1.Boys and girls, don′t lose       in watching TV too much because it is bad for your eyes.
A.himself    B.yourself    C.themselves    D.yourselves
2.一I like the story of The Maze Runner better than     of Tire Hunger Came.
奥黛丽-赫本一I agree. The fights are more exciting than     in The Hunger Game.
A.that; those    B.those; those    C.that; that    D.those; that
3.—Did you buy a large house?
—No, not really, at least not as large as ______.
A.yours    B.your    C.you
4.—Hi, Anna. Are these your sister’s pencils?
  —Oh, no. They’re not ______.
A.her    B.him    C.hers    D.his宋茜八卦
5.—Which one do you like better, English-Chinese dictionary or Words app?
— I like________ of them. They are useful for English learners.
A.none    B.neither    C.all    D.both
6.A new study shows that shouting at children may have the results that go beyond      of beating(打)them.
A.that    B.those    C.it    D.ones
7.Mr. Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but ____was to my taste.
A.all    B.neither    C.nothing    D.none
8.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an?
----      is OK. It’s up to you.
A.Either    B.Neither    C.Both    D.All
9.I left a message to my parents yesterday, but ______ of them called me back.
A.both    B.none    C.neither
10.The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that  _____ are bigger.
A.we    B.ours    C.our    D.us
11.My parents showed    some old pictures that brought back sweet memories.
A.I    B.me    C.my    D.mine
12.I think ______ important to prepare more food for tomorrow’s party.
A.that    B.it    C.this    D.us
13.Winning or losing is only half the game, __________half is learning how to communi
cate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.
A.another    B.other    C.the other
14.I have tried several jackets, but _________ of them fits me well.
A.both    B.neither    C.all    D.none
15.Do you have ___ready for the spring trip?
No. I still have to buy some fruit.
A.something    B.anything    C.everything    D.nothing
16.After chatting happily with the new student in my class, I gave her my QQ number and she gave me        .
A.she    B.hers    C.her    D.herself
17.—Which book would you like to borrow?
—________ of the two books is OK with me.
A.Either    B.Both
C.Any    D.None
18.--Mary failed the exam yesterday.
--- Give her a phone call. We should ______.
A.cheer up her    B.cheer up    C.cheer her up    D.cheered up
19.—Our classroom is so clean. Do you know who cleaned it?
—Sorry, I don't know. I think         did it before class.
A.anybody    B.nobody    C.somebody    D.everybody
20.--What about these two coats, madam?
--________ of them fits me. Could you show me ________ one?
A.Either; other    B.Neither; another    C.Neither; else    D.Either; another
21.A smile costs __________, but it gives so much. So we should learn to smile.
A.nothing    B.something    C.anything    D.everything
22.It’s very nice __________  you __________ my parents your best wishes.
A.of; sending    B.of; to send
C.for; to send    D.for; sending
23.—Are these books __________?
—No, they are not mine. They belong to __________.
A.your;her    B.yours;her    C.you;hers    D.yours;she
24.The clothes are on sale now. ________ can afford the prices.
A.Somebody    B.Anybody    C.None    D.Nobody
25.Dear boys and girls, you will face the most important examination in less than 100 days. ________________ and go out of your way, and you will get a satisfying result.
A.Have confidence in yourself    B.Being confident of yourself
C.Have confidence in yourselves
e oneself in 迷失在……,该句是祈使句,逻辑主语是you,指代Boys and girls,故选D。
句意:——比起Tire Hunger Came的故事,我更喜欢The Maze Runner better的故事。——我同意,比起in The Hunger Game.来The fights更令人激动。在比较级中,that用来代替前面的名词的单数或不可数名词;those是用来代替比较级中前面出面的名词的复数。根据题意,故选A。
句意:——嗨,安娜。这些是你的铅笔吗?——哦,不,它们不是她的。考查代词辨析题。本句缺表语,空格后面没有名词,需用名词性物主代词,可排除AB两项;根据句意语境,空白处代指sister’s pencils,可知选C。
句意:——你更喜欢哪个,英汉词典还是单词应用程序?——它们两个我都喜欢。它们对英语学习者很有用。考查不定代词辨析。none一个没有,用于三者及以上,表完全否定;neither两者都不,表否定;all全都,用于三者及以上;both两者都。本句them是指上句的English-Chinese dictionary和Words app,是两种事物,需用both of。根据句意结构,可知选D。
句意“一项新的研究表明,朝孩子喊可能有超过殴打他们的结果”。that代指the+不可数名词,且常用于比较级中;B.代指the+可数名词复数;C.代指上文中出现的同一个事物;D.代指复数名词。根据句意可知,空处代指the results,用those,故选B。