Lesson 66 Sweet a honey!像蜜一样甜!
【New words and expressions】生词和短语s
★Lancaster n 兰开斯特
lancaster :name of the plane
★bomber n 轰炸机, 手
bomber n.轰炸机, 轰炸员, 投弹手
★remote adj 偏僻的
remote village遥远的村庄
lonely island孤岛
lonely lonely christmasremote偏远
★Pacific n 太平洋
Atlantic大西洋/ Indian ocean印度洋/ Arctic ocean 北冰洋
★damage v 毁坏
★wreck n 残骸
wreck强调坏了没用的东西:broken thing (一个坏了的整体,完整的) wrekage强调坏的东西成碎片:piece of
★rediscover v 重新发现
re-表示再, 又的意思
review复习/ reread再读/ rewrite改写/ retell复述
★aerial adj 航空的
★survey n 调查
investigation n.调查, 研究
aerial survey航空调查(跟数据有关系)
★rescue v 营救
★package v 把...打包
pack n. 小包, v. 把...打成小包
package n 大包
package v 把...打成大包
pack it for me
wrap it up for me
package deal :一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款
★enthusiast n 热心人
enthusiast n.热心家, 狂热者
★restore v 修复
★imagine v 想像
imagine doing
imagine it想象一下吧! (口语)
imagine that + 从句
★packing case 包装箱
★colony n , 殖民地
colony n.殖民地, 侨民, (聚居的)一同业, 一批同行, (生物)体colony 一聚居在一起的生物
a colony of ants一蚂蚁
a colony of bees一蜜蜂
a colony of artists一艺术家
a flock of
a flock of goats 羊
a herd of cows 一奶牛
a crowd of (用于人)
★bee n 蜂
★hive n 蜂房
★preserve v 保护
bean curd豆腐
preserved bean curd豆腐乳
preserved fruit果脯
preserved meat腊肉
preserved fish腊鱼
smoked fish熏鱼
can I keep your photo? 我能保存你的照片吗?
how long can I keep it?
can I return it to you?
can I keep it for you?
store the cabbage
store储存, 保存(以便日后使用)
★beeswax n 蜂蜡
本课重点词:1 remote 2 wreck 3 re- 4 package / package deal 5 restore 6 imagine it 7 preserve 【课文讲解】
crash从上往下掉(不及物, on)
crash in the mountain掉到山里
a remot place in the South Pacific 作islant 的同位语
a long way to go 有很长的路要走
west of / east of / south of / north of
在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个in, on, to
Haerbin‘s in the north of China
Korea is on the north of China
★前面又没the, 又没介词, west of=to the west of
west of前面没有任何词修饰的时候, 我们认为处于相离的概念
was too badly damaged损坏得太厉害
over在此之间, 相当于during (over后如有数字则译为“超过” )
over the years 这些年来
over the new year在新年期间/ over the Christmas在圣诞期间
over Spring Festival在春节期间
festival [] n.节日, 喜庆日, 音乐节, 戏剧节, 喜庆, 欢宴, 欢乐adj.节日的, 快乐的
the room remained warm房间还是那么暖和, 注意与“the room was warm.” 的区别, “remain” 有保持的意思
Christmas is coming few days after the beginning of the winter
by this time到这时
in condition处于...状态
in reasonable condition=in good condition
in perfect condition处于完美状态