Reading Comprehension
Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.
Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(100points)
第1段:The world’s richest1%are on course to control as much as two-thirds of the world’s wealth by2030,according to a shocking analysis.World leaders are being warned that the continued accumulation of wealth at the top will fuel growing distrust and anger over the coming decade unless action is taken to restore the balance.
谁不说俺家乡歌词第2段:An alarming projection produced by the House of Commons library suggests that if trends seen since the2008financial crash were to continue,then the top1%will hold64%of the world’s wealth by2030.Since2008,the wealth of the richest1%has been growing at an average of6%a year—much faster than the3%growth in wealth of the remaining99%of the world’s population.Should that continue,the top1%would hold wealth equating to$305tn(£216.5tn)—up from$140tn today.
第3段:Analysts suggest wealth has become concentrated at the top because of recent income ineq
uality,higher rates of saving among the wealthy,and the accumulation of assets.The wealthy also invested a large amount of equity in businesses,stocks and other financial assets, which have handed them disproportionate benefits.
第4段:A major problem with the influence exerted by the very wealthy leads to falling levels of trust.In a new polling by Opinium,participants were asked to select a group that would have the most power in2030,and most(34%)said the super-rich,while28%opted for national governments.Those surveyed said they feared the consequences of wealth inequality would be rising levels of corruption(41%)or the“super-rich enjoying unfair influence on government policy”(43%).
第5段:The research above was commissioned by Liam Byrne,the former Labour cabinet minister,as part of a gathering of MPs,academics,business leaders,trade unions and civil society leaders focused on addressing the problem.
第6段:Byrne,who organised the first OECD(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)global parliamentary conference on inclusive growth,cautioned that the already tilted scale of world’s wealth was about to“take its last straw”.“If we don’t take steps to rewrite
阿穆隆的妹妹the rules of how our economies work,then we condemn ourselves to a future that remains unequal for good,”he said.“That’s morally bad,and economically disastrous,risking a new explosion in instability,corruption and poverty.”
第7段:Danny Dorling,professor of geography at the University of Oxford,said the scenario in which the super-rich accumulated even more wealth by2030was a realistic one.“Even if the income of the wealthiest people in the world stops rising dramatically in the future,their wealth will continue to grow for one to two more decades”he said.
1.According to Paragraph1,what would happen by2030
A.World leaders would be relieved of their position.明星款羽绒服
B.Public anger at the wealthiest would be reconciled.
C.The richest would pocket over half of the world’s wealth.
D.The poor would demonstrate their power through protest.
2.It is suggested that the other99%of the world’s population______.
A.was far more impacted by the2008financial crisis than the richest1%
C.has to double its increase rate in wealth to achieve a proportional distribution
3.The results from Opinium’s new polling are mentioned to______.
A.demonstrate people’s declining faith in government sectors
4.The expression“take its last straw”is closest in meaning to______.
刘涛为蒋欣发愁A.collapse under the ultimate burden
B.take the last opportunity
C.face a demanding challenge
Dplete its final process
5.According to Danny Dorling,the current trend of wealth accumulation among the super-rich is.
第1段:The number of people forced to flee their homes rose to a record high in2017,with 16.2millio
n people newly displaced around the world.The figure includes people who have been displaced for the first time,and those who have been forced from their homes multiple times.
第2段:The figure of68.5million displaced people—3million higher than the total population of the UK—includes25.4million refugees,40million internally displaced and3.1 million asylum seekers.The increase came despite the return of more than5million displaced people to their countries of origins.
第3段:Despite its large number,displaced population in some sense is not a ubiquitous issue. The annual figures,compiled by the UN refugee agency,UNHCR(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees),saw five countries accounting for two-thirds of all refugees (excluding those defined as long-term Palestinian refugees):Syria(6.3million);Afghanistan(2.6 million);South Sudan(2.4million);Myanmar(1.2million)and Somalia(986,400).
第4段:The new figures emerged after the actor and director Angelina Jolie,a special envoy for the UN agency,warned of a funding shortfall for the agency’s work in Syria—the largest group of displaced.Speaking during a visit to Domiz Camp in Iraq on Sunday,home to33,000refugees displaced by the Syrian war,Jolie told a press conference that the agency’s appeal for Syrian refugees was hugely underfunded even in comparison with last year.
第5段:When UNHCR’s Syria response was only50%funded last year,and this year it is only17%funded,there are terrible human consequences.We should be under no illusions about this.When there is even not the bare minimum of aid,refugee families cannot receive adequate medical treatment,women and girls will be left vulnerable to sexual violence,many children cannot go to school,and we squander the opportunity of being able to invest in refugees so that they can acquire new skills and support their families.
第6段:The new totals come at the end of a decade of sharply rising numbers of displaced, which have risen inexorably from more than42million in2007to the current total.This means one in every110people in the world is currently displaced,with most of the sharp increase occurring in the last five years.
第7段:Although Syria once again dominated the figures,2017was also marked by a significant rise in displaced people from North and Central America,with increasing numbers of people journeying to seek asylum in Mexico and the US,even as Venezuelans continued to flow out to neighbouring countries.The totals also saw the sixth successive year of increases in the number of refugees under UNHCR’s mandate,with a rise of just under3million last year to a
total just short of20million,the highest known total to date.
6.The current trend of the number of displaced population is the one of______.
7.By listing figures of the five countries,the author intends to show that______.
A.Syria has the largest number of refugees among the five countries
B.the other one-third of the refugees can hardly be identified
C.displaced population concentrates in a few number of countries
D.civil conflicts are most serious in some Middle-east countries
8.According to Jolie,the relief work in Syria faces the problem of______.
A.overpopulation of refugees
B.inadequacy in funding
C.political disagreement
D.local disturbances
9.Which of the following would happen without even minimum aid?
A.Refugees would be deprived of the chance to earn their own living.
B.Females would stand at a grave disadvantage against mistreatment.
C.Children cannot be admitted to schools opened for non-refugees.
D.The spread of epidemic cannot be controlled in refugee camps.
10.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.The Rising Number of Refugees Worldwide
B.The Difficulty in Seeking Political Asylum
C.The Complete Failure of UNHCR’s Mandate
D.The Serious Situation of Syrian Refugees
第1段:Barely3percent of the American work force bikes or walks to work with any frequency,despite the obvious virtues:decreased risks for obesity and diabetes,environmental benefits and lower transportation costs.Ask people why they“eschew”what’s known as active commuting,however,as many surveys have,and the primary reason cited is time.Those things
take too long,most say.
第2段:They’re probably wrong.A new study published in a journal called “Transportmetrica A:Trans
port Science”shows that people often overestimate the time required to commute actively,a miscalculation especially common when someone has secured a parking permit near the office.
第3段:For the study,researchers at Penn State solicited the school’s faculty,staff and students to complete an extensive series of online questionnaires about their fitness,health, commuting and parking habits,comfort and ability on a bike or as pedestrians,distance from home to their main workplace on campus and how long they thought it would take them to either bike or walk that distance.Only a few of the505respondents went by foot or bike;most of them were students.Estimates of commuting times were then compared with the corresponding route times calculated by Google Maps.The researchers independently timed some of the routes by walking or riding them.
第4段:The survey participants—faculty and staff members above all—proved to be generally poor at guessing active-commuting times.About90percent of their estimates were too long by at least10minutes.The few assessments close to Google’s were almost always made by riders or walkers.Parking availability and distances affected the estimates.
第5段:Those with parking permits,a fiercely sought-after campus amenity,tended to overestimate a
ctive-commuting times significantly;the closer someone lived to the workplace,the better the guesses.Confidence had an outsize effect,too.The people surveyed,especially women, who had little bicycling experience or who did not feel physically fit thought that active commuting would require considerably more time than the Google calculations.
第6段:The study is limited,of course,because it relies on an insular,self-selected group of respondents to provide information about themselves,a topic on which people can be surprisingly unreliable.The published results also did not delve into such pressing active-commuting concerns as hygiene,showers or the logistics of carrying changes of clothes.
第7段:“But the study’s results do indicate that time may be less of a barrier to active commuting than many might anticipate,”says Melissa Bopp,an associate professor of kinesiology at Penn State and the study’s senior author.“I’d urge anyone who is considering biking or walking to work to do a test run,”she says,perhaps on a weekend(although the traffic patterns will be different from those during the week).Ask colleagues for route suggestions.“Google is good at finding bike paths,”she says,but it emphasizes brevity and directness over scenery for walkers.
当你孤单你会想起谁原唱11.The word“eschew”(Para.1)most probably means______.