Unit 6 Reading(2)
1. 能用自己的语言复述故事;
2. 掌握相关语句和知识点;
◆能力目标: 能有感情的朗读文章,体会语言的美;
教学难点:She saw a rabbit in a coat passing by.
          She found herself alone in a long low hall.
          She tried to go through the door.
5.发现她自己单独一个人________________ 6.门全都锁了_________________
9.使某人惊讶_______________ 10.在大厅没有看到人_____________________
11.多云的一天______________  12.问某人时间__________________
海上的月亮歌词                              The rabbit’s diary
That day, on my way home, I saw Alice and her sister ________the river. I ________ quickly. But Alice noticed me. She ________ the field, and jumped down the hole with me. She_______________ in the hall, and tried to find the way out. She opened a small door, but she couldn’t ________ it.
Today, when I took a walk, I heard the students from No. 3 Middle School_______(talk) about how to help Alice. __________ they are! So I will tell them where the key was.
二.Discuss language points
1.) Alice sat by a river with her sister.          by    prep. “在……旁边,靠近”
  She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.    by  adv.  “经过”
2.)She saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.  see sb. doing sth.  “看见某人正在做某事”
3.) How amazing! 感叹句:How + adj / adv +主语+谓语!
                        What +adj+n. +主语+谓语!
张凯丽郭冬临4. )Alice stood up and ran across the field. across the field  “穿过田地”
5.)She found herself alone in a long, low hall.
find oneself … “发觉自己(处于某种状态)”  后加形容词或地点状语
alone “独自的”, 相当于“by oneself, on one’s own”
6.)Alice tried to go through the door.
1.我抬头看见了一辆轿车。I _______ ________ and ________a car.
2.这顶帽子很适合你。 The cap _______ you ________.
3.咱们把衣服从袋子里拿出来吧。Let’s _________ the clothes ________ _______ the bag.
4.对不起,我不知道怎样打开这扇门。I’m sorry I don’t know _________________________.
5.Tom很快地跑过马路,太危险了。Tom ______  _____ the street quickly. It’s _____ ______.
6.老师发现一个小男孩站在门口。The teacher ________a boy _________at the door.
When he woke up, he_______ _______ _______ ________ _______.
8.那儿周围全都是树。There are _______ ________ ________.
9.他抬起头看天上的星星。He________ ________ at the stars in the sky.
10.你刚才为什么追那只狗?Why _______ you _______ ________that dog just now?
11.不要让那些盗贼逃离。Don’t _______ the thieves ________ _________.
12.你当时看到她从旁边经过了吗?______you see _______ _______ ________at that time?
Someone _________him ___________in the classroom at 9 last night.
They couldn’t _______ ________the door because it________ _________.
1.The monkey _________( jump) up and down all the time yesterday.
2.The boy looked sad because his two ______ (key) fell into the river.
3.What ________ (happen) to Alice in Alice in Wonderland?
4.Alice tried _________( go) through the door, but she was too big.
5.Alice ___________(not want) to let the rabbit run away at that time.
6.She cried when she found _______(her) alone at home.
7.Alice was surprised _________(see) a rabbit in a coat.
8.All of the doors ____________(lock). No one could open them yesterday.
艾玛 罗伯茨9.The bus ________(drive) saved a lot of people in the accident.
10.隐秘而伟大结局Jane can play the piano, but she can’t play it well. She needs__________(practice) more.
11.When I __________(pass) the shop, I met an old friend of mine.
12.Mother usually lets me _______________(not watch) TV too much.
13.My mother tells me________(go) to bed early and _______(not play) computer games.
14.Kate, _________(not make) a noise. Father _________(sleep).
15.The car _______(hit) the tree the other day. It was ________(break).
(  )1.Helen has ______ lovely pet dog._______ dog is clever enough to bring her newspapers
      A. a, A      B. the, The      C. a, The      D. the, A
(  )2.The fans were___to know the death(死亡) of their favourite singing star Whitney Huston.
      A. glad        B. angry        C. excited        D. surprised