【表达“快乐”】①I'm wild with joy.我欣喜若狂。②I was excited like I won the jackpot.我就像中了头奖一样兴奋。③Nothing would please me more.没有比这更让我高兴的了。④I'm in seventh heaven.我沉浸于极大的快乐之中。⑤I'm walking on air.我高兴得要飘起来了
Balance is the key to life. Focus is the key to success. Contentment is the key to happiness.生活的关键是平衡;成功的关键是专注;幸福的关键是知足。
Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today but eventually.一切都会好起来的,即使不是在今天,总有一天会的。
The most difficult phase of life is not when no one understands you, it is when you don’t understand yourself. 生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。
工作安排】nine to five 朝九晚五;night shift 晚班;graveyard shift 大夜班;insane hours 没日没夜地干;odd hours 工作时间没规律;24/7 on call 一周七天,一天24小时随叫随到;work overtime 加班;flexible hours 工作时间灵活;telecommute 远程工作
You can not run away from weakness.You must some time fight it out or perish. And if that be so, why not now, and where you stand ?(Robert Louis Stevenson) 你不能逃避你的软弱;有时候你必须赶走或消灭它。如果你要这样做的话,为什么不趁现在呢?
【口语聊天中的技巧】1. 有时候,你想说什么,可突然想不起来,你可以说well … let me see,或者just a moment,当然,有句更地道的是:It's on the tip of my tongue话到嘴边忘了。2. 交谈时转移话题不要只会说by the way,可以试试Speaking of ...说到某某,before i forget或者while i remember。
【会议致辞必备语 】值此之际 on the occasion of;借此机会 take this opportunity to;以…名义 in the name of;本着…精神 in the spirit of;代表 on the behalf of;回顾过去 look back on;展望未来 look into the future;圆满成功 a complete success。
【常见的英文标识】1、Business Hours 营业时间;2、Office Hours 办公时间;3、Entrance 入口;4、Exit 出口;5、Open 营业;6、Fragile 易碎;7、One Street 单行道;8、Keep Right Left 靠左右;9、In Shade 置于阴凉处;10、Guard against Damp 防潮
【蔬菜】生菜lettuce;荠菜shepherd's purse;韭菜garlic chive;黄瓜cucumber;芹菜celery;西兰花broccoli;山药yam;南瓜pumpkin;山芋sweet potato;茄子eggplant;扁豆green beans;金针菇needle mushroom;马铃薯potato;红萝卜carrot;洋葱onion;大蒜garlic;姜ginger。
Spring is here and it’s time to think of all the fun activities you can do this season. I think the beginning of spring is a great time to plan how you will enjoy the rest of spring and you may even want to have a spring bucket list. I like to sit and think about the interesting thing
s I want to do in spring. The weather is already warm and the sun shines brightly, so why not try one or two of these fun spring activities right now?春天来了,是时候想想该做些什么有趣的活动了。我认为初春是计划如何享受整个春天的最佳时刻,你甚至会想要列一个玩到挂的清单。我喜欢静静地坐着,思考春天里想做的趣事。天气已暖,阳光灿烂,为什么不行动起来,尝试一下春季活动呢?
1. Go to a botanical garden
One of the best spring activities you can try right now is to go to a botanical garden. Enjoy a day of walking through breathtaking flower gardens and admiring their beauty. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to take beautiful photos. If there is no botanical garden in your city and you’re not sure where the nearest botanical garden is situated, Google will help you to find the one that is closest to you.游览植物园就是最佳春季活动之一,你现在就可以试试。花一天时间,穿过迷人的花园,欣赏它们的美。同时,还可以拍一些漂亮的照片。如果当地没有植物园或者你不确定最近的植物园在哪里,google一下就行了。
2. Plant your favorite flowers
Have you ever tried planting your favorite flowers at home? Spring is the best time of the year to do it. I enjoy planting flowers and nothing boosts my mood like seeing them cheering up my yard. Each time I come home and see my flowers peeking up at me, it really makes me smile and happy. Plus, it reminds me that winter is already gone and the summer is near.苦笑 汪苏泷你尝试过在家里种植你最喜欢的花吗?春天是最佳的时刻。我喜欢种花,没有什么比看着花儿在院子里起舞更开心的。每天回到家里,看到花儿偷看我,让我感到非常开心。另外,它提醒我冬天已经过去,夏天将近。
3. Take a stroll
3. 散步
Spring is a wonderful season when everything comes to life again. I like that feeling of newness of life. I like to hear the birds sing in the morning and see kids playing in the yard. Taking a stroll is one of the best ways to do both. And it’s also the perfect way to get your exercise without actually exercising.春天来了,万物复苏。我喜欢这种新生活的感觉;我喜
4. Have a picnic
I’m sure you would agree that there are a few awesome things about having a picnic. The first thing is that it gives you a wonderful opportunity to spend time outdoors and enjoy the spring weather. The second thing is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on it. The last thing is that picnics are great for all ages.我肯定,你也会觉得野餐很赞。首先,这让你有机会在户外活动,好好感受春天;其次,野餐花销低;最后,野餐适合所有年龄段的人。

5. Enjoy watching the stars come out at night
If you can’t enjoy spring during the day, you can enjoy it at night. I like to sit out on my patio and watch the bright stars come out. It helps me relax after a hard work day. Watching the stars is an amazing thing to do when you are out on a date or after you put your kids to bed.
Have a cup of herbal tea while you enjoy the stars and talk with someone you love. It’s also a great way to spend some ‘me’ time.如果白天你不能好好感受春天,那么你可以晚上来感受。我喜欢坐在露台上,看星星出来。这样我在一天的劳累工作后会感到轻松。当你在约会或者哄小孩睡觉后,欣赏星星都是绝妙的一件事!泡一杯香草茶,边和爱人聊天边赏星星;同时,也是自我消遣时间的好办法。