1. If Helen likes playing with seals and dolphins, but is only available from 7: to 7: on Sunday, she could choose ________.
A.Tour B
B.Tour C
C.Tour D
2. What can we learn from the chart? ________
A.Each of the four tours in this aquarium lasts half an hour.
B.You can enjoy a happy time at the aquarium on weekdays.
C.Having a cake is OK if you are hungry while watching sea animals.
Meiqi Fact: Many of my classmates are losing weight to look more beautiful. Opinion: There is nothing wrong with being beautiful, but it is not wise to lose weight by dieting(
thing. Exercise more and eat less junk food. This could be the best way to lose weight.
Zixuan Wuhan Fact: Some teenagers are too crazy about their idols (
Opinion: It’s good to like someone with great qualities. But some might spend too much time watching their idols’ shows. Others might buy expensive gifts for their idols. Fans should love their idols in a heal
thy way.
Miaoxi Sichuan Fact: People often wear hanfu on the street.
Opinion: Some might think they are strange, but I don’t think so.
Some people enjoy fashion (
sometimes see girls wearing hanfu in my school, I say to myself, “
That’s a beautiful dress! They are so different!” One day, I will wear hanfu with my classmates and make more foreigners know about it.
3. In Meiqi’s eyes, the best way to lose weigh might be ________.
A.eating less
B.becoming sick
C.exercising more
4. Zixuan thinks idols should ________.
A.have crazy fans
晚秋 下载B.buy gilts for fans
C.have good qualities
5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Miaoxi wants to spread Han’s traditional clothing.
B.Meiqi thinks life is more important than being beautiful.
C.The three students are talking about the problems from teenagers.
The word “zhiyin”, which means close friends who can understand you very well, comes from the story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi in the Warring States Period.
Boya was good a playing guqin. One day, he was playing music on his way home on the boat. To Boya’s surprise, Ziqi, a woodcutter(樵夫)who happened to pass by, could understand exactly what he wanted to express through his music. After a long talk, they
became good friends. Since Boya had to return to his state, they agreed to meet again in the next year.
Unluckily when getting back to visit Ziqi, Boya heard that his friend had died from a disease. Boya was so sad and in front of Ziqi’s tomb(墓), he played again the music he had played when they first met. People were deeply moved when they heard the music because they thought they heard the rivers and mountains crying. When finishing playing, Boya broke his guqin into pieces. From then on, Boya never played again.
People in the Song Dynasty(朝代)built the Guqin Tai in Hanyang, Hubei Province in memory of the deep friendship between Boya and Ziqi, which became an important part of the local culture.
▲ The famous ancient Chinese classical music piece Gaoshan Liushui, also known as High Mountain and Flowing Water, was performed during the G20 Summit(峰会)in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in 2016, which was developed from this story. The musical performance won praise from guests, because it not only showed the beauty of traditi onal Chinese culture, but also expressed China’s wishes to develop its friendship with people from around the world. Besides, during COVID-19, Wuhan, as the city once hit hardest by the disease in China, received masks and other things from its sister cities such as Japan’s Oita. They stood together and looked out for each other.
6. How did Boya feel when he found Ziqi could understand his music? ________ A.Excited. B.Satisfied. C.Surprised.
7. Ziqi did NOT meet Boya again because ________.
A.he was seriously ill
B.be met another friend
C.he was dead
8. From Paragraphs 2—3, we can know that  ________.
A.Boya and Ziqi only met each other once
B.Boya usually played guqin in memory of Ziqi
C.Boya and Ziqi became close friends as soon as they met
9. Which can be the best for ▲ ? ________.
A.Zhiyin culture has new development in the new period
B.Classical music has a very long history around the world
C.COVID-19 brought Wuhan and its sister cities closer together
10. Which of the following can describe the friendship between Boya and Ziqi?
A.A true friend touches your heart.
B.A friend to all is a friend to none.
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Looking at the undone homework on his desk always makes David feel uncomfortable. Often, David leaves his homework behind and surfs the Internet or watches TV instead, waiting until the last minute. “The longer I wait, the more I worry.” says David, aged 15.
Everyone procrastinates(拖延)because they want to feel good now. The way to do that is to avoid the task. You can procrastinate on nearly anything, even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation.
“Some people procrastinate cleaning. Some people procrastinate by cleaning,” says Professor Peter Stone. Research has shown that the top tas ks that young people procrastinate are studying and going to bed. “The most important cause for procrastination is that people are afraid of failure, of not meeting others’ expectations(期待),” Stone adds.
Some people usually feel confident about procrastination. They think they could do things better. But researchers disagree. “I did a study several years ago, asking procrastinators to finish a task in a certain period of time,” says Stone. “They did worse than non-procrastinators (people who don’t procrasti nate): they made more mistakes and they took longer. But they thought they did better.” No matter what the cause is procrastination is not going to be good for you. For example, bedtime procrastination can lead to sleeplessness, which in turn can cause many other health problems.
For those who need some drives to stop procrastinating, the best advice might be to take action first. If you’ve been procrastinating on exercise, just put on your walking shoes. A little bit of progress will get you moving. Next, find something to help you remember to take action. If you want to go to bed at 10:, you might set a timed dimmer switch(渐暗开关)at When the lights are dimmer, you’ll start going to bed. It works for most people. Finally, reward yourself every time you make progress. For example, after you’ve run 3 km, enjoy your favorite ice-cream. But be careful: it won’t wo
rk the other way around.
11. How does the writer lead into the topic of procrastination in Paragraph 1?
A.By raising a question.
B.By listing numbers.
C.By giving an example.
12. What is the most important reason for people’s procrastination? A.Procrastinators can do jobs better.
B.They hope to finish the top tasks first.
C.Procrastinators fear to lose and let others down.
13. From Stone’s study we can know that ________.
A.procrastination does no good to people
B.doing cleaning is a good way to procrastinate
C.procrastinators work better than non-procrastinators
14. The underlined word “reward” in paragraph 4 probably means ________.
15. What can be the best title for this passage?
A.A day of a procrastinator.
B.Say goodbye to procrastination.
C.Want to feel good now? Procrastinate!
Parents are often surprised at their children’s ability to use technology. A five-year-old child may easily find and use apps on a smart phone.    16    Their parents may think their children were born geniuses(天才)!
Natural geniuses, however, are not common. But your parents are right if they think you are smarter than them. Most children are born smarter than their parents. This has been proved(证明) on IQ tests around the world recently. These tests have shown that over the last 100 years, each new generation(个代人) has become smarter than the older ones.    17    And your parents are smarter than your grandparents.
This increase in intelligence(智力) is called the “Flynn Effect(弗林效应)”. It was named after James Flynn. Flynn is a university professor(教授) in New
Zealand.    18    According to his research, with each new generation average(平均的) IQ scores would increase by twenty percent.
19    Flynn and many other researchers believe this has something to do with technology. New technologies have further developed our brains. They have made us think better. So we may be better at completing the missing parts of a puzzle (拼图游戏) than our parents.
But being smart doesn’t make you wise.    20    A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life. For that, a smart kid will turn to the wisdom of his parents and grandparents.
A.Wisdom(智慧) comes with age and experience.
B.He first noticed this in 1980.
C.But why are people getting smarter?