So the five keys to investing wisely in a down real estate   在低迷的房地产市场中  明智投资的五大秘诀就是
KEYp   "诀"对保持冷静
Legwork.  腿脚勤快
I recently became a partner in a new agency,  我刚成为一家新房地产公司的合伙人
so I put together a seminar  所以我要办个解说会
to recruit first-time home buyers.  来吸引第一次买房的新手
not ready to make niceI want to give 'em a step-by-step description  我希望给他们一步步讲解
of exactly what I can do for them.  我如何帮他们选到满意的房子
Am I worried tha they might write it all down  你问我会不会担心他们记下步骤后
and just do it themselves?  自己去挑选房子
Quite frankly, I hadn't thought about it until just now.  坦白说  我现在才察觉到这个问题
Do I really have to go to this thing?  我非得去参加吗
Yes. You're a big part of today.  当然  你今天戏份大着呢
You're my support staff.  你是我的后勤人员
Then why am I not getting paid?  那你为什么不付我工钱
That is a good question.  问得好
And I think I'm gonna text you the answer  我会把答案用短信发到
on that cell phone we pay for.  我们买给你的手机上
Honey, do you wanna practice your part again?  亲爱的  要再练习一下你的部分吗
Uh, no. It's just one question. I think I got it.  不  就一个问题而已  我记住了
Yeah, but it's the most important question  是的  可那是最关键的问题
because it launches me into my big finish.  它将引出我的压轴好戏
- Yes. - That way, people leave excited.  -没错  -那样人们会高高兴兴地离开
Oh, I think people will be excited to leave.  我看是很高兴能离开吧
Why?  你在干嘛
I'm sorry. It's for school.  抱歉  我是为了完成学校作业
I have to design a container that'll protect an egg  我必须设计一个容器保护鸡蛋
in a 1-story drop.  从1层楼高处跌落而不摔碎
Yeah, so, um,  好吧  所以
you thought you would go with an egg carton?  你准备用包装鸡蛋的纸盒吗
What if the best idea was under my nose the whole time?  也许最佳方法就藏在我眼皮底下呢
You're gonna need to come down and clean this up now.  你得下来把这一摊收拾干净
Ugh! I wouldn't have to do any of this  其实我本来完全不用瞎折腾的
if Alex would just let me use hers from when she took the class.  都怪艾丽克斯不肯让我用她当年上这课时的作品
Never.  门都没有
That design is my intellectual property.  那设计是我的知识产权
I think it has applications for unmanned space flight.  我觉得它足以应用在无人"驾"驶太空飞行上
Keep talking like that  你再继续当科学怪胎
and you'll go through life unmanned.  一辈子都无人可"嫁"了
- Funny. - Girls.  -真会搞笑  -姑娘们
Luke, honey, listen to me.  卢克  亲爱的  听我说
You're gonna need to do this project on your own.  你得独立完成这个作业
And you can do it. really think.  你能做到的  只要努力动动脑子
I've got it!  我想到了
What if I'm the container?  用我自身做容器如何
There's a thought. You   算是个想法  你可以...
No, Luke! Luke!  别  卢克  卢克
第三季 第十二集  摩登家庭
Okay, si, te quiero. Mwah, mwah, mwah!  好  好  亲亲  爱你哦
I understood "Crazy old witch,"  我听懂了"疯老巫婆子"
"Go kill yourself," Then "I love you."  "吧"  以及  "爱你哦"
I'll never get this, how you all yell at each other.  我一直搞不懂  你们怎么老互相嚷嚷
That's how you know that your family loves you  如何感受家人爱
when they feel free to scream at you.  就在他们嚷你时
Oh, I guess I owe my ex-wife an apology.  那我应该对我前妻说声抱歉了
Apparently,she was nuts about me.  显然  她当年爱我爱得如痴如狂
Darn it!  该死
Try the next one over a frying pan.  下次在炒锅上试验吧
I could use some breakfast.  正好给我当早饭
This is so frustrating.  真让人丧气
At least you're getting your hands dirty for a change.  至少你是在亲自动手做事
It is a nice break from the life of the mind I usually live.  平时都沉迷于精神世界  现在能动动手也不错
That's the spirit.  说得很对
Plus it's a metaphor for the human condition.  再说也是对人类境况的一种暗喻
Aren't we all just fragile eggs  我们不都是易碎的鸡蛋吗
hiding behind bubble wrap and bravado?  躲藏在气泡垫的背后
And we're back.  又回到老样子了
Well, I'm sure that your egg-droppy thing  我保证你的鸡蛋坠落作品
is going to be the best in the class.  会是全班最棒的
Except for Luke's.  肯定比不上卢克的
Really? Our Luke?  是吗  我们家卢克吗
But isn't he, like, a little,   可他不是  有点...天然呆
I bet Claire's gonna help him,  克莱尔肯定会帮他忙的
just like she did with his self-portrait for art class.  就像上次美术课帮他画自画像一样
There was life in those eyes.  那双眼睛囧囧有神
It was haunting.  让人难以忘怀
Tell you what. I'm gonna nip this in the bud.  那行  我要将此不正之风扼杀于萌芽中
You deserve a fighting chance.  你应该有公平竞争的机会
Hey, I'm calling about that, uh, egg project the boys are doing.  我是为孩子们的那个鸡蛋坠落作业打来的
Parents aren't supposed to help out on that, right?  家长不该插手帮忙  对吧
Why would the parents be helping?  家长干嘛要帮呢
Why do they cut grapes for 8-year-olds?  那干嘛要帮8岁的孩子切葡萄呢
I figure if you can eat a chicken finger,  我觉得他们都会啃炸鸡条了
you can tear your way through a grape.  肯定也能成功解决一颗葡萄
Again, dad?  又旧事重提吗  爸爸
Oh, I'm sorry,   抱歉  那事...
bugs me, is all.  总让我不爽而已