    Being abandoned is one of the most painful experiences one can go through. It leaves a deep scar on the heart and can shatter one's self-esteem. I have personally experienced this feeling of being abandoned, and it has had a profound impact on my life.
    I remember a time when I was in high school. I had a group of friends whom I considered to be my closest companions. We would spend hours together, laughing, sharing secrets, and supporting each other through thick and thin. However, one day, they suddenly started excluding me from their plans and conversations. I felt completely abandoned and left out.
    It was devastating to see them forming new bonds and leaving me behind. I questioned myself, wondering what I had done wrong. I felt like I was not good enough for them, and it took a toll on my self-confidence. The pain of being abandoned by the people I trusted and cared for was unbearable.
    I tried reaching out to them, asking what had happened and if I had done something to upset them. But they ignored my messages and avoided me in school. It felt like a dagger through my heart every time I saw them laughing and having fun without me. I felt like an outsider in my own social circle.
    This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the fickleness of human relationships. People can change, and friendships can fade away. It made me realize the importance of self-worth and not relying on others for validation. I learned to value myself and focus on building my own happiness, rather than seeking approval from others.
你为什么抛弃我    我试图与他们取得联系,询问发生了什么事,是否有什么我做得不对。但他们无视我的消息,在学校里避开我。每次看到他们在没有我的情况下笑和玩得很开心,我感到心如刀绞。我觉得自己成了自己社交圈子中的局外人。