附属第一医院、天津中医药大学第一附属医院等全国9家临床单位共同协作下,课题组培养了一批高层次中医证候临床和基础研究学术骨干,发表核心论文45篇,其中SCI 论文11篇,课题标志性成果之一的文章《ALarge -Scale,Multi-Center Urine Biomarkers Identification of Coronary HeartDisease in TCM Syndrome Differentiation 》已被组学的权威期刊之一《Journal of Proteome Research 》(IF3.95)刊发,并入选封面论文;以第一完成人获得天津市科学技术进步二等奖1项;申请专利3项,软件著作权1项;研究骨干晋升高级职称18人;遴选为博士生导师10人和硕士生导师5人;获批天津市中西医结合基础医学,中医工程学和中药制药工程学学科带头人3人,荣获天津中医药大学“131”人才项目资助2人;培养毕业博硕士研究生10人,获得研究生国家奖学金10人次。形成一支中医证候学创新研究团队。218