全文共3篇示例,供读者参考dreams are my reality
    The Moment I Grew Up and My Argument with My Best Friend
    They say there are certain profound moments in life that change you, shape you into the person you will eventually become. The moments that make you grow up and see the world differently than you did before. For me, one of those moments was the huge argument I had with my best friend Sarah last year.
    Sarah and I had been inseparable since we were kids. We lived just two blocks apart and went to the same schools our whole lives. We were like sisters, always there for each other through good times and bad. When one of our families was going through something tough, the other was right there with a shoulder to cry on. We shared everything - clothes, secrets, hopes and dreams for the future. I couldn't imagine my life without her in it.
    Which is why the argument we had cut me so deeply. It exposed issues in our friendship I had been blind to before. Issues of jealousy, growing apart, seeing the world through different lenses. While I thought we were as close as ever, cracks had started to form under the surface that I didn't want to see.
    It all started when Sarah began dating this new guy, Brad. At first, I was really happy for her. Brad seemed nice and they looked so cute together. But after a few months, things changed. Sarah became obsessed with Brad. She started blowing me off to spend time with him instead. She'd cancel our plans at the last minute if Brad wanted to do something. She'd take his side over mine if we disagreed on anything, no matter how small.
    I get that new relationships can make people a little crazy. But this was getting ridiculous. Every time I tried to talk to her about it, she'd just get defensive. "You're just jealous because you don't have a boyfriend," she'd say. Or, "Stop being so needy and clingy. Brad is my world now."
    Those kinds of comments really stung. I wasn't jealous at all, I was happy being single! A
nd I certainly wasn't needy or clingy - I just missed my best friend. The Sarah I used to know.
    Things came to a head at Miranda's birthday party. Sarah showed up late because she was with Brad, of course. When she finally arrived, she was being super snobby and full of herself, going on and on about Brad this and Brad that. After about an hour of her obnoxious behavior, I finally pulled her aside.
    "Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light. She just rolled her eyes at me.
    "What is it now, Emily? God, you've been such a buzzkill all night."
    I took a deep breath, telling myself to remain calm. "I just feel like, ever since you started dating Brad, you've been really different. Like you've changed into this person I don't even recognize anymore."
    She looked at me like I had three heads. "Are you kidding me right now? You're the one
who's been different and weird lately! Always trying to get me to ditch Brad to hang out with you."
    "That's not true at all!" I shot back, my voice starting to rise with frustration. "You're the one who's been ditching me for him constantly. Canceling on me, blowing "
    "Oh my God, here we go with the ditching crap again," she groaned. "I can't be with Brad for two seconds without you freaking out! It's pathetic, Emily. Honestly, you're just jealous that I have an awesome boyfriend and you don't."
    My mouth dropped open in shock. "Excuse me? How dare you! I'm not jealous at all, you're my best friend! Although honestly, I'm not sure who you even are anymore!"
    "Well maybe that's a good thing!" Sarah shouted, her face turning red with anger. "Maybe I've finally realized what a whiny, clingy, insecure loser you are! Always feeling sorry for yourself because no guy wants you!"
    That was it. The line in the sand. My vision went blurry with tears, but I stood up straight
and looked her square in the eye.
    "You're right, Sarah. This jealous, whiny, insecure loser is done," I said, my voice shaking but firm. "I deserve a better friend than this. Have a nice life."
    And with that, I turned on my heel and walked out of the party. I didn't look back as I made my way home, tears streaming down my face. A million different emotions swirled through me - sadness, anger, confusion, heartbreak. I felt like I had lost my best friend forever.
    Over the next few days and weeks, I replayed that argument over and over again in my mind. I agonized over what I could have done differently, if there was anything I said to make her lash out like that. A big part of me hoped she would call or text to apologize, and we could move past it.