A.Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12分)
What is beauty? Ideas of beauty change over time, differ from country to country and differ from male to female. People have always tried to make themselves look beautiful and attractive.
Cosmetics(化妆品) have been used in every country in the world, even in ancient times. The Egyptians used coal to make a thick, dark eye make-up. Their skin was softened with milk and honey and they put oil on their skin to protect it from the sun. By the 1100s, the use of cosmetics had spread to Europe where many women used flour to make their skin look pale. Cosmetics, of course, are still used widely across the world today by women and even by men.
In China, a sign of beauty and the mark of a wealthy woman used to be tiny feet. “Foot-binding(裹脚)” began between the ages of four and seven. In two years, the process came to an end. The perfectly bound foot was only three inches long and was very painful. Women who had their feet bound could hardly walk. Although foot-binding no longer exists, women still damage their feet for beauty. These days, many women choose to wear high-heeled shoes. However, many are not aware of the damage that can be done to their feet and knees.
歌曲那一夜People have always done different things to change the shape of their bodies. In the past, some women used to wear some corsets to make their waists look smaller. A corset was a form of underwear, often made of whale bone and even metal. Although the old-fashioned corset made the person look slim, it was very uncomfortable and years of wearing one often did damage to the person’s organs such as their lungs, heart, liver and stomach.
These days, people go to other lengths to achieve the perfect body: Dieting books fill bo
okshop shelves; gyms are big business; slimming products regularly appear on our TV screens. In the UK, a recent report said that most British women now expect to have cosmetic surgery(整容手术) in their lifetime!
1.From the article, we can learn that people in different places have something in common to make themselves ________.
A) kind                B) polite                C) wealthy            D) attractive
2.Many things were used as cosmetics by ancient Egyptians except ________.
A) flour                B) coal                C) milk                D) oil
3.According to the passage, __________ is a picture of a corset.
A)                  B)                  C)                    D)
4.The underlined phrase “go to other lengthsmeans_____________.
A) make other efforts    B) have other effects    C) go to other places    D) make other decisions
5.Which statement is True according to the article?
A) People from different countries hold the same view on beauty.
宋运辉结局B) Cosmetics are only for women not for men all over the world.
C) Tiny feet used to bring women lots of pain in ancient China.
tara组合图片D) Most British women are not in favor of having cosmetic surgery.
6.The best title of the passage might be ________.
A) The Ways of Being Beautiful                    B) The Definitions(定义) of Beauty
C) The Popular Cosmetic Surgeries                    D) The Changing Ideas of Beauty
B.Choose the best words and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词完成短文) (12分)
Stress(压力) is a problem that each individual has to face in the daily life. Everyone is affected by stressful situations such as losing one’s job or disagreements with family members. One of the most valuable skills you need to learn is how to relax. Relaxation activities help to release stress. Some examples are: breathing deeply and ___1___, yoga, massage, peaceful thoughts and so on.
冷雨夜歌词Practicing relaxation ways regularly will enable you to reach a ___2___ of peace during stressful times.
Sometimes taking part in an activity can take your mind off your problems. Try to find new activities which are playful and peaceful or return to a hobby which you once enjoyed. If y
ou are interested in learning something new, ___3___ taking an education class for knowledge and fun.
Another choice to consider is ___4___ work. There are many organizations which could benefit from your efforts(努力). While helping others, you help yourself. Select an organization which best represents your values and beliefs. You may also benefit from the organization you will favor.
When under stress, our emotions and feelings are affected. It is extremely beneficial to express those feelings to a good friend or a parent who is ___5___ to listen and support us. Often, just by sharing our feelings, we can better understand and deal with them.
Caring about others can help to reduce our stress. We all need to ___6___ and receive love, appreciation, and emotional support. We need to hug, laugh, and share our feelings with family, friends, and even our pets. Crying can also help release stress and it’s a natural, emotional healing process. Now might be the time to express your thanks and love to those you value.