A Red Light for Scofflaws
Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in . history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today — amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obey the rules.”
冯铭潮佟晨洁Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. 5 The graffiti-prone turn public surfaces into visual rubbish. Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws. 6 Litterbugs convert their communities into trash dumps. Widespread flurries of ordinances have failed to clear public places of high-decibel portable radios, just as earlier laws failed to wipe out the beer-soaked hooliganism that plagues many parks. 7 Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint. The flagrant use of cocaine is a festering scandal in middle and upper-class life. And then there are (hello, everybody!) 8 the jaywalkers.
公共场所乱涂乱写的人,把这些地方弄得满目疮痍。骑自行车无拘无束,仿佛两轮车就可以不遵守交通规则似的。随处乱扔拉圾的人把他们的居住区变成了拉圾堆。到处张贴的禁令,也未能使公共场所免于手提收音机的高分贝噪音的污染,正如前些日子颁布禁令,禁止灌醉啤酒的流氓滋扰公园,竟毫无作用一样。瘾君子对那些“禁止吸烟”的布告牌视若无睹。衣冠楚楚的客传递也不再躲躲闪闪,避人耳目。泛滥,成了中上层社会中愈来愈恼人的丑闻。当然,还有那些不遵守交通规则,乱穿马路的人。 把爱埋葬
The dangers of scofflawry vary widely. The person who illegally spits on the sidewalk remains disgusting, but clearly poses less risk to others than the company that illegally buries hazardous chemical waste in an unauthorized location. The fare beater on the subway presents less threat to life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes. 9 The most immediately and measurably dangerous scofflawry, however, also happens to be the most visible. The culprit is the American driver, whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance. 10 The hazards range from routine double parking 11 that jams city streets to the drunk driving that kills some 25,000 people and injures at least 650,000 others yearly. 12 Illegal speeding on open highways? New surveys show th
at on some interstate highways 83% of all drivers are currently ignoring the federal 55 m .p. h. speed limit.
玩忽法令的危害有轻有重。在人行道上随地吐痰,当然是令人讨厌的;但与那些大工厂在非指定地点违法掩埋化学废料的作法相比,其对公众的危害则要小多了。乘地下火车不买票,当然不会象房东老板无视防火安全条文那样会危及人的生命安全。然而正是这些极常见的玩忽法令行为,其为害却最直接最严重。罪魁祸首要算那些无法无天的驾驶汽车的美国人,其所做所为成了今天的巨大公害。这种危害,从日常的双重停车 ( 指把车停在业已顺停在路边的车辆的旁边——译注 ) ,致使交通阻塞,到酒后开车,导致每年车祸死亡 25,000 人,伤者至少 65 万人。高速公路上超速行驶的情况又是怎样呢 ? 据近期统计,某些州际高速公路上,通常有 83% 的开车人都无视联邦政府关于最高时速 55 英里的规定。
The most flagrant scofflaw of them all is the red-light runner. The flouting of stop signals has got so bad in Boston that residents tell an anecdote about a cabby who insists that red lights are “ just for decoration ” .The power of the stoplight to control traffic seems to be waning everywhere. In Los Angeles, red-light running has become perhaps the city's
most common traffic violation. In New York City, going through an intersection is like Russian roulette. Admits Police Commissioner Robert J. Mc Guire: “Today it's a 50-50 tossup as to whether people will stop for a red light.” Meanwhile, his own police largely ignore the lawbreaking.
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跑马溜溜的山上最明目张胆的藐视法律的行径要算闯红灯了。在波士顿,无视停车信号的状况已经严重到了如此程度,以至在当地居民中流传着这样一个趣闻:一位出租汽车司机竟然坚持说,红灯只不过是“街头的装饰品而已”。停车指示灯控制交通的能力,似乎处处都在减弱。在洛杉矶,闯红灯恐怕要算该市最常见的交通违章现象。在纽约市,通过交叉路口就象玩俄国赌 ( 参加者轮流用一支只装有一颗子弹的向自己头部扣动扳机——译注 ) ,不知何时就会出事。警察局长罗伯特•麦克盖尔承认:“如今红灯亮了是否停车,就象玩掷币游戏,机会各一半。”而他署下的警察,对这种违章行为大都视而不见。
原谅我这一生放荡不羁爱自由Red-light running has always been ranked as a minor wrong, and so it may be in individual instances. 13 When the violation becomes habitual, widespread and incessant, however, a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved. The flouting o
f basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood. Innocent drivers and pedestrians pay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage, not to mention a justified sense of mortal peril. The significance of red-light running is magnified by its high visibility. If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw's salute to the force of law-and-order. The red-light runner, however, shows no respect whatever for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by any repetitious and brazen display of contempt for the fundamentals of order.