3M China危险警告标志使用指南
Hazard warning labels are an important part of the health and safety controls provided on equipment to warn personnel of potential hazards associated with the equipment. Hazard warning labels should be used when hazards have not been eliminated from equipment through other means (e.g., a complete enclosure of the hazard to prevent exposure) and the potential for exposure to the hazards is still present. This applies both to hazards which can be present at all times during normal operating conditions and hazards which may be present only during specific conditions. Hazard warning labels should be used for the variety of hazards that can be present in equipment including the following:▪Electrical
▪Moving parts
▪Hot surfaces
▪Non-ionizing radiation
The selection of the specific labels to be used will depend on the types of hazards present in the equipment.
This guide will address four basic issues related to the use of hazard warning
When are labels required?
Where should the labels be placed?
数羊数鸡数星星1234567What format is required?
Examples of Warning Labels
When are Labels Required?什么时候需要使用危险警告标志?
In general, labels are not an acceptable substitute for removing or controlling the hazard to safe levels with engineering controls. Labels should be provided as an additional warning when exposure to a hazard is possible during operations, maintenance or service, or other uses of the equipment. As an example, if a maintenance task requires removing a guard which provides protection against moving parts, the guard should be labeled because of the potential for injury from the moving parts. In this case, the hazard is only present when the guard is removed. If a hazard is present at all times during normal operating conditions, the portion of the equipment where th e hazard is present should be labeled.
Where Should Labels Be Placed?危险警告标志应放在什么地方?
If a guard or barrier is used to provide protection against a hazard, the labels should be placed on the barrier, guard, cover or part that must be opened or removed to gain access to the h azard. If there are several layers of barriers (e.g., outer skin and interior guard), the label should be placed on the last barrier to be removed before reaching the hazardous area.
Some examples of this are listed below:
▪Electrical panel access cover or door. The label should be placed on the panel cover or door which would allow exposure to electrical hazards when opened,
▪  A guard over a moving parts hazard. The label should be placed on the last guard or cover which must be removed in order to access the moving parts,
Where equipment contains hazardous or potentially hazardous materials (e.g.
理发师儿歌chemicals, lasers, X-ray sources, a warning label should be placed on the
outside of the equipment to indicate the hazard(s) contained within.
The label should be placed on the equipment where it is most likely to be noticed by personnel who will be working with the equipment and could be exposed to the hazard. This should take into account the following:
▪Direction from which personnel will approach the area of the equipment where the hazard is present. If access is only possible from the rear of the equipment, the label should be placed on the rear of the equipment where personnel will work or access the equipment,
▪Posture of the person when removing the guard or performing tasks that involve the potential for exposure. If a task requires that a person sit on the ground in order to remove a guard or cover, the label should be placed on the guard or cover where it would be easily seen when sitting on the ground or when approaching the equipment for this task.
If the hazard is present in the equipment at all times during normal operating conditions, the label should be placed in an area where it can easily be seen by personnel working with the equipment an
d near the location of the hazard. This should take into account the location where personnel will be when working with the equipment. Thus, if the hazard can be accessed from both front and back, labels will be needed for both the front and rear of the equipment.
What Format is Required?需要什么样的格式?
The basic format requires three levels of information and formatting:
▪  A pictogram / graphic showing what the hazard is,
▪  A signal word (Danger, Warning, Caution) based upon the hazard level,
▪Text describing the hazard, the potential hazardous outcome and the precautions to avoid the hazard
The definitions of the signal words are summarized below:
▪CAUTION: The hazard may result in minor or moderate injury.
▪WARNING:    A potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
▪DANGER: An imminent hazard which, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury.
As an example, the format for an electrical hazard warning label would be the following: ▪Pictogram: Picture of electrical symbol
▪Signal Word Warning
▪Text: Hazardous V oltage
Contact May Cause E lectric Shock or Burn
T urn off and lock out system before servicing
Hazardous warning labels format:
Size 尺寸:
Large 大
Medium 中
Small 小
Examples of Warning Labels危险警告标志范例For example: