1. This bike is neither    nor    . It’s mine.
  A. yours; my    B. his; her’s    C. hers; mine      D. his; hers
2. -“You ought to do it at once.”
  -“What,      大陆男演员
  A. My    B. Mine      C. I        D. me
3. The peasants had nothing of易燃易爆炸 华晨宇        before liberation.
  A. themselves      B. them      C. theirs      D. their own
4.      is        family that the villagers all admire it.
  A. It; such an united          B. His; such a united
  C. Her’s; so united a          D. Theirs, so an united
5.Long before children are able to speak or understand a language communicate   
through facial expressions and by making noises.
  A. they          B. he          C. we          D. it
6.      student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.
  A. Each        B. One            C. Either        D. Any
7. The problem that we are faced with right now is       of great urgency and so it
needs immediate attention.
  A. that        B. none            C. some          D. one
8. The four goals showed that the team had lost      their old abilities.
  A. nothing of    B. no one of        C. none of        D. no of
9. Precisely the same thought sent the three of us in two different directions,   
A. they to San Francisco and I to New York
B. them to San Francisco and I to New York
C. them to San Francisco and me to New York
D. themselves to San Francisco and myself to New York
10. I want very much to buy this color TV set, but I can’t afford        .
  A. one        B. it          C. that        D. this
11. I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday,       at a proper price but of great use.
  A. one        B. anyone      C. that        D. everything
12. The scholar standing over there was         the great mathematician Chen Jinrun himself.
  A. none other than                B. none the less
  C. no other but                  D. no one but
13. Is this skirt       she likes best?翻过了一座山
  A. one        B. that        C. the one      D. which
14. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live       further 20 years.
  A. another      B. still        C. one        D. a
15.      of the washing-machine works. We must have      repair the two of them.heartbeats伴奏
  A. None; any    B. None; some  C. Either; somebody  D. Neither; someone
16.    of us knows the reason why winter is colder than summer.
  A. Every one    B. Everyone    C. Someone        D. All
17. In some big cities,      is done to make smoke clean before it goes into the air.
  A. a lot of      B. few          C. little          D. any   
18. The committee members are quarrelling,        of being responsible for error.
  A. one accusing the other          B. one accusing another
  C. each accusing other            D. each accusing the other
19. The thieves ran away separately,       carrying a bag.
  A. all          B. each        C. every        D. either
20. Mary and Jones have arrived, but       students in the class aren’t here yet.
  A. other        B. the other      C. the others    D. others