    What Kind of Person I Am
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. My teacher Mr. Roberts asked us to write an essay about what kind of person we think we are. At first, I wasn't sure what to write because it's kind of a big question for a kid like me. But then I started thinking about all the things I like and don't like, and all the things that make me me, and I realized I did have some ideas!
    I think one of the most important things about me is that I'm a really curious person. I'm always asking "why" about everything! Why is the sky blue? Why do dogs bark? Why do we have to go to school? My parents and teachers probably get tired of all my questions sometimes, but I can't help it. There's so much to learn about the world and I want to know it
    I'm curious about everything, but I'm especially curious about science and nature. I love learning about animals, planets, volcanoes, you name it. Last year, I did a whole report on sharks for my science fair project. Did you know that great white sharks can weigh as much as 15 gorillas? Or that they have around 300 razor-sharp teeth? So cool! I wish I could swim underwater and see one up close, but maybe when I'm a little older.
    Speaking of animals, I also think I'm a person who really cares about them. I get so mad when I hear about animals being hurt or endangered. A few months ago, I started a recycling program at my school to help protect animal habitats from pollution. It took a lot of work to set up all the recycling bins and make posters teaching people what they can recycle, but it was worth it. I'm proud that our school creates way less trash now that goes into landfills.
    I care a lot about the environment in general. My parents say I'm a little environmentalist! I turn off lights every time I leave a room to save energy. I've also started bringing a reusabl
e water bottle and lunchbox to school instead of using disposable plastic ones. It's the little things that can make a big difference to help the Earth, you know? I wish everyone cared as much as me about protecting nature and ecosystems.
    Another big part of my personality is that I'm a really active and energetic kid. I love playing sports and running around outside. Soccer is definitely my favorite - I'm a striker on my team and I've scored tons of goals this season! In games, I just never run out of energy. I'm always sprinting up and down the field putting pressure on the other team. No wonder I'm always hungry after practice!
    I'm an active kid, but a lot of times I'm pretty hyper too, especially in class. I just have so much energy bunbled up inside me that it's hard to sit still. But sitting still is really important. One thing I'm trying to get better at this year is being more focused and calm. My mind wanders a lot and I get distracted easily. Like if there's an awkward sound, I can't stop thinking about what it could be. Or if I see something moving outside the window, I have to look over even though I know I shouldn't.
    I'm working on those focusing skills though, because I'm a kid who really cares about doing well in school. I love learning new things and I want to get good grades. Reading and math are probably my favorite subjects. I'm a pretty good reader - I can read all the Harry Potter books already! And in math, I like solving tricky word problems. It's like cracking a secret code. I do have to work hard at school though because some things don't come easily to me, especially writing. Ugh, writing can be so hard!all i want is everything
    Speaking of writing, one other thing about me is that I'm a pretty creative person. I love art class because I get to paint, draw, make pottery, all that kind of stuff. Making art is a great way for me to express myself without words. One time, I made this crazy sculpture out of pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and pom poms that I called the "Crazypillarmuncher." I don't even know what it was, but it sure looked wild!
    I'm creative, but I'm also just a bit of a goofball in general. I love pulling harmless pranks on my friends and family. Like one time, I filled my sister's hair dryer with confetti so when she turned it on, colorful bits of paper went flying everywhere! She wasn't too happy about t
hat one. Another time, I told my friend Jackson that one-humped camels are actually called "humphants." He totally believed me! I just love being silly and making people laugh.