    During the holidays, I usually wake up late in the morning because I don't have to go to school. I love sleeping in and taking my time getting out of bed. After I finally get up, I have a big breakfast with my family. We always have pancakes or waffles with syrup, and sometimes we even make bacon and eggs.
    In the afternoon, I like to play outside with my friends. We ride our bikes around the neighborhood, play soccer in the park, or just hang out and talk. Sometimes we have water balloon fights or build sand castles at the beach. It's always so much fun being outside and enjoying the sunshine.
    At night, my family and I often have a BBQ in the backyard. We grill hot dogs, hamburgers, and corn on the cob. We make s'mores for dessert and sit around the fire pit, telling stories a
nd laughing. It's the perfect way to end the day.
    Before bed, I like to read a book or watch a movie. Sometimes I stay up late because I don't have to wake up early the next day. I love staying up late and having fun with my family.
    Overall, my holiday life is full of relaxation, fun, and good food. I always look forward to my time off from school so I can enjoy all the things I love to do. I can't wait for the next holiday to come around so I can have even more fun with my family and friends.
    Hi everyone! I am so excited to share with you about my holiday life right now. It's super fun and amazing!
    Every morning, I wake up early and have a big breakfast with my family. We all sit together and chat about our plans for the day. Sometimes we go to the park, sometimes we go shopping, or we just stay at home and play games.
    I love spending time with my friends during the holidays. We go to the movies, have sleepovers, and play outdoor games. It's so much fun to be with them all the time.
    In the afternoons, I like to read books or watch my favorite TV shows. I also help my mom with chores around the house. She always says I'm her little helper.
    At night, my family and I have dinner together. We talk about our day and share funny stories. After dinner, we sometimes go for a walk or just relax at home.
    I am having the best time during my holiday. I wish it could last forever. But I know that soon I will have to go back to school. Until then, I will enjoy every moment of my holiday life.
    That's all about my holiday life in the first person present tense. I hope you enjoyed reading it! Have a great day! Bye!
    Hello everyone! My name is Lily and I want to tell you about my vacation life. I am so excited to share all the fun things I am doing during my holiday!
    Every morning, I wake up early and have a big breakfast with my family. We usually eat pancakes, eggs, and fruit. After breakfast, I like to play with my toys and read books. Sometimes my friends come over to play with me. We run around the yard and have a great time together.
    In the afternoons, my family and I go on fun outings. We visit the zoo, go to the beach, or have a picnic in the park. I love seeing all the animals at the zoo and building sandcastles at the beach. It's so much fun to spend time with my family and enjoy the beautiful weather.
    In the evenings, we have dinner together and watch movies or play games. My favorite game to play is hide and seek! I always try to find the best hiding spot so my family can't find me. It's so exciting!
    Overall, my vacation life is full of excitement and joy. I love spending time with my family
and doing fun activities. I can't wait to see what adventures we will go on next. I hope you enjoyed learning about my vacation life!
wake me up before you go篇4
    Hello everyone! I'm going to tell you about my holiday life in the first-person present tense. Are you ready? Let's go!
    I wake up early in the morning during the holidays. I always have a big breakfast with pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Yum! After breakfast, I like to play with my toys and read some books. Sometimes, I watch cartoons on TV.
    In the afternoon, I go outside to play with my friends. We ride our bikes around the neighborhood and play tag. We have so much fun running around and laughing together. Sometimes, we go to the park and play on the swings and slides. It's always a great time.
    For dinner, my mom cooks delicious meals for us. I love her spaghetti and meatballs the most. After dinner, my family and I watch a movie together. We snuggle up on the couch wit
h blankets and popcorn. It's the best way to end the day.