向他人提出约会请求(一般指男女约会):                      When are you free? 你什么时间有空?
Are you free this Thursday afternoon? 你这个周四下午有空吗?
Are you doing anything tonight? 你今天晚上有什么事情吗?
Do you have plans tonight? 你今晚有安排吗?
Any plans for the weekend? 周末有什么安排?
If you're not 如果你有空的话...
If you'ar not busy tonight, would you like to go out with me? 如果你今晚不忙的话,你愿意和我一起出去吗?
Can we get together and go out some time? 有时间我们能一起出去吗?
Do you want to go to the cinema with me tomorrow? 你明天想不想和我一起看电影?
I heard there is a very good movie out at the monent. I would like someone to come with me,are you interested? 我听说现在有一部电影很好,我想要一个人陪我,你有没有兴趣呢?
A bunch of us are going to the cinema. Fancy coming along? 有几个朋友要去看电影,想不想一起去?
How about going out for dinner? 一起去吃饭好吗?
Grab a coffee. 咱们喝杯咖啡去吧
Let's try and hook up next week. 咱们争取下周约个时间
Why don't we hook up on Monday? 咱们要不周一约个时间见面?
Why don't we do coffee sometime this week? 为什么不这周抽空喝杯咖啡?

Suits me fine. 可以
Sure, I'm not doing anything. 好呀,我确实没有什么特殊安排。
You can call round at any time. 你可以随时来串门。
Welcome to my home at all time. 欢迎你随时来我家。
Drop by sometime. 有空就来吧。
Maybe we can get together sometime. 也许今晚我们可以在一起。
I'm not quite sure if I'm free. 我不肯定是否有空。
I am not sure about tomorrow,maybe next time. 明天我不能确定,也许下次吧。
Really? I'd love to go. But I'm busy on Friday. 真的,我愿意去,但是周五我很忙。
I'm sorry, but I have plans. 对不起,我有安排。
You always have good excuse to refuse me. 你总能到好借口拒绝我的要求。

I'll call and see you if you like. 如果您愿意我想拜访一下您。
When can I visit? 我什么时候能去拜访你?
When can I meet you? 我什么时候能见见你?
Can I pay a visit to you next evening? 我明晚能去拜访你吗?
Is it convenient for me to visit you next evening? 我明天晚上去看你方便吗?
Will it be all right to visit you next evening? 我明天晚上去看你方便吗?
Do you mind if I call on you next Saturday? 你介意我下周六拜访你吗?
I'd like to pay you a visit in person. 我想亲自拜访您。
I'd like to make an appointment with you. 我想和你见个面。
I wanted to set up a time to meet with you. 我想约个时间和你见面。
I need to make an appointment. 我需要订一个预约。
I wonder if I could pay you a visit tomorrow morning. 我想知道明天上午我是否可以去拜访你。
I am afraid that I have to attend a meeting tomorrow morning. 我恐怕明天上午得参加一个会议。
My schedule is pretty tight this week. 我这周日程安排的很满。
The rest of this week doesn't look good for me. 这周剩余的几天我都不方便。
Could we reschedule our appointment? 我们的预约可以改个时间吗?
What time will be convenient for you? 您什么时间方便呢?
When is the most convenient time for you? 您什么时间最方便呢?
Shall I call for you or will you come for me? 我去你还是你来我?
We'll come to you. 我们来见您。
I'll be so glad if you can come 如果您能来我将很高兴。
I'd be glad to. 我很乐意。
That should be fine. 可以
That will be fine. 可以
I'll be waiting for you then. 到时我等你。
I will be expecting you. 我会等你来的。

I'd like to make an appointment with Mrs. Green. 我想约个时间见格林女士
Would you like me to confirm the appointment? 您想让我确认一下您的预约吗?
So you'll come then. Please phone in if you can't make it. 那么就那时来,如果来不了,请打电话给我
Please call me before you come. 你来之前打电话
Please phone me when you are coming. 你来的时候,给我个电话。
Please let me now when you can't come. 你不能来时,请告诉我。
You can reach me at 66304680. 你打电话66304680就能到我
Here is your appointment card. 这是你的预约卡
Bring that with you when you come in. 你来的时候带着它

Please make an appointment with my secretary. 请跟我的秘书定个见面时间
What time do you want to make it? 你要在什么时间呢?
When would be a good time to get together? 什么时间见面合适?
When will be the best time for you? 你什么时候最好?
When will it be convenient for you? 你什么时候方便?
When may I come to see you? 什么时候我来见你?
What time shall we meet? 我们什么时间见面?
What time will you be in? 您什么时候在?
What are you doing next Thursday? 下个星期四你干什么?
What days do you have available? 哪天你有空?
What days is good for you? 哪天好呢?
Are you available tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?
Can I come in tomorrow? 我可以明天来吗?
Can you come in the afternoon? 你今天下午能来吗?
Are you free later this week? 这个星期的后几天你有空吗?
How about sometime next week? 下星期某个时间怎么样?
How about this coming Sunday evening? 这个星期日晚上怎么样?
How about next week? 下周怎么样?
Would Wednesday morning be all right? 周三上午可以吗?
Will 7 o'clock be all right? 7点钟行吗?
I'd like to see you at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, if that's possible. 如果可能的话,我想在下午4点钟见你
Could I make an appointment for Fridayplease? 把我安排在星期五,可以吗?
Can I see her before Friday? 我能周五前见她吗?
Let me see. She has 30 minutes Tuesday afernoon. 让我看看,她周二下午有30分钟
I'll check Mrs.Green's diary and see if I can arrange an appointment for you. 我查一下格林女士的日程表,看能否给您安排一下
She's free on Friday and Saturdsy. 她周五和周六有空
How about today? 今天怎么样?
I shall be free this afternoon. 我今天下午有空
Anytime in the afternoon. 下午的任何时间
Any time will be OK. 任何时间都可以
Any weekend will do. 只要是周末都可以
I can come any time except Sunday. 除星期天外我都能来
Any time between seven and nine. 7点到9点任何时间都行
I can fit you in at 4 pm. 我下午4点为有时间
Let's meet at 6 o'clock tomorrow. 让我们在明天6点见面吧
How about 2 o'clock in the afternoon? 下午两点怎么样?
I'm not quite sure if I'm free. 我不肯定是否有空。
Let's make it nine o'clock Friday morning. 让我们在星期五早上九点再见吧
From 4 to 4:30. 四点到四点半
Monday would be better for me. 星期一会好一点
We have two times open. 2:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon. 我们有两个时间有空,下午2:30分和4:30
I'd prefer the 4:30 time. 我比较喜欢4:30这个时间
I will be there at seven thirty. 我将在7点半到达
Would that be convenient for you? 这对您来说,方便吗?
Does that work for you? 你方便吗?
Yes, that suits me perfectly. 这对我来说,非常合适
Okay, I'll write that down here. 好的,我记下来了
I'll make a note of that. 我将记下来
Ok. See you then. 好,那时见
Please come on time. 请准时来
Try to come a little early. 尽量早来一点
Where will we meet? 我们在哪见面?
let's meet at the station. 让我们在车站见面吧
I'll be in my office waiting for you. 我将在我的办公室等你

You look beautiful tonight. 你今晚真漂亮
You look so pretty today! 你今天真漂亮!
Your voice sounds so sweet on the phone. 你在电话里的声音很甜美
I've really had a good time tonight. 今晚我过得很开心
I've really enjoyed tonight. 我今晚真的很开心
So maybe next week would you like to go for a coffee with me? 下个星期可不可以和我喝杯咖啡?
I'd like to see you again sometime. 希望有时间能再见到你see you tonight
When is your next opening? 你下一次什么时候有空?
Could I see you again? 我们还可以再见面吗?

I am afraid I will be late for the appointment.恐怕我约会要迟到了。
I think I won't get there in time because of the traffic jam. 由于交通堵塞我恐怕不能按时到那儿了。
I am stuck in a traffic jam, and I think I will be late for our appointment. 我遇到塞车了,我想我会迟到了。
I am calling to tell you that I will be a little late. 我打电话是想告诉你我会迟到一会儿。
I am sorry, but I can't meet with you today. 很抱歉,我今天无法和你见面了。
I am afraid I have to cancel the appointment this time. 我恐怕得取消这次约会了。
I would like to cancel our appointment tomorrow. 我想取消明天的约会。
I can't keep the appointment because I am sick. 因为生病所以我不能赴约。
Can we take a rain check? 我们可以改期吗?
We can meet another day. 我们可以改天再见面。
Could we postpone our meeting to next Monday? 我们推迟到下周一见面好吗?
I'm extremely sorry he can't see you at nine o'clock this morning. 很抱歉告诉您,他今天早上九点不能和你见面
He phoned to cancel the meeting. 他打电话来取消会议
Why didn't you mention it in the first place? 你为什么不早说呢?
We just want to put it off until suppertime. 我们只是将会议推迟到晚餐时间
I have to change my appointment from Monday to Thursday. 我不得不把约会从周一改到周四
I want to change this appointment from Thursday to Friday, if It's possible. 如果可能的话,我想把约会的时间从周四改到周五

I was stood up. 我白等了/我被放鸽子了。
She blow me off. 她放我鸽子了。
He stood me up again. 他又放我鸽子了。
How dare you stand me up! 你竟敢放我鸽子!
You broke your date with me again. 你又放我鸽子了。

You need set an appointment with the consulate. 应该和领事馆定好时间
I have an appointment with a lawyer. 我和律师有个约会
I went on a date. 我出去约会了
Can you keep a secret? 你能保证严守秘密吗?
Don't tell anybody, but I dated Bob. 别告诉别人,我和鲍勃约会了