    Being a toilet for someone's entire life is definitely not the most glamorous job, but I suppose it's a necessary one. As a toilet, I have witnessed all kinds of human experiences, from the mundane to the extraordinary. I have seen people in moments of joy, relief, sadness, and even anger. It's a strange and somewhat intimate relationship that I have with the people who use me.
    One thing that always surprises me is the variety of things that people flush down the toilet. From the usual toilet paper and waste, to the occasional cell phone or even a wedding ring, I have seen it all. It never fails to amaze me how people can accidentally or intentionally let go of their most valuable possessions in such a manner. It's almost as if I have become a repository for people's secrets and mistakes.change miwa
    Another aspect of my existence as a toilet is the different ways in which people use me. So
me people are quick and efficient, while others take their time. Some people are considerate and clean up after themselves, while others leave a mess behind. It's interesting to see how people's habits and behaviors manifest even in such a seemingly insignificant act as using a toilet.
    Despite all the ups and downs of being a toilet, there is one thing that I have come to appreciate the opportunity to provide comfort and relief to those who need it. Whether it's someone who has had a long day at work and just wants a moment of peace, or someone who is feeling unwell and needs some relief, I am there to offer my services. It may not be the most glamorous job, but it is a necessary one.